Peoria County Operations Committee met March 27.
Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:
Members Present: Thomas O'Neill - Chairman; Gregory Adamson, Rachael Parker, Steven Rieker, Barry Robinson, Paul Rosenbohm, William Watkins, Jr.
Members Absent: Michael Phelan
Others Present: Scott Sorrel - County Administrator; Shauna Musselman - Assistant County Administrator; Larry Evans - State's Attorney's Office; Andrew Rand - County Board Chairman; Brad Harding - County Board Member; Randy Brunner - Finance; Angela Loftus - County Administration; Kent Rotherham - Auditor; Rena' Parker - Courts Administration; Doug Gaa - Sheriff's Office; Keith Braskich - Legal Counsel; Andy Kravetz - PJS
Call to Order:
Chairman O'Neill called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m.
Approval of Minutes:
A motion to approve the minutes of February 27, 2017 and March 9, 2017 was made by Mr. Rosenbohm and seconded by Ms. Parker. The motion carried.
• New Hire
Mr. Sorrel advised that Administration staff is in the process of updating and revising the New Hire & Vacancy Report going forward. He stated that the report going forward will be reformatted in order to provide information related to the most current VRI. He advised that the report will track each of the VRI positions and whether/how those positions are backfilled.
• VRI Update
Mr. Sorrel advised that all employees that have taken the VRI have either already separated from employment or will do so by March 31, 2017. He stated that lay-off notices have been given to a total of four employees, all of which are in offices that report to the County Administrator and are in the General Fund. The last day worked for those employees was earlier in the month, with the last day of payroll being April 4, 2017. He stated that the one exception was the Assistant County Administrator for Economic Development; being a management employee it was not necessary to follow a collective bargaining agreement.
Ms. Parker questioned who would continue the work on the Enterprise Zone with the loss of Mark Rothert, the Assistant County Administrator. Mr. Sorrel advised that he is currently negotiating a draft contract in the amount of $12,000.00 to $15,000.00 for consultant services with Mr. Rothert. He stated that additional services provided would include Enterprise Zone reporting and preparing necessary documentation related to rural transit. He added that there is an opportunity at an hourly rate for work related to special projects or development deals that present themselves.
• Customer Service
Mr. Sorrel advised that staff has not received any citizen complaints or praise in the past month related to customer service. Mr. Rosenbohm advised that he spoke with individual who was a resident at Heddington Oaks for several months, and who indicated that the service he received was excellent.
A motion to go into executive session to discuss Labor Relations was made by Mr. Rosenbohm and seconded by Mr. Robinson. The motion carried.
Executive Session:
Regular session resumed upon a motion by Mr. Watkins and second by Mr. Robinson.
Mr. Rotherham noted that the County has not gone out for bid on outside service contracts for snow removal and lawn services in over two years. Mr. Sorrel advised that the County has a longstanding intergovernmental agreement with the Peoria Park District for outdoor maintenance services. He commented that Heddington Oaks currently retains a third part independent contractor providing the majority of services, and the nursing home is in the process of developing bid specifications in order to put those services out for bid. Ms. Parker advocated for a renewed focus and review of goals in relation to increasing minority participation, as bid specifications are being developed.
The meeting was adjourned by Chairman O'Neill at 2:15 p.m.