
Peoria Standard

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Carterville City Council Met July 14

Webp meeting 11

City of Carterville City Council met July 14.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

The meeting was held in the Council Chambers with Mayor Bradley M. Robinson presiding. He called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m.


Bradley M. Robinson, Mayor - Present

Khristina Hollister, City Clerk - Present

Michele A. Edwards, Deputy City Clerk - Present

Mark Carney, City Treasurer - Present

John Allsopp, Alderman/Ward 3 - Present

Douglas Brinkley, Alderman/Ward 3 - Present

William Edwards, Alderman/Ward 1 - Present

Phyllis Emery, Alderman/Ward 4 - Present

Tom Harness, Alderman/Ward 2 - Present

Tom Liebenrood, Alderman/Ward 4 - Present

Curtis Oetjen, Alderman/Ward 2 - Present

Rod Sievers, Alderman/Ward 1 - Present

The Mayor declared a quorum present.

Present at the meeting were: Mike Flaningam, Police Chief; Garry Wiggs, Public Works Director; Retia Watson, Secretary/Bookkeeper; Janice McConnaughy, H. R. Specialist; Ralph Graul, Building Inspector; Ron Rains, Fire Chief; Marvin Oetjen, Kamper Supply; Rodney Potts, Crawford and Associates; Christie Mitchell; and Sam Finney.

Motion 1: Oetjen moved and Edwards seconded to approve the minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of June 9, 2020 as presented. A roll call vote was taken, and all present voted yea. The Mayor declared the motion carried.

Motion 2: Emery moved and Sievers seconded to approve the minutes of the Special City Council Meeting of June 24, 2020 as presented. A roll call vote was taken, and all present voted yea. The Mayor declared the motion carried.

Mark Carney, City Treasurer, presented the Treasurer's Report for June 2020 with a total cash and investments of $3,202,909.66. The Mayor asked if the payment to Abell Construction should have come from Motor Fuel Tax and Garry Wiggs indicated these products were for stock and will be partially reimbursed by

Sievers asked about the situation with tax revenues due to the COVID-19. The Mayor stated there was a reduction last month of over $16,000.00 and almost $18,000.00 lower than last year. The Mayor stated the Police Department hours were changed to reduce overtime for emergency services and limited overtime for all employees. No one has been furloughed and no one has lost their job. Tom Harness asked about the Special Projects Fund.

Motion 3: Liebenrood moved and Emery seconded to approve the June 2020 Treasurer's Report as presented. A roll call vote was taken, and all present voted yea. The Mayor declared the motion carried.

Recognition of Guests – No comments

The monthly bill listing was presented for approval. Harness asked if the $23,953.00 was the cost of the Elles Avenue property, and Oetjen questioned the four-stroke fuel bill from Menards.

Motion 4: Sievers moved and Harness seconded to approve payment of the monthly bills as presented by the City Clerk. A roll call vote was taken, and all present voted yea. The Mayor declared the motion carried.

Engineering Report

Rodney Potts, Crawford and Associates, asked about the bid to Illini Asphalt for the MFT program.

Motion 5: Emery moved and Allsopp seconded to accept the bid from Illini Asphalt for the 2020 MFT Program at a cost of $2.09 per gallon of oil and $27.45 per ton of rock. declared the motion carried.

Rodney Potts, Crawford and Associates, explained the bids for 512 West Grand/Zimmerman drainage improvements. The engineer's estimate was approximately $30,000.00 and the low bid came in from BC Contracting at $17,325.00.

Motion 6: Oetjen moved and Liebenrood seconded to approve a contract with BC Contracting for drainage problems at West Grand and Zimmerman at a cost of $17,325.00 [to be paid from Gas Tax Fund). All present voted yea and the Mayor declared the motion carried.

Rodney Potts also addressed the Council about property for the planned Wastewater Treatment Plant. The engineer has been working with the Water and Sewer Board, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency and funding sources to complete this plan. The City owns 40 acres that could be used to house this new wastewater treatment plant. Approval from the Council to use this property would allow the engineer to continue to move forward with design plans for the new plant. The entire 40 acres would not be needed. This location would also be large enough to accommodate neighboring communities and/or would accommodate a future addition to the plant. Rodney Potts asked for assurance from the City that this property can be used for the new Wastewater Treatment Plant so soil borings can occur as soon as possible. The Mayor stated the north and west side of this acreage will be designated for the new plant. The estimated cost of the new plant is $18,000,000.00 and does not include land acquisition. Garry Wiggs stated 11 acres of this property is being used for land application of sludge. Our plant currently processes 600,000-700,000 gallons per day and the new plant is designed for 2,000,000 gallons per day with a capacity of 6,000,000 gallons per day.

There was a discussion regarding this location and the size of this new plant. Tom Harness asked about accommodating business expansion. Rodney Potts indicated the plant would be large enough and this has already been taken into consideration. Tom Liebenrood asked about the smell. Tom Harness asked if there is a similar plant near us that the Council members could visit. Liebenrood asked if we should notify the public about the location before the Council approves this plan. The Mayor stated this is just a preliminary plan. No one wants a sewer plant near their house but everyone wants their toilets to flush. The current plant is 35 years old and is barely meeting our capacity. We have to build something and the only parcel that we own that is conducive to this is the 40-acre tract. If we choose not to do this, we are going to have to buy property at fair market value from a private owner and put it somewhere else. There is no property left in or close to the corporate limits that people don't live nearby. There is nowhere we can place a 10 to 15-acre wastewater treatment plant that is not near someone's home.

