
Peoria Standard

Monday, July 1, 2024

County of Woodford County Offices Committee will meet December 10

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County of Woodford County Offices Committee will meet on Tuesday, Dec. 10.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call – Russ Cotton, Chuck Nagel, Jason Spence, Emily Barker, Dan Steffen

3. Approval of Minutes

a. Approval of November 12, 2019 regular meeting minutes.

b. Approval of November 19, 2019 special meeting minutes

4. Public Input

5. Appointments

a. Appointment of Christopher Lee to the Germantown Fire Protection District to complete the unexpired 3 year term of Gary Hull expiring April 30, 2022.

b. Appointment of Emily Barker to the Finance Committee to complete the unexpired 2 year term of Russ Cotton expiring the first Monday in December 2020.

c. Reappointment of Tyler Rogers (ADDWC) to the Human Services Transportation Plan Committee for a 3 year term expiring August 21, 2022.

d. Appointment of Eric Lind, Ben Kingdon, Mike Hinrichsen, Mike Smith, Roy Bockler, Russ Cotton and Barry Logan to Tri-County Regional Planning Commission for a 1 year term expiring the November 1, 2020.

e. Appointment of Mike Smith to Tri-County Regional Planning Commission for a 2 year term expiring the November 1, 2021.

6. Approval of Claims

a. Approval of December claims

b. County Board Per Diem – Roll Call Vote

7. Unfinished Business

a. Codification (G. Minger)

b. Approval of Personnel Policy Changes - Mandatory Workplace Transparency Act and Drug and Alcohol Use/Abuse Policy

8. New Business

a. Discussion on changing Board rules to allow alternates on committees

b. Approval of Resolution 2019/20 #004 Approving the Continued Operation of the Office of the State’s Attorneys Appellate Prosecutor.

c. Discussion on internship in Assessor’s office.

d. Discussion on paying Heart Technologies Invoices in vacation

e. Approval of Resolution 2019-20 #05 Authorizing Heart Technology Invoices to be paid in vacation.

9. Budget

10. Other

11. Executive Session (if necessary)

12. Any action coming out of Executive Session

13. Adjournment




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