
Peoria Standard

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Woodford County Board met April 17.

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Woodford County Board met April 17.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Board met and was called to order by Chairman Glazier.

Chairman Glazier began the meeting with a moment of silence and then led all present in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll call by the Clerk. Present: Russell Cotton, John Delaney, Stanley Glazier, Richard Hill, Douglas Huser, Jason Jording, Bryant Kempf, Duane Kingdon, John Krug, Barry Logan, Blake Parsons, Andy Rokey, Pete Streid, and Donald Tolan. Absent: Randy Roethler whom Chairman Glazier stated was excused. Also present was County Clerk Debbie Harms.

Board announced in session by the Chairman.

Clerk Harms presented and read the Certificate of Giving Notice for this meeting.

Mr. Cotton moved the Certificate be approved as read, which motion was seconded by Mr. Rokey and was unanimously carried.

Clerk Harms submitted the minutes of the March 22, 2018 regular session County Board meeting for additions, corrections and approval.

Mr. Parsons moved to approve the minutes of the March 22, 2018 regular session County Board meeting as mailed, which motion was seconded by Mr. Kingdon. Chairman Glazier called for any corrections or objections to these minutes and there was none. He called for the vote and it unanimously carried.

Chairman Glazier stated there were no executive session minutes to review.

Chairman Glazier stated no one had signed up for public input on the sign-in sheet. As no one responded to Chairman Glazier’s call for public input, he announced the end of such.

The meeting continued with “Appointments”. Mr. Cotton moved to approve the appointment of James A. Springer to the Metamora Rural Fire Protection District for a three year term expiring May 1, 2021, which motion was seconded by Mr. Rokey and was unanimously carried.

Mr. Delaney moved to approve the reappointment of Paul Wm. Jury to the Linn-Mt. Vernon Cemetery Association for a six year term expiring April 30, 2024, which motion was seconded by Mr. Parsons and was unanimously carried.

Mr. Hill moved to approve the appointment of Steven R. Beschorner to the Linn-Mt. Vernon Cemetery Association to complete the unexpired four year term of Bruce Falk expiring April 30, 2018, which motion was seconded by Mr. Kingdon and was unanimously carried.

Mr. Delaney moved to approve the reappointment of Steven R. Beschorner to the Linn-Mt. Vernon Cemetery Association for a four year term expiring April 30, 2022, which motion was seconded by Mr. Krug and was unanimously carried.

Mr. Rokey moved to approve the reappointment of Timothy L. Schoon to the Linn-Mt. Vernon Cemetery Association for a three year term expiring April 30, 2021, which motion was seconded by Mr. Cotton and was unanimously carried.

Mr. Delaney moved to approve the reappointment of Robert Beschorner to the Linn-Mt. Vernon Cemetery Association for a three year term expiring April 30, 2021, which motion was seconded by Mr. Kingdon and was unanimously carried.

Mr. Rokey moved to approve the appointment of Gretchen A. Strauch to the Linn-Mt. Vernon Cemetery Association to complete the unexpired three year term of Janet Griffin expiring April 30, 2018, which motion was seconded by Mr. Delaney and was unanimously carried.

Mr. Huser moved to approve the reappointment of Carolyn Flowers to the Roanoke Fire Protection District for a three year term expiring May 13, 2021, which motion was seconded by Mr. Hill and was unanimously carried.

Mr. Kingdon moved to approve the reappointment of Gretchen A. Strauch to the Linn-Mt. Vernon Cemetery Association for a three year term expiring April 30, 2021, which motion was seconded by Mr. Delaney and was unanimously carried.

Mr. Kingdon moved to approve the reappointment of Greg Slayton to the Secor Fire Protection District for a three year term expiring June 12, 2021, which motion was seconded by Mr. Rokey and was unanimously carried.

Mr. Cotton moved to approve the reappointment of John Schaer to the Spring Bay Fire Protection District for a three year term expiring May 1, 2021, which motion was seconded by Mr. Tolan and was unanimously carried.

