
Peoria Standard

Monday, May 6, 2024

City of Peoria Housing Authority Board of Commissioners met August 28.

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City of Peoria Housing Authority Board of Commissioners met August 28.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Opening: At 4:30 p.m., Chairman Fassino opened the Regular meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance, a moment of silence and roll call.

Roll Call: Commissioners Present: Chairman Fassino, Commissioner Andrews, Commissioner Childs, Commissioner Fox, Commissioner Draeger and Vice Chairman Cannon

Attending PHA Staff: Paul Bollinger, Theresa Switzer, Aldisa Slaughter, Bret Stone, Nicole Krol, and PHA Attorney, Brad Ingram

Community Comments:


Presentation of FSS Graduates: N. Livsey, HCV Family Self Sufficiency Coordinator, stated Demenika Parker has been a participant on the Family Self Sufficiency Program since August 2013. During her time on the program she has continued to work within the nursing field while pursuing her Bachelor’s degree in Public Health Administration. She obtained her Bachelor’s degree in May 2015, and is now a student at Illinois Central College to become a Licensed Practical Nurse. Ms. Demenika plans to utilize her check to pay her educational costs out of pocket and to put a down payment on a home in the near future.

Raisha Milliner joined the FSS Program in October 2011. She received a 2-year extension in 2016 that would allow her to complete her Registered Nursing education and license testing. She recently obtained employment with her newly earned RN license and has been determined to be economically self-sufficient ($0 Housing Assistance Payment (HAP)).

2016 Draft Audit Review:

A. Pulley, CPA Principal stated the documents provided to the Board are draft documents with no anticipated changes and should be considered final. A brief overview of the Financial Statements, which included the Single Audit, a letter of Governance and a Management letter, was presented to the Board. An Unmodified/Clean opinion was issued for the Financial Statements.

Under the Single Audit Report, the Capital Fund Program was issued an Unmodified/Clean Opinion. The HCV Program did have findings with PIC reporting, resulting in a Qualified Opinion being issued. The Management letter included issues that are not considered to be findings, however it was recommended they be addressed.

Chairman Fassino stated he would like to entertain a motion to receive and file the draft report with the expectation of any changes needing to be made, would be ratified at next month’s Regular Board Meeting. Motion moved by Commissioner Andrews, seconded by Commissioner Draeger.

Roll call:

Ayes: Commissioner’s Fox, Cannon, Andrews, Childs, Draeger, and Chairman Fassino

Nay: None, motion carried.

Approval of the July 24, 2017 Regular Board Meeting Minutes:

Chairman Fassino asked for a motion to approve the minutes from the July 24, Regular Board Meeting as presented. Motion moved by Commissioner Cannon, seconded by Commissioner Andrews.

Roll call:

Ayes: Commissioner’s Fox, Cannon, Andrews, Childs, Draeger, and Chairman Fassino

Nay: None, motion carried.

CEO Report:

P. Bollinger stated there was notification from HUD received this afternoon that PHA is a recipient of the FY2017 Capital Fund Emergency Safety and Security Grant. $188K will be issued to install new security lighting at Harrison Homes.

Finance has begun working on budgeting sessions with Asset Management as well as inventory, which is projected to be a significant write off comparable to last year.

Occupancy for this month was 97.85%, which is down 1.13% from last month although still above 97%. Rent Collection is down by 2.49%. Asset Managers continue to work with the FSS and ROSS coordinators to assist families with rent collection issues. TARS continue to move in the wrong direction, also due to rent collection.

There has been a considerable increase in comparison, with 14 additional delinquent Public Housing recertifications.

The HCV management staff has been working with the accounting department and Tenmast to resolve VMS issues affecting the 2-Year Tool projections.

There have been significant improvements made with the HCV program regarding delinquent HQS inspections. HR continues to search for a candidate to fill the Sr. Asset Manager position, which replaces both the Director of Asset Management and MOD Director.

The numbers for the Strategic Planning RFP have been submitted. Once the numbers have been tabulated, management will be in the position to award the contract and begin scheduling a Strategic Planning Session with the Board and staff.

Reports: Chairman Fassino stated all six reports will be voted on at the same time.


T. Switzer noted the Operating Income before depreciation for July was a negative $11,799 where the budget was $122K, leaving LIPH $134K behind budget. T. Switzer stated after investigation, the maintenance charges for materials/supplies and grounds are consistently over budget for all AMPs.

RiverWest is the only property showing a $22K income, due to increased rent and low maintenance charges. Finance continues to investigate HCV department issues regarding a large variance in HAP payments vs. HAP income.

The COCC is over budget by 108K due to interest income which was not budgeted, along with a position that was budgeted and never filled.

T. Switzer stated the Finance department is currently working on simplifying the budget formats. Two years of comparison, 2015 and 2016 along with a projected 2017 have been added to provide the Asset Managers with a better understanding of controlling income and expenses.

A test inventory will be done at Sterling Towers to compare to what is currently showing in the system. Once the testing is complete, the results will be brought to the Audit and Finance Committee.

