Illinois State Senate District 29
Recent News About Illinois State Senate District 29
Illinois General Assembly: SB1183 actions on Aug. 16
The following actions were taken on Aug. 16 in the Senate on Senate bill SB1183 ("veh cd-police memorial spouses"): "Public Act . . . . . . . . ." and "Governor Approved".
Illinois General Assembly: HB2247 actions on July 12
The following actions were taken on July 12 in the House on House bill HB2247 ("mhddsa-family counseling"): "Public Act . . . . . . . . ." and "Governor Approved".
Illinois General Assembly: HB831 actions on July 12
The following actions were taken on July 12 in the House on House bill HB831 ("child abuse reports-dph-dhfs"): "Public Act . . . . . . . . ." and "Governor Approved".
Illinois General Assembly: HB3038 actions on July 12
The following actions were taken on July 12 in the House on House bill HB3038 ("sexual assault-treatment"): "Public Act . . . . . . . . ." and "Governor Approved".
Illinois General Assembly: SB1726 actions on May 16
The following actions were taken on May 16 in the House on Senate bill SB1726 ("alzheimer's-advisory committee"): "Placed on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading - Short Debate", "Second Reading - Short Debate", "Added Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Ann M. Williams" and "Added Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Deb Conroy".
Illinois General Assembly: HB38 actions on May 29
The following actions were taken on May 29 in the House on House bill HB38 ("crim cd-place of worship"): "Added Co-Sponsor Rep. Dan Ugaste", "Added Co-Sponsor Rep. Jonathan Carroll", "Added Co-Sponsor Rep. Dave Severin", "Passed Both Houses", "House Concurs" and "Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 House Concurs".
Illinois General Assembly: HB831 actions on May 16
The following actions were taken on May 16 in the House on House bill HB831 ("child abuse reports-dph-dhfs"): "Passed Both Houses", "Third Reading - Passed", "Added as Alternate Co-Sponsor Sen. Steve Stadelman" and "Added as Alternate Co-Sponsor Sen. Elgie R. Sims, Jr.".
Illinois General Assembly: HB3038 actions on May 17
The following actions were taken on May 17 in the House on House bill HB3038 ("sexual assault-treatment"): "Passed Both Houses" and "Third Reading - Passed".
Illinois General Assembly: HB2847 actions on May 16
The following actions were taken on May 16 in the House on House bill HB2847 ("organ donor protections"): "Passed Both Houses" and "Third Reading - Passed".
Illinois General Assembly: HB2028 actions on May 16
The following actions were taken on May 16 in the House on House bill HB2028 ("st police-burial reimburse"): "Passed Both Houses", "Third Reading - Passed", "Added as Alternate Chief Co-Sponsor Sen. Jacqueline Y. Collins", "Added as Alternate Co-Sponsor Sen. Michael E. Hastings" and "Added as Alternate Co-Sponsor Sen. Elgie R. Sims, Jr.".
Illinois General Assembly: HB1551 actions on May 17
The following actions were taken on May 17 in the House on House bill HB1551 ("juv ct-family support program"): "Added as Alternate Co-Sponsor Sen. Rachelle Crowe", "Placed on Calendar Order of Concurrence Senate Amendment(s" and "Arrived in House".
Illinois General Assembly: HB909 actions on May 24
The following actions were taken on May 24 in the House on House bill HB909 ("children's advocacy-interview"): "Passed Both Houses" and "Third Reading - Passed".
Illinois General Assembly: HB2247 actions on May 16
The following actions were taken on May 16 in the House on House bill HB2247 ("mhddsa-family counseling"): "Passed Both Houses", "Third Reading - Passed" and "Added as Alternate Chief Co-Sponsor Sen. Jacqueline Y. Collins".
Illinois General Assembly: HB2040 Sent to the Governor
The following action was taken on May 17 in the House on House bill HB2040 ("for-profit correctional"): "Sent to the Governor."
Illinois General Assembly: HB2154 actions on May 21
The following actions were taken on May 21 in the House on House bill HB2154 ("pub aid-job search exemption"): "Senate Floor Amendment No. 2 Motion to Concur Referred to Rules Committee", "Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Motion to Concur Referred to Rules Committee", "Senate Floor Amendment No. 2 Motion Filed Concur Rep. Sara Feigenholtz", "Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Motion Filed Concur Rep
Illinois General Assembly: How they voted on HB837
Illinois HB837 passed the state Senate on June 1.
Illinois General Assembly: How they voted on HB816
Illinois HB816 passed the state Senate on June 1.
Illinois General Assembly: How they voted on HB62
Illinois HB62 passed the state Senate on June 1.
Illinois General Assembly: How they voted on HB3018
Illinois HB3018 passed the state Senate on May 31.
Illinois General Assembly: How they voted on HB833
Illinois HB833 passed the state Senate on May 31.