City of Mason City Council met March 26.
Here is the minutes provided by the Council:
Call to order by Mayor Bruce Lowe.
Council members physically present were Aldermen Gerald Mahin, Dan Mason, Mike Kirby, John Dodson, and Jim Miller..Also present were Treasurer Michael R. Griffin, City Clerk Michele Whitehead, Superintendent Wayne Dixon, and Chief Adam Anderson, Ben Sr and Ben Nannen Jr, were also present. Wendy Martin arrived at 7:10 P.M. Alderman Francis was absent.
The Chairman declared quorum present.
Minutes of the March 12, 2018 regular Council meeting were approved.
Ben Nannen Sr., addressed the Council asking for a street closure for The Bluff’s grand opening on April 28, 2018. They requested that Tonica Street be closed in front of the establishment south to the CIA building. The street will not be blocked off until approximately 1:00 P.M. They also asked if they could extend their hours of operation by 1hr, allowing them to close at 2:00 A.M. Both requests were granted. The Mayor asked that they inform the business’s around that area regarding the street closure that day, and Mr. Nannen said he would do so.
Superintendent Dixon informed the Council of the need to replace approximately 50 valves on hydrants. This issue was tabled until the water committee meeting.
Spring clean-up will be held Saturday May 12, and Saturday May 19, 2018 from 7:00 a.m.-Noon. Citizens within the city limits can bring their items up to the water tower parking lot on those days for disposal.
The Street department is in need of a newer street sweeper. After consulting with Treasurer Mike Griffin and locating a good used sweeper it was approved to purchase the sweeper.
Chief Anderson went into a brief discussion on many items concerning grants, rapid deployment training and requirements for new hires. Chief Anderson is working on creating new employment applications and job descriptions.
R18-23 Alderman Miller moved, seconded by Alderman Kirby to approve the Tonica street closure and additional hour of operation for the Bluff Bar on Saturday April 28, 2018.
Roll Call:
Ayes: Aldermen Kirby, Dodson, Miller, Mahin, and Mason.
Nays: None
Absent: Alderman Francis
Chairman declared motion carried.
R18-24 Alderman Miller moved, seconded by Alderman Dodson to approve the City wide Spring clean-up for the Saturdays of May 12, and May 19, 2018 from 7:00 a.m.-Noon.
Roll Call:
Ayes: Aldermen Kirby, Dodson, Miller, Mahin, and Mason.
Nays: None
Absent: Alderman Francis
Chairman declared motion carried.
R18-25 Alderman Miller moved, seconded by Alderman Mason to approve the purchase of a used street sweeper.
Roll Call:
Ayes: Aldermen Kirby, Dodson, Miller, Mahin, and Mason.
Nays: None
Absent: Alderman Francis
Chairman declared motion carried.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 7:31 P.M.