Asset Management:

Chairman Fassino stated if there are charts, tables, and graphs included in the reports which the board feels are insufficient or meaningless, it is the board’s responsibility to inform management of any desired changes. Chairman Fassino commented on the continuing upward trend of occupancy, noting the ongoing issue of not doing a sufficient job at rent collection.

P. Bollinger stated once the HCV department has fully implemented the ACH process for issuing HAP payments electronically, Asset Management will transition to a process of giving the tenant the capability of making payments electronically or by debit card, which is targeted for the second quarter of 2018.


Chairman Fassino commented on the 27 late re-examinations listed on the PIC Reexamination Report. A. Slaughter stated these reexaminations were not completed effective July 1. Staff is working extremely hard to have recertifications completed within 60-90 days.

Chairman Fassino questioned the late inspections noted on page 65. A. Slaughter explained the late inspections are connected to the late reexaminations.


No comments from the Board.

Human Resources:

No comments from the Board


No comments from the Board

Chairman Fassino asked if there were any additional questions or concerns about the Reports. Hearing none, Chairman Fassino called for a motion to approve Reports 1-6, as submitted. Motion to approve moved by Commissioner Andrews seconded by Commissioner Draeger. Roll call:

Ayes: Commissioner’s Cannon, Fox, Andrews, Childs, Commissioner Draeger and Vice Chairman Fassino

Nay: None, motion carried.

Resolution #082817-01- Approval To Post The Fy2018 Annual Agency Plan For A 45- Day Comment Period

P. Bollinger stated the board received the proposed changes to the Admissions and Continued Occupancy Policy (ACOP), which governs the Public Housing Program as well as the Administrative Plan which governs the HCV Program. The proposed changes will be posted at the Main Library as well as the PHA sites and Administrative building. Because PHA does not have a Resident Advisory Board, the changes will be presented to all of the sites giving the residents the opportunity to ask questions and propose any changes. A Special Board meeting, which will include public comment for the closure of the 45 day comment period, will be scheduled for October 16, 2017. If additional items are added to the agenda, a public hearing only will be scheduled for that day, and the Regular Board meeting will be rescheduled for the following Monday. The public hearing will include all responses provided from the public comment period. The only item not included in the proposed changes is the No Smoking Policy. A meeting has been scheduled with the Hult Center to discuss the proposed policy and to schedule times for Hult representatives to meet with residents about going smoke free.

Commissioner Draeger requested management to expand on the possibility of adding language to include Guard and Reserve to the requirements for be considered an independent student, rather than only a Veteran of the Armed Forces.

Chairman Fassino asked if there were any additional questions or concerns about Resolution #082817-01 Hearing none, Chairman Fassino called for a motion for approval to post the FY2018 Annual Agency Plan for a 45-day comment period. Motion to approve moved by Commissioner Cannon seconded by Commissioner Fox.

Roll call:

Ayes: Commissioner’s Cannon, Fox, Andrews, Childs, Draeger and Chairman Fassino

Nay: None, motion carried.

Resolution #082817-02 Approval Of Risk Control Policy

B. Stone stated this policy arose from the Safety Committee. The agency goals require staff to increase the number of qualifications HAIG, the housing authority’s insurance group, has listed for staff to accomplish. Having a Board approved Risk Policy is one of the qualifications, which would prevent and control losses and potentially decrease premiums.

Chairman Fassino asked if the Board approves a Risk Control Policy Statement, and the Resolution indicates such, does that accomplish what needs to be accomplished.

B. Stone answered yes. The Board will be approving the policy that PHA will support a safe environment. P. Bollinger suggested having the Resolution amended to Approval of the Risk Control Policy Statement. Chairman Fassino suggested B. Stone provide the policy procedures to the Personnel Committee for review and the Resolution be deferred to next month’s Board meeting.

Chairman Fassino asked if there were any additional questions or concerns about Resolution #082817-02. Chairman Fassino called for a motion to defer Resolution 082817-02 Approval of Risk Control Policy to next month’s Regular Board meeting. Motion to approve moved by Commissioner Fox seconded by Commissioner Cannon.

Roll call:

Ayes: Commissioner’s Fox, Cannon, Draeger, Andrews, Childs, and Chairman Fassino

Nay: None, motion carried.

Resolution #082817-03 Authorization From The Board To Proceed With Submitting A Letter Of Interest To Pursue A Complete Portfolio Conversion To The Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD)

P. Bollinger stated HUD has lifted its cap on RAD units, and PHA would like to submit a letter of interest for all units to be converted to RAD. This will allow the PHA to be placed on the waitlist and be given the opportunity to convert all or a portion of units over to RAD when awarded. This will be combined with the strategic planning process in deciding what the long term strategic plan is of our physical assets.

Chairman Fassino asked if there were any additional questions or concerns about Resolution #082817-03 Hearing none, Chairman Fassino called for a motion to approve Resolution 082817-03 Authorization from the Board to proceed with submitting a letter of interest to pursue a complete portfolio conversion to the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD). Motion to approve moved by Commissioner Andrews seconded by Commissioner Draeger.

Roll call:

Ayes: Commissioner’s Fox, Cannon, Draeger, Andrews, Childs, and Chairman Fassino

Nay: None, motion carried.

