The Peoria Planning and Zoning Commission met Thursday, July 7.
Here are the meeting minutes as provided by Peoria:
The following Planning and Zoning Commissioners were present: Durand, Misselhorn, Unes, Chairperson Wiesehan– 5. Commissioners absent: Anderson, Heard, Viera—3.
City Staff Present: Leah Allison, Kimberly Smith, Madeline Wolf
Speakers were sworn in by Staff Member Madeline Wolf.
Motion: Commissioner Unes moved to approve the minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting held on June 2, 2016; seconded by Commissioner Misselhorn.
The motion was approved viva voce vote 4 to 0.
Commissioner Anderson entered Council Chambers at 1:04 p.m.
CASE NO. PZ 16-21
Hold a Public Hearing and forward a recommendation to City Council on the request of Zachary Weaver to rezone property from a Class A-1 (Agricultural) District to a Class R-3 (Single Family Residential) District for the property identified as part of Parcel Identification No. 13-15-226-006 with an address of 6515 N Orange Prairie Rd, Peoria, Illinois (Council District 5).
Senior Urban Planner, Leah Allison, Community Development Department, read Case No. PZ 16-21 into the record and presented the request. Ms. Allison reviewed the proposal as outlined in the memo and the zoning history of the property. Ms. Allison provided the SPRB analysis as outlined in the memo.
The Site Plan Review Board recommended approval of the request subject to the following condition:
1. Prior to City Council review of the requested rezoning, a subdivision plat, conforming to the requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance to create the 5.4-acre parcel, must be submitted for review.
Commissioner Unes requested clarification of the condition; Ms. Allison said the petitioner needed to provide a subdivision plat of the subject property prior to City Council review.
Zachary Weaver, petitioner, provided a brief overview of his request. The parcel to be rezoned was part of his grandparent’s property and his intention was to build a single-family home. Mr. Weaver did not object to staff’s condition.
Commissioner Anderson noted conforming mortgages were 5 acres or less.
With no interest from citizens to provide public testimony, Chairperson Wiesehan closed the Public Hearing at 1:08p.m.
Commissioner Misselhorn read the Findings of Fact.
Commissioner Unes made a motion to approve the request; seconded by Commissioner Misselhorn.
The motion was approved viva voce vote 5 to 0.
CASE NO. PZ 16-22
Hold a Public Hearing and forward a recommendation to the City Council on a request of Tom Berwanger of Aristo Properties Group, for a Special Use for a Waiver to Allow a Freestanding Sign in a Class WH (Warehouse) District, for the property located at 100 Walnut (Parcel Identification Nos. 18-09-403-001 through -006, 18-09-403-010 though -011), Peoria, Illinois (Council District 1).
Senior Urban Planner, Kimberly Smith, Community Development Department, read Case No. PZ 16-22 into the record and presented the request. Ms. Smith reviewed the summary of the proposal and requested waivers as outlined in the memo. Ms. Smith provided background of the subject property and SPRB analysis as outlined in the memo.
The Site Plan Review Board recommended no objection if the following condition was added: the sign must be removed if the subject parcel, which currently contains the proposed sign, were to be developed,
Chairperson Wiesehan questioned existing free-standing signs in the Warehouse District.
Discussion ensued regarding existing freestanding signs in the Warehouse District.
Commissioner Misselhorn agreed with the condition. Misselhorn clarified the condition included all new construction.
Tom Berwanger, petitioner, briefly explained his request. The request was a replacement of an existing sign.
Mr. Berwanger said the proposed sign was necessary to direct traffic to the property. Although the City Ordinance would allow a sign on the historic building; the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency (IHPA) would reject the proposal for a sign painted on the historic building.
Wiesehan expressed concern with the conflict among the City Ordinance and the IHPA policies.
Ms. Smith said the City Ordinance and the IHPA restrictions do not directly conflict. The state and federal policies are more restrictive than the City Ordinance; the approval of state and federal historic tax credits disapprove of certain alterations to the façade of historic buildings in an effort to preserve the historic nature of the building.
