Village of Peoria Heights Board of Trustees met June 6.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
1. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Phelan at 6:30 pm.
2. Everyone stood for the Pledge to the Flag.
3. Upon roll call, the following Trustees were present: Harn, Goett, Dan Mariscal, Diane Mariscal, Reichert, and Carter.
4. Minutes: Trustee Goett moved to approve the minutes for May 16, 2017. Trustee Carter seconded the motion, which was approved by a vote of 6-0.
5. Correspondence: Clerk Gauf read one letter of correspondence.
6. Announcements: Mayor Phelan presented a proclamation to the Peoria Heights High School baseball team for winning the State Class A Baseball tournament. He also proclaimed June 3, 2017 as Peoria Heights Patriots day.
7. Trustee Reports:
Economic Development/Village Improvements: Trustee Dan Mariscal announced that Duryea Days will be held on Saturday, June 10th. Police: Trustee Carter announced that the next neighborhood watch meeting will be held on July 31st at 6:30. Building/Property Maintenance: Trustee Goett had nothing to report. Fire: Trustee Reichert had nothing to report. Public Works: Trustee Harn had nothing to report. Administration/Personnel: Trustee Diane Mariscal had nothing to report.
8. Comments from the Audience: Mr. Eric Heath thanked the village for the use of the fire truck for the baseball team victory parade. Mrs. Sank expressed concerns about building the apartment building on Duryea. Mr. Bruce Brown talked about TIF and the benefits to the Village of Peoria Heights.
9. Old Business: There was no old business to discuss.
10. New Business:
• Trustee Carter moved to approve the Request for the Peoria Heights High School 2017- 2018 Homecoming Parade to be held on Saturday, September 23rd, 2017. Trustee Goett seconded the motion, which was approved by a vote of 6-0.
• Trustee Diane Mariscal made a motion to approve Ordinance 2017-1508 (Change Structure and Times of Village Board Meetings). Trustee Dan Mariscal seconded the motion and it passed with a vote of 6-0.
• Trustee Dan Mariscal made a motion to approve Resolution 2017-06 (Proposed Tax Increment Financing District Redevelopment). Trustee Goett seconded the motion and it was passed with a vote of 6-0.
• Trustee Diane Mariscal made a motion to approve Ordinance 2017-1509 (Amendment of Title 4, Chapter 1, and Section 11 of Village Code of the Village of Peoria Heights modifying the Number of Available Liquor Licenses). Trustee Harn 2nd this motion and it was passed with a vote of 6-0.
• Trustee Diane Mariscal made a motion to approve a donation request in the amount of $500.00 from the Peoria Heights Baseball League. This was 2nd by Trustee Goett and passed with a vote of 6-0.
• Trustee Harn made a motion to approve payment in the amount of $13,865.71 to Drake-Scruggs Equipment for bucket truck repairs. Trustee Goett seconded this motion and it passed with a vote of 6-0.
• Trustee Goett made a motion to approve Use of Tower Park on Sunday, June 11th for and Easter Seals Fundraiser. Trustee Dan Mariscal 2nd the motion and it was passed with a vote of 6-0.
• Trustee Dan Mariscal made a motion to approve the band line-up selected for the Tower Park Music Fest. Trustee Carter 2nd the motion and it was passed with a 6-0 vote.
• Trustee Goett made a motion to approve the use of the Village Hall for a blood drive on Thursday, July 27th. Trustee Carter 2nd the motion and it was passed with a vote of 6-0.
• Trustee Reichert made a motion to approve 2 Fill the Boot Fundraisers for Peoria Heights Fire Department scheduled for June 24th and Sept 16th. Trustee Goett 2nd the motion and it was passed with a vote of 6-0.
• Trustee Carter made a motion to accept the resignation of Bob Spencer from the Peoria Heights Police Pension Board. Trustee Harn 2nd the motion and it was passed with a vote of 6-0. Mayor Phelan presented Bob Spencer with a plaque.
• Trustee Carter made a motion to appoint Bart Cummings to the Peoria Heights Police Pension Board. Trustee Harn 2nd the motion and it was passed with a vote of 6-0.
• Trustee Goett made a motion to appoint Trustee Harn as Mayor Pro-Tem. Trustee Carter 2nd the motion and it was passed with a vote of 5-0. (Trustee Harn recused himself of the vote).
11. Payment of Bills: Trustee Reichert made a motion to pay the bills as presented. Trustee Dan Mariscal 2nd the motion and it was passed with a vote of 6-0.
12. Adjourn: Trustee Goett made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:27 pm. Trustee Carter 2nd the motion and it was passed with a 6-0 vote.