Village Of Benson
Recent News About Village Of Benson
Q2 2019 Recap: Parolees in Woodford County convicted of crimes against persons
There were two offenders convicted of crimes against persons released on parole in Woodford County during the second quarter of 2019, according to Illinois Department of Corrections data obtained by the Peoria Standard.
Q2 2019 Recap: Parolees in Woodford County convicted of crimes against justice
There was an offender convicted of a crime against justice released on parole in Woodford County during the second quarter of 2019, according to Illinois Department of Corrections data obtained by the Peoria Standard.
Village of Benson Council met June 4.
Village of Benson Council met Monday, June 4.
Village of Benson Council met May 21.
Village of Benson Council met Monday, May 21.
Most frugal cities in Metro Peoria
Topeka Town, Village of Norwood and Village of Dunfermline top the list in Metro Peoria with the lowest spending per capita in 2017, Illinois State Comptroller financial reports show.
Biggest spenders: What Metro Peoria cities rank highest?
City of East Peoria, Village of Norris and Village of Avon top the list in Metro Peoria with the highest spending per capita in 2017, Illinois State Comptroller financial reports show.
The price of local government in 2017: Village of Benson
The Village of Benson budget was $382,250 for its 2017 fiscal year, or $1,921 per household.
Village of Benson Council met September 18.
Village of Benson Council met at 7 p.m. Monday, September 18.
The price of local government: Village of Benson
The Village of Benson budget was $412,697.10 for its 2015 fiscal year, or $2,073.85 per household.