Woodford County Finance and Economic Development Committee met Oct. 8.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call – Roll Call -Chuck Nagel (chairman), Richard Hill (vch.), Russ Cotton, and Josh Davis all present. Bryant Kempf arrived at 6:12.
3. Approval of Minutes
a. Approval of September 10, 2019 regular meeting minutes
Motion to approve September 10, 2019 minutes made by Cotton, seconded by Hill. Motion passed.
b. Approval of September 10, 2019 executive session minutes
Motion to approve September 10, 2019 executive session minutes and keep confidential made by Davis, seconded by Hill. Motion passed.
4. Public Input
Nathan Schertz, El Paso, addressed the committee regarding the importance of 4-H. He stated that 4-H helped him find himself. He is disabled and stated that through 4-H he has learned that his disability doesn't define who he is. He understands that the money is tight, but 4-H is too important to take out.
Suzanne Schertz, El Paso, is President of Woodford County 4-H. She is also an educator. She explained some of the curriculum based enhancements 4-H has helped with at her school. She believes that 4-H is providing the youths involved in the program with the tools to be able to be a board member one day. It prepares them for the future - public speaking, budgeting, etc. She understands that one may not always support what an organization does, but believes that 4-H supports schools, family, the community, etc. and should funded.
Sunita Krugger, El Paso, is involved in East Side Producer, a program in El Paso through 4-H. This program helps with public speaking, parliamentary procedures, civic engagement, record keeping, basic life skills, woodworking, robotics, etc, 4-H enriches family and youths and is an important part of the community.
Katie Crouch, Eureka, stated the support that 4-H has given kids can't be found in any other organization. Her husband recently became ill and was unable to care for the animals on the farm. Because of 4-H, and what she had learned, her daughter was able to care for the animals while her husband was laid up. They have a 4-H family and it has provided opportunities that they would not have had without it.
The committee would like to see the money being put to use on hands-on training and not so much on computer based programs. The budgeting process was explained to the audience.
5. Approval of Claims
There are no claims for the month of October.
6. Treasurers Report
The Sheriff's vehicle and equipment fund is still being monitored. The revenue coming in from the fees collected for that fund has gone down, so that fund will continued to be watched. There are no concerns with the funds balances. SMF has paid off its revolving loan. The other two loans are potentially not going to take advantage of the discount and continue to make monthly payments to the county. It is anticipated that we will use contingency funds to pay the state to end the revolving loan program.
Discussion on the balance of those two accounts and the amount we would pay to state along with potential award. Discussion on how payments will be treated in future and how money can be used. Those payments would be put into the general fund and used in a possible second round of projects.
The second distribution has been done. Tax sale will take place on Oct 22 at 9:00 AM.
7. Budget
a. All budgetary changes or adjustments for any previously discussed or approved budget as needed
The State's Attorneys fund for the Appellate Prosecutor Fund needs to be raised to $18,000. All the variable have been put into the budget. The committee is trying to get away from trying to find money to pay for an unexpected expense. All the extra ordinary have been put into the budget, but all do not need to be funded in one year. They can be spread out over several years. It was suggest that the Zoning Administrator's salary be raised by 10% since highway maintenance is making more money and the administrator has more responsibility. Also raising EMA Director to 10% since he is responsible for having everything ready to go in a disaster, and half of his salary is paid by the state, The County Coordinator should stay at 3%. At one point there was discussion if that position should be full or part time. It was decided that it should be full time and place more duties on that position, There have been a lot of extra duties added to that office. It was compared to a chief deputy position, and stated that a chief deputy is a stepping stone to take over the elected position in the future and therefore the coordinator position should stay at just a 3% raise. Some of the committee felt that the board had not done the due diligence in outlining the duties of those offices. It was stated that they all deserve a pay raise, but what they base that raise on has not been determined. A few committee members felt that a case had been made for the increase. Union employees get raises, step increases, allowances for clothing, etc., that non-union employees do not get. All that equates to pay. The committee hopes to work on this issue and have a solution by next year. Motion to increase salary for the Zoning Administrator and EMA Director to 10% made by Cotton, seconded by Hill. Roll call vote - Nagel-no, doesn't believe that there is enough information to determine if 10% is the correct amount; Hill-yes, believes that there is enough information and it is the correct way to go; Cotton yes; Davis-yes, 10% can be negotiated down from this point on and it locks in that number so it can't go up. He feels there is lack of several points that need to be addressed; Kempf-yes. Motion passed
Motion to move tentative budget to the full board made by Hill, seconded by Cotton. Motion passed.
b. Approval of tentative levy and draft budget to County Board
We have two option for the discretionary funds – 1) to be funded out of reserves, or 2) raise the levy. Discussion on which option is best. Do not want to increase levy more than 5%. Right now the appropriations exceeds the revenue with all the extra ordinary expenses. Don't want to pass a deficit budget. We have a low tax rate in the county and want to keep it that way. Discussion if MFT increase have been included in the budget. Discussion if funding can be moved to cover the extra ordinary expenses. There are certain increases that we have no control over and have to cover the increase - contract, IMRF, etc. We will always have expenses that we cannot predict every year.
Discussion on the extra ordinary expenses. The committee is in favor of all projects being done this upcoming year with the exclusion of the EMA vehicle. Motion to approve all extra ordinary expenses and present to the board with the exception of the EMA vehicle made by Davis, seconded by Cotton. Motion passed.
Discussion on using rainy day funds to lower levy, and effects of doing that. Decision made to move $100,000 out of rainy day fund to cover expenses. Motion to send tentative levy with adjustments made to Board made by Davis, seconded by Cotton. Motion passed.
8. New Business
a. Property/Liability Work Comp renewal Motion to approve the property/liability/work comp renewal made by Hill, seconded by Davis. Motion passed.
Discussion of becoming self-insured on heavy equipment. We will ask Mr. Snedeker to come next month to discuss.
9. Unfinished Business
a. RLF update
Ms. Andrews and Ms. Hanley are working together to get the check to the state so that we can finalize the application. Mr. Cummings is getting close to getting all the estimates for the projects. Once they are all received he can make a scope of the work to be done and present that scope, with pictures and the application to the DCO. Once that is firmed up, we can hold the public hearings. We want to hold the hearings in November. Mr. Cummings will publish the hearing in the Peoria Journal Star and Tri-County will cover the cost. If we want to publish in the Woodford County Journal, that will be at our cost. There is required information that has to be presented at the public hearing.
10. Other
11. Executive Session
12. Any Action Coming Out of Executive Session
13. Adjournment
Motion to adjourn made by Kempf, seconded by Cotton. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM.