Woodford County Zoning Board of Appeals met September 24.
Here is the agenda as provided by the board:
Call to Order:
Roll Call:
Approval of minutes for August 27, 2019
Swearing in and/or Affirmation:
Petitions Submitted for Review:
2019-26-S Worth Township, filed by Michael & Gina Feld for a special use for a Special Use to operate 4 Hom inc. a Custom Countertop business in the Residential District (R-1), commonly described as 244 East Far Hills Drive, East Peoria, Illinois.
2019-29-V Montgomery Township filed by Dustin Musick for a Variance in lot coverage and rear yard setback, on a .53 acre parcel in the Agricultural (AG) District, NE cor W ½ , NW ¼, Section 10, T25N-R2W of the 3rd P.M. Woodford County, Illinois, and more commonly described as 399 County Road 1125 E., Deer Creek, Illinois.
2019-30-V Panola Township filed by Dylan E. Punke for a Variance in minimum habitable floor area for a Single Family Dwelling, on a 5.03 acre parcel in the Agricultural (AG) District, SE Cor NE ¼, Section 13, T27N-R2E of the 3rd P.M. Woodford County, Illinois, and more commonly described as 1451 County Road 3200 E., El Paso, Illinois.
Other Business to Come Before the Board:
Update on previous months petition/s
Update on next month petition/s – October 22
IACZO Seminar discussion:
ZBA By-Law discussion
Executive Session (if necessary)
Any action coming out of Executive Session