Commissioner Misselhorn asked the petitioner if he had any objections to staff’s condition.
Tom Berwanger did not have any objection to staff’s condition. Mr. Berwanger confirmed the original, freestanding pylon sign was currently on the corner of the subject property.
Commissioner Misselhorn requested staff speak to the zoning certificate that was issued by the city with the condition that the existing sign would be removed.
Ms. Smith explained that it was issued with the choice: the sign be removed or a waiver must be obtained to keep or add a new sign in the Warehouse District.
Commissioner Anderson commented the proposed sign was smaller than the existing sign.
Commissioners Misselhorn and Unes supported the design and quality of the proposed sign.
Chairperson Wiesehan opened the Public Hearing at 1:25p.m.
Rodger Sparks, an interested citizen, was concerned about ADA compliance and accessibility to a bus stop.
Mr. Sparks expressed concern for the accessibility to Water Street.
Commissioner Misselhorn noted an ADA accessible route was provided on the site plan.
Mike Chihoski, confirmed the property was ADA compliant. Mr. Chihoski said due to the building setback, the sign was necessary to improve visibility for the entrance.
Commissioner Misselhorn supported the request; the sign would reduce traffic safety concerns.
With no further interest from citizens to provide public testimony, Chairperson Wiesehan closed the Public Hearing at 1:29p.m.
Commissioner Misselhorn read the Findings of Fact.
Commissioner Unes made a motion to approve the request as presented with the inclusion of the condition to include the removal of the sign if a building were to be built on the parcel; seconded, by Commissioner Durand.
Commissioner Misselhorn said the building was unique and supported the request. Misselhorn commented the proposed sign was substantially smaller and better quality than the existing sign. Misselhorn said his support of the request shall not set a precedence due to the setback of the building.
Commissioner Unes supported the request and the motion. Unes said the modification of the existing sign would enhance the neighborhood.
Commissioner Anderson agreed the proposed sign was an improvement of the existing sign. Anderson agreed the sign was necessary to assist with traffic in locating the building.
Chairperson Wiesehan expressed concern the approval would set precedence in the area. Wiesehan said he appreciated the historic style of the proposed sign.
Commissioner Unes echoed Commissioner Misselhorn’s statement during the discussion.
The motion was approved viva voce vote 5 to 0.
CASE NO. PZ 16-23
Hold a Public Hearing and forward a recommendation to the City Council on a request of Yvonne Long of Peoria Housing Authority, for a Multi-Family Plan in a Class R-8 (Multi-Family Residential) District, for the property located at 101 Irving (Parcel Identification Nos. 18-10-106-001 through 18-10-106-003; and a portion of 18-03-361-001), Peoria, Illinois (Council District 1).
Senior Urban Planner, Kimberly Smith, Community Development Department, read Case No. PZ 16-24 into the record and presented the request. Ms. Smith provided the summary of the proposal, requested waivers, and background of the subject property as outlined in the memo.
The Site Plan Review Board recommended APPROVAL of the request with the following waivers and conditions:
1. Waiver to allow 1 parking space per unit, instead of 2 per unit.
2. Waiver to allow two dumpster enclosures to encroach into the required 30 feet rear yard setback.
1. Emergency access on the northern portion of the site must be built to accommodate a 90,000 pound vehicle and related turning radius requirements.
2. Post signs along the emergency access to indicate no parking, emergency access only.
3. The emergency access surface must be designed to allow for adequate maintenance in winter conditions.
4. Continue the proposed walkway to add pedestrian connectivity to the existing, adjacent site.
Ms. Smith acknowledged a letter received from Timothy Herold, a concerned citizen.
Commissioner Unes questioned parking. Unes expressed concern for street parking on Irving Street.
Commissioner Misselhorn requested staff to explain staff’s support of Waiver #1.
Ms. Smith said staff was supportive of less parking and there was a lesser need for parking at this location.
Commissioner Misselhorn expressed concern for overflow of parking on neighboring properties. Misselhorn preferred the plan to include safe and available parking for residents and guests.
Commissioner Anderson questioned the availability of parking at the RiverPlex.