Resolution #082817-04 Approval To Revise The Employee Handbook

B. Stone stated the weapons policy has been updated along with the previously mentioned Risk Policy and Employee Dating Policy being added.

Chairman stated the Risk Control Policy statement isn’t anything he would find objectionable, and the fact it is included should not be reason to withdraw it from the handbook.

Chairman Fassino asked if there were any additional questions or concerns about Resolution #082817-04 Hearing none, Chairman Fassino called for a motion to approve Resolution 082817-04 Approval to revise the Employee Handbook. Motion to approve moved by Commissioner Cannon seconded by Commissioner Fox.

Roll call:

Ayes: Commissioner’s Fox, Cannon, Draeger, Andrews, Childs, and Chairman Fassino

Nay: None, motion carried.

Resolution #082817-05 Approval To Implement An Hcv Payment Statndart At 102% Of The Published 2016 Fair Market Rent

A. Slaughter stated every year the PHA is required to review Fair Market rents for the area. Upon that review, an increase was identified which required the payment standards to be adjusted.

Commissioner Draeger asked where the increase would be taken out of.

P. Bollinger explained, historically, PHA has been at 98% payment standards. Because of a large reserve on the HCV program, the standard was raised to 102%, which allows families the opportunity to find housing in better opportunity areas.

Chairman Fassino asked if there were any additional questions or concerns about Resolution #082817-05 Hearing none, Chairman Fassino called for a motion to approve Resolution 082817-05 Approval to implement an HCV payment standard at 102% of the published 2016 Fair Market Rent. Motion to approve moved by Commissioner Draeger seconded by Commissioner Childs.

Roll call:

Ayes: Commissioner’s Fox, Cannon, Draeger, Andrews, Childs, and Chairman Fassino

Nay: None, motion carried.

Open Items List:

P. Bollinger stated PHA is providing leases to Heyl Royster for submitting one application to bring the tax exempt certification to the River West and Harrison Homes properties. This should be completed by the end of this year.

PHA Attorney, Brad Ingram stated he has been working with City Attorney to bring some resolution to some of the outstanding issues as it relates to the City of Peoria signing the Recovery Agreement. The City is reluctant to sign even though there is nothing being asked outside of the existing statutory requirements.

Legal has requested the City to list specific objections in writing, which will then be sent to HUD.

OMA training has been completed by all Commissioners, however Lead the Way training is still outstanding for a few individuals. Commissioners are to email N. Krol for the link to access the training if needed. The Working Policy Session will be included in the Strategic Plan.

A meeting with Commissioner Cannon and P. Bollinger was held to discuss housing Ex-Felons. P. Bollinger invited the Board to take part in a conference call scheduled for August 29, 2017 to discuss a work study program preference for ex-felons.

The PHARS team will be on-site a couple of days in September. P. Bollinger encouraged the Board to make time to meet with the team while they are visiting.

The Voluntary Compliance Agreement (VCA) deliverables have all been met.

Agency Goals Update:

P. Bollinger stated all goals have been updated, however the current report is missing the update details due to a formatting error.

Taft Homes Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Application And Redevelopment Update:

P. Bollinger stated an update will be provided to the Board on September 22, 2017 on the 9% redevelopment project PHA had previously applied for here in Peoria.

New Business:

P. Bollinger gave an overview of PHAS scoring.

Public Housing is scored on Physical, Financial, Management and Capital Fund. Physical has a total point value of 40, Financial 25, Management 25, and Capital Fund has 10 points with a total of 100 points between all 4 indicators. 59 and below is considered a troubled agency. Each of PHA’s properties is weighted differently for each of these indicators. Based off of the PHAS overall appeal and what was anticipated for appeals to REAC inspections, PHA should be scored right at 60.

Board Comments:

Chairman Fassino requested the Commissioners to provide feedback on the new agenda format for the Board meetings.

Executive Session:

The board may adjourn to, or meet solely in, executive session for, 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2) - collective negotiating matters and 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1) – the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees. Chairman Fassino asked for a motion to move into Executive Session. Motion moved by Commissioner Fox seconded by Commissioner Cannon.

Roll call:

Ayes: Commissioner’s Cannon, Fox, Andrews, Childs, Draeger, and Chairman Fassino

Nay: None, motion carried.

Entered Executive Session at 6:36 p.m.

Adjournment of Executive Session, and Return to the Regular Board Meeting:

Chairman Fassino asked for a motion to adjourn from Executive Session and return to the August Regular Board Meeting. Motion moved by Commissioner Childs, seconded by Commissioner Andrews. Roll call:

Ayes: Commissioner’s Cannon, Fox, Andrews, Childs, Draeger, and Chairman Fassino

Nay: None, motion carried.

Return to Regular Board Meeting at 7:26 p.m.

Adjourn Regular Board Meeting:

Chairman Fassino asked for a motion to adjourn from the August Regular Board Meeting. Motion moved by Commissioner Childs seconded by Commissioner Andrews.

Roll call:

Ayes: Commissioner’s Cannon, Fox, Andrews, Childs, Draeger, and Chairman Fassino

Nay: None, motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 7:31 p.m.




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