Chairman Glazier stated the appointment of Doug Huser to Tri-County Regional Planning Commission as a representative for Woodford County for a one year term expiring the first Monday in December, 2018, would be pulled tonight and there would be no action on it.

Mr. Hill moved to approve the appointment of Conrad Moore to the PPUATS (Peoria/Pekin Urbanized Area Transportation Study) Technical Committee to replace Lindell Loy, which motion was seconded by Mr. Huser and was unanimously carried.

The agenda continued with Petitions, Resolutions, and/or Motions.

Mr. Jording moved to approve Ordinance #011 being the Woodford County Travel Ordinance, which motion was seconded by Mr. Kempf and was unanimously carried.

Mr. Cotton moved to approve Resolution #037 resolving an application be made to the Division of Public and Intermodal Transportation, Illinois Department of Transportation, for a financial assistance grant under the Illinois Department of Transportation’s general authority to make such grants, for the purpose of off-setting certain public transportation facility capital costs of Woodford County (concerns We Care). The motion was seconded by Mr. Huser and unanimously carried.

Mr. Huser moved to approve Ordinance #010 regarding Utility Permits, which motion was seconded by Mr. Rokey and was unanimously carried.

Mr. Huser moved to approve Resolution #038 to award County and various Township MFT maintenance contracts for seal coat, Section 18-XX000-15-GM. The motion was seconded by Mr. Delaney and unanimously carried.

Mr. Delaney moved to approve Resolution #039 to award various Township MFT maintenance contracts for calcium chloride, Section 18-XX000-01-GM. The motion was seconded by Mr. Rokey and unanimously carried.

Mr. Cotton moved to approve Resolution #040 to award construction contract to Halverson Construction Company Inc. for County Highway 5 Bridge Bearing Replacement over West Branch Panther Creek, Section 15- 00160-00-BR. The motion was seconded by Mr. Hill and Mr. Jording stated he would abstain from voting on such. Motion carried with noted abstention.

Mr. Kingdon moved to approve Resolution #041 authorizing the Board Chairman to execute an engineering agreement for structural design, quantity calculations, and plan review with Wendler Engineering Services Inc. for a culvert replacement project, Section 16-00165-00-BR. The motion was seconded by Mr. Huser and unanimously carried.

Mr. Cotton moved to approve Resolution #042 authorizing the Board Chairman to execute an engineering agreement for structural review and design of a standpipe foundation with Wendler Engineering Services Inc. for a culvert replacement project, Section 17-00168-00-DR. The motion was seconded by Mr. Parsons and unanimously carried.

Mr. Cotton moved to approve Resolution #043 requesting consent to the appointment of Conrad Moore, P.E. as Acting County Engineer, which motion was seconded by Mr. Rokey and was unanimously carried.

Mr. Delaney moved to approve Resolution #044 certifying Conrad Moore, P.E. to take the examination for County Engineer, which motion was seconded by Mr. Logan and was unanimously carried.

Mr. Logan moved to approve Ordinance #006 being the Woodford County Animal Control Ordinance, which motion was seconded by Mr. Delaney. It was pointed out there was no change from the prior Ordinance concerning the first sentence of Section 13. Running at Large, “No owner shall cause, allow, or permit his/her dog to run at large in the County of Woodford that are subdivided for residential purposes.” Chairman Glazier called for the vote and it unanimously carried.

Mr. Cotton moved to approve Ordinance #012 concerning the licensing of raffles and poker runs, which motion was seconded by Mr. Hill. Mr. Hill stated the State’s Attorney had reviewed the Ordinance and made some corrections to make it easier for citizens to use. It would probably be “tweaked” as time passed.

Mr. Hill moved to amend Item i. on page 3, under II. Poker Runs and strike “that have” so that portion of the sentence should read, “Bona fide religious, charitable, labor, business, fraternal, educational, veterans’ organizations, or other not-for-profit organization that operate without profit to their members and.”. The motion was seconded by Mr. Jording and unanimously carried.

