Metamora Township High School District 122
Recent News About Metamora Township High School District 122
Cost of education: Salary of Illinois teacher Daniel L. Moore with Metamora Township High School District 122
How much did Metamora Township High School District 122 teacher Daniel L. Moore make, according to contribution data accumulated from FOIA requests?
What did Metamora Township High School District 122 teacher Eric C. Stone earn last school year?
How much did Metamora Township High School District 122 teacher Eric C. Stone make, according to contribution data accumulated from FOIA requests?
Open book: Metamora Township High School District 122 teacher John A. Rowell’s salary
How much did Metamora Township High School District 122 teacher John A. Rowell make, according to contribution data accumulated from FOIA requests?
Cost of education: Salary of Illinois teacher Stephen R. Kiesewetter with Metamora Township High School District 122
How much did Metamora Township High School District 122 teacher Stephen R. Kiesewetter make, according to contribution data accumulated from FOIA requests?
Open book: Metamora Township High School District 122 teacher Kathleen A. James’ salary
How much did Metamora Township High School District 122 teacher Kathleen A. James make, according to contribution data accumulated from FOIA requests?
What did Metamora Township High School District 122 teacher Kelly S. Willard earn last school year?
How much did Metamora Township High School District 122 teacher Kelly S. Willard make, according to contribution data accumulated from FOIA requests?
What did Metamora Township High School District 122 teacher Monica M. Tryner earn last school year?
How much did Metamora Township High School District 122 teacher Monica M. Tryner make, according to contribution data accumulated from FOIA requests?
Records show how much Metro Peoria school districts have paid for spiking teacher pensions ahead of retirement
Out of school districts in Metro Peoria, Morton Community Unit School District 709 paid the most in penalties since 2005 for spiking employee salaries to boost outgoing teachers' retirement benefits, according to data obtained from the Teachers Retirement System of Illinois.
These Illinois school districts paid the least in penalties for staff raises
School districts in Wyoming, Peoria and Washington were among those in Illinois that paid the least in penalties since 2005 for spiking employee salaries to boost outgoing teachers' retirement benefits, according to data obtained from the Teachers Retirement System of Illinois.
Former state school employee Toepke paid in $205K to teachers' pension fund, could collect $5.32M in retirement
Former state school employee Randall Toepke, who retired in July 2017, saved $204,575 toward a pension over 42 years working for public schools, Teachers' Retirement System of the State of Illinois records show.
Former state school employee Bachman paid in $166K to teachers' pension fund, could collect $3.22M in retirement
Former state school employee Ronald Bachman, who retired in June 2017, saved $165,791 toward a pension over 34 years working for public schools, Teachers' Retirement System of the State of Illinois records show.
Former state school employee Rowden paid in $48K to teachers' pension fund, could collect $714K in retirement
Former state school employee Curtis Rowden, who retired in June 2017, saved $48,360 toward a pension over 10 years working for public schools, Teachers' Retirement System of the State of Illinois records show.
Former state school employee Osterman paid in $11K to teachers' pension fund, could collect $102K in retirement
Former state school employee John Osterman, who retired in October 2016, saved $10,597 toward a pension over 6 years working for public schools, Teachers' Retirement System of the State of Illinois records show.
Former state school employee Fehl paid in $136K to teachers' pension fund, could collect $3.09M in retirement
Former state school employee Linda Fehl, who retired in May 2016, saved $135,523 toward a pension over 33 years working for public schools, Teachers' Retirement System of the State of Illinois records show.
Former state school employee Hnilicka paid in $174K to teachers' pension fund, could collect $2.2M in retirement
Former state school employee Gregory Hnilicka, who retired in May 2016, saved $174,320 toward a pension over 26 years working for public schools, Teachers' Retirement System of the State of Illinois records show.