City of East Peoria Zoning Board of Appeals will meet on Monday, Nov. 12.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call:
3. Approval of Minutes from previous meeting
4. Public Hearings:
a. Case 18-SU-24: Petition of James Hartnett for a Special Use to allow
outdoor storage of materials associated with the business on property located
at 201 Spencer St. (P.I.N.: 01-01-31-401-015)
b. Case 18-R-25: Petition of Jim Hadley for rezoning from C,
Conservation/Residential Estate to R-2, Single-family of property located at
2204 Centennial Dr. (P.I.N.: 01-01-24-200-024)
5. Regular Business:
a. Deliberations:
b. Old Business:
c. New Business:
6. Citizens’ Opportunity to Address ZBA on non-agenda items
7. Adjournment