Chairman Glazier called for the vote on the motion as amended and it unanimously carried.

Mr. Logan moved to approve Resolution #045 to enter into the intergovernmental agreement with the Village of Roanoke for their dedicated police protection, which motion was seconded by Mr. Parsons and was unanimously carried.

Mr. Logan moved to approve Resolution #046 resolving that many of the window treatments in the facility be replaced for an amount not to exceed $14,000 as presented in the proposal of SunGard of Peoria, which motion was seconded by Mr. Delaney. In response to several questions, Chief Deputy Dennis Tipsword stated there was additional information in the Board packets as there had been some questions about the warranty. Of the three proposals received SunGard had the lowest bid and the longest warranty. There would be a recount of the windows, and that was why there was a not to exceed price, after the approval of this Resolution. Chairman Glazier called for the vote and it unanimously carried.

Mr. Logan moved to approve Resolution #047 to enter into the intergovernmental agreement with the Village of Germantown Hills for their dedicated police protection, which motion was seconded by Mr. Cotton and was unanimously carried.

The only item under New Business as listed on the agenda was “Intergovernmental Agreement for Animal Control Services between the County of Woodford and the Village of Spring Bay”. Mr. Logan moved on such, which motion was seconded by Mr. Rokey and was unanimously carried.

Nothing was listed under Unfinished Business as found on the agenda.

Clerk Harms presented the Claims Paid in Vacation since the last meeting of the Board.

Mr. Kempf moved to approve the Claims Paid in Vacation since the last meeting of the Board, which motion was seconded by Mr. Rokey.

Chairman Glazier called for any additional claims to be Paid in Vacation. Mr. Kempf presented two claims to be Paid in Vacation in the amount of $100.00 each for two Probation Officers regarding the first quarter specialty pay for MRT Group. Chairman Glazier called for the vote on all claims concerning Paid in Vacation and it unanimously carried.

Mr. Tolan presented and read Resolution #048 relative to the payment of the Claims.

Mr. Tolan moved for the adoption of Resolution #048, which motion was seconded by Mr. Cotton. Chairman Glazier called for a roll call vote. County Board Members voting Aye: Duane Kingdon, John Krug, Barry Logan, Blake Parsons, Andy Rokey, Pete Streid, Donald Tolan, Russell Cotton, John Delaney, Stanley Glazier, Richard Hill, Douglas Huser, Jason Jording, and Bryant Kempf. County Board Members voting Nay: None. County Board Members absent: Randy Roethler. Motion carried.

The Report of the County Treasurer on receipts and disbursement of the General Fund, current fund balances and interfund transfers for the period ending March 31, 2018 was presented, as well as a handout regarding the Revolving Loan account as of March 31, 2018. Treasurer Andrews reported she reviewed the workers comp audit and instead of the County owing money she found some errors that resulted in the County receiving a refund of $1,593.00 that would be deposited into the Tort Fund as this was where the premiums were originally paid from.

Mr. Cotton moved to place all of the Treasurer’s reports on file, which motion was seconded by Mr. Delaney and was unanimously carried.

The Report for the Office of County Board dated April 17, 2018 was presented. Mr. Rokey moved to place the Report on file, which motion was seconded by Mr. Cotton and was unanimously carried.

Clerk Harms presented the list of correspondence to be placed on file for the April 17, 2018, County Board meeting:

• Warrant of Appointment for Clayton Township appointing John H. Ryan 5th to the Office of Trustee due to the resignation of Richard Burmood.

• Minutes of the Finance & Economic Development Committee meeting held March 12, 2018.

• Minutes of the Road and Bridge Committee meeting held March 8, 2018.

• Minutes of the Public Safety Committee meeting held March 12 and of the Executive Session meeting held March 12, 2018.

• Minutes of the County Offices Committee meeting held March 13 and of the Special meeting held March 22, 2018.