Commissioner Misselhorn said parking would not be available at the RiverPlex for the residents.
Commissioner Misselhorn referred to the letter submitted from Mr. Timothy Herold.
Commissioner Unes shared the concerns of Commissioners Anderson and Misselhorn regarding parking.
Caius Jennison, representing the petitioner, reviewed the request. The project will be a 1 for 1 exchange of units allowing the demolition of 5 existing buildings at Taft. The proposal allowed more greenspace. Mr. Jennison appreciated staff’s support of Waiver #1 as 20-26% of residents own 1 vehicle. The reduction of parking spaces reduced CSO issues. Mr. Jennison said there was no objections to staff’s conditions.
In response to Commissioner Unes’ inquiry, Mr. Jennison confirmed the development was Section 8.
Commissioner Unes questioned the buildings to be demolished; Mr. Jennison said it has not been decided which buildings will be demolished.
Commissioner Misselhorn questioned if the proposed two buildings were part of master plan for Taft; Mr. Jennison said the proposal was independent of the master plan.
Commissioner Unes questioned the involvement of the Peoria Housing Authority (PHA) with this project; Mr. Jennison said the request was from the PHA.
Rodger Sparks, an interested citizen, spoke in support of the project.
Karrie Alms, an interested citizen, spoke in support of the project. Ms. Alms requested the commission consider including a condition to remove the existing parking on the North West corner of the site plan.
Commissioner Misselhorn asked the petitioner if he agreed with the Ms. Alms suggested condition.
Caius Jennison did not object to the condition to remove the parking on the North West corner of the parcel and to turn that area into greenspace.
With no further interest from citizens to provide public testimony, Chairperson Wiesehan closed the Public Hearing at 2:00p.m.
Commissioner Misselhorn questioned the additional review of the Multi-Family plan prior to construction.
Ms. Smith explained the process; the request will be presented to City Council for approval and then reviewed by the SPRB prior to construction.
Commissioner Misselhorn made a motion to approve the request with the requested waivers and staff conditions with the additional condition that the existing parking lot (on the North West corner of the property) will be removed permanently; seconded by Commissioner Anderson.
Chairperson Wiesehan expressed his excitement for the progression with the PHA. Wiesehan agreed with the reduction of parking. Wiesehan said the positive development would enhance downtown Peoria.
The motion was approved viva voce vote 5 to 0.
CASE NO. PZ 16-25
Hold a Public Hearing and forward a recommendation to the City Council on the request of Exposition Gardens for approval of the Peace Brothers Motorcycle Rodeo Event to be held on August 27, 2016, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., at 1601 W Northmoor Road (Parcel Identification No. 14-17-100-001) Peoria, Illinois (Council District 4).
Senior Urban Planner, Leah Allison, Community Development Department, read Case No. PZ 16-25 into the record and presented the request. Ms. Allison reviewed the summary of the proposal, background of the subject property and the SPRB analysis as outlined in the memo.
Staff does not object to the request subject to the following condition, which was included with the Special Use approval:
1. Amplified or speaker systems for announcement purposes must be directed to the east or away from the immediate residential properties.
Ms. Allison said the condition was identical to previous recommendations excluding the requirement to construct berm as the berm had been constructed.
Leslie Leach, petitioner, said staff’s condition was unnecessary as the Peace Brothers Motorcycle Rodeo Event does not use the sound system. He corrected the time of the event, to be 12:00p.m. to 5:00p.m. He confirmed there was no substantial changes to how the event had been operated in years past.
With no further interest from citizens to provide public testimony, Chairperson Wiesehan closed the Public Hearing at 2:11p.m.
Commissioner Durand made a motion to approve the request; seconded, by Commissioner Anderson.
The motion was approved viva voce vote 5 to 0.
It was determined there was no interest from citizens to address the Planning and Zoning Commission at 2:12p.m.
Commissioner Misselhorn moved to adjourn the regularly scheduled Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting; seconded by Commissioner Unes.
Approved unanimously viva voce vote 5 to 0.
The Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting was adjourned at approximately 2:12p.m.