• Minutes of the Conservation, Planning, and Zoning Committee meetings held February 13 and March 13, 2018.

• Minutes of the Liquor Committee meeting held December 29, 2017.

Mr. Hill moved to place all correspondence on file, which motion was seconded by Mr. Cotton and was unanimously carried.

The respective Chairmen gave the reports of each Standing Committee.

Mr. Huser, Chairman of the Road & Bridge Committee, asked Acting County Engineer Conrad Moore, P.E. to give an update for the Highway Department.

Acting County Engineer Moore introduced himself and stated he had been working for the County for almost three years. If anyone had any questions, they should contact him.

Mr. Hill, Chairman of the Finance and Economic Development Committee, reported the Committee was checking with the Department Heads regarding the budget. He also commented on the Raffle Ordinance the Board moved forward with at tonight’s meeting.

County Treasurer Andrews added that for anyone who missed the Audit presentation at the Finance and Economic Development Committee meeting, these documents were in the Members “mail boxes” found in the Board Room. They would be left there for one month and after that time could be picked up in the Treasurer’s Office.

Mr. Jording, Chairman of the Public Safety Committee, turned the reporting over to Mr. Tolan.

Mr. Tolan reported the Committee was working on the County Board Room Use Policy as well as discussing the Public Safety Sales Tax. Both of those topics were moved to next month.

Mr. Kingdon, Chairman of the Conservation, Planning, and Zoning (CPZ) Committee, reported the Committee was finishing the Subdivision Code and hopefully it would be brought forward next month. The Committee had met with State’s Attorney Minger and if the Board Members read their minutes, they would get a good overview on what was discussed at the meeting.

Chairman Glazier reported Eric Miller contacted him in regard to billing the municipalities concerning their appointments to Tri-County Regional Planning Commission and if it was ok with the County Board, Tri- County would bill the Mayors directly for such representation. Chairman Glazier asked if anyone had a problem with Tri-County billing directly and the consensus was no problem.

Chairwomen Andrews of the Health Care Committee (Health Insurance Committee) reported there was no need for a meeting this month and the next meeting was May 9 at 3:00 p.m.

Mr. Kingdon reported for the Zoning Board of Appeals and how there were two things on the agenda for this month. One was for a Variance and the other for a Special Use for an event. The Special Use was for a wedding venue located at Route 251 and Panther Creek that use to be an old rest stop. This was a very nice area and would be a good business venture coming into Woodford County.

Chairman Glazier reported there should be a name for an appointment to the Veterans Assistant Commission Office next month.

Chairman Glazier asked for a motion to enter into executive session. Mr. Jording moved to go into Executive Session for a matter concerning litigation per 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11) and to have the State’s Attorney remain for such session, which motion was seconded by Mr. Kempf. Chairman Glazier called for a roll call vote. County Board Members voting Aye: John Krug, Barry Logan, Blake Parsons, Andy Rokey, Pete Streid, Donald Tolan, Russell Cotton, John Delaney, Stanley Glazier, Richard Hill, Douglas Huser, Jason Jording, Bryant Kempf, and Duane Kingdon. County Board Members voting Nay: None. County Board Members absent: Randy Roethler. Motion carried.

Chairman Glazier stated he did not anticipate any action coming out of executive session.

The County Board Members, State’s Attorney Greg Minger, and County Clerk Debbie Harms were in attendance for this session. The time was approximately 7:00 p.m.

* * *

Mr. Parsons moved the County Board come out of Executive Session, which motion was seconded by Mr. Rokey and was unanimously carried. The time was approximately 7:16 p.m.

Chairman Glazier called for any community announcements as listed on the agenda. Mr. Huser stated a breakfast was being held at the Washburn Legion next Sunday.

Mr. Rokey moved to adjourn, which motion was seconded by Mr. Delaney and was unanimously carried.

Chairman Glazier announced the Board adjourned.



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