Questions about cost of upkeep, etc. were brought up and the Mayor stated all these details are hashed out at Water and Sewer Board meetings every month. They have been working on this problem since 2015. Every detail about cost and savings have been reviewed by the Board. Details could easily be obtained by attending meetings or speaking to a Water Board Representative.

Rodney Potts indicated Murphysboro's plant is similar and he would be willing to schedule a walk through in Murphysboro next Monday.

Motion 7: Liebenrood moved and Harness seconded to table the approval for the use of the 40-acre property for further investigation. Roll call vote: Allsopp, no; Brinkley, yea; Edwards, no; Emery, no; Harness, yea; Liebenrood, yea; Oetjen, no; Sievers, yea. Mayor Robinson, abstained. The motion was a tie and the issue will be discussed at a Special Meeting.

The Mayor reiterated that the Water and Sewer Board have been working on this project for many years and if anyone has questions, he encouraged them to reach out to a Water and Sewer Board representative or himself.


Pantry Report

Phyllis Emery indicated there was nothing new to report.

Parks Department

The Rotary Club is asking the City Council to allow planting of trees at the Bark Park. Plantscape Nursery has been consulted about this project. Only certain types of trees will be allowed to be planted, and would be approved by Garry Wiggs prior to planting.

Motion 8: Emery moved and Harness seconded to allow trees to be planted at the Bark Park by the Rotary Club (trees to be approved by the Public Works Director). All present voted yea and the Mayor declared the motion carried.

Motion 9: Sievers moved and Emery seconded to purchase mulch for the Cannon Park playground surface at a cost of $2,190.00. A roll call vote was taken, and all present voted. The Mayor declared the motion carried

The Mayor indicated that he made a temporary appointment of Jamison Bartlow to Danny Tucker's position as he is out with health issues.

Motion 10: Emery moved and Edwards seconded to confirm the Mayor's temporary appointment of Jamison Bartlow to the Public Works - Parks Department. All present voted yea and the Mayor declared the motion carried.

Police Department Mike Flaningam, Police Chief, gave the monthly report for June 2020:

• There were 164 Officer Calls for Service in June (case number generated)

• Officers provided assistance to other departments 47 times in June

• Chief Flaningam and Officer Johnston attended SIEG meeting on June 10, 2020

• There were no problems with the June 3rd protest and the Chief has completed the IEMA Reimbursement Request for overtime during the Protest March in the amount of $965.98. 

• Completed LEADS audit.

• The Fred G. Harrison Foundation has purchased a 2020 Ford Explorer police vehicle and we will need to supply the equipment for this vehicle.

Chief Flaningam indicated they are in the process of establishing a full-time eligibility list through the Carterville Merit Board.

Chief Flaningam presented a renewal of the S.I.E.G Intergovernmental Agreement at a cost of $8,244.00 which is based on population.

Motion 11: Oetjen moved and Brinkley seconded to renew the Intergovernmental Agreement with S.I.E.G. at a cost of $8,244.00. A roll call vote was taken, and all present voted yea. The Mayor declared the motion carried.

Motion 12: Brinkley moved and Emery seconded to approve payment of the MTU15 (mobile training unit) Membership Dues in the amount of $1,520.00. A roll call vote was taken, and all present voted yea. The Mayor declared the motion carried.

Tom Harness asked what happened at the Police Station with the plumbing and Chief Flaningam deferred this question to Garry Wiggs who explained there was a sewer backup that was repaired in-house.

Mike Flaningam stated the Fred G. Harrison Foundation has purchased a new police vehicle and the cost for equipment is $8,330.72. The Chief indicated that Officer Pendley has offered to install the equipment.

Motion 13: Brinkley moved and Harness seconded to purchase the necessary equipment for the new police vehicle at a cost of $8,330.72 [funds to be transferred from DUI Fund to the Police Vehicle Fund). A roll call vote was taken, and all present voted yea. The Mayor declared the motion carried.

Fire Department

Chief Ron Rains indicated that monthly reports are in Council packets and explained the report in some detail. In June there were 70 EMS calls and 11 Fire Calls, and there 584 total calls for the year.

I they have completed hose testing. The department is screening people each day. Unit A2 (Ambulance) has been First Stop for repairs. There is no hands-on training being conducted at this time because the station is still closed for COVID-19. Firefighters are doing their on-line training.

Motion 14: Brinkley moved and Edwards seconded to promote Jason Sheraden to the position of Assistant Fire Chief (testing and Merit Board process is complete). All present voted yea and the Mayor declared the motion carried.

Chief Rains indicated 13 sections of hose failed during the hose testing. The cost to replace this hose is $2,055.60 from Mid America Fire and Safety in Evansville, Indiana.

Motion 15: Brinkley moved and Sievers seconded to authorize the purchase of 13 sections of hose from Mid America Fire and Safety at a cost of $2,055.60 (to be paid from Sanitation Fund). A roll call vote was taken, and all present voted yea. The Mayor declared the motion carried

Chief Rains explained ladder testing will be completed by UL Fire Equipment Services at a cost of approximately $2,259.00. This will likely be completed in July or August.

Motion 16: Oetjen moved and Allsopp seconded to approve the ladder testing at a cost of approximately $2,259.00 (to be paid from the Sanitation Fund). A roll call vote was taken, and all present voted yea. The Mayor declared the motion carried.

Street Department

Garry Wiggs, Public Works Director, explained that he had no immediate concerns.


Garry Wiggs reported no problems or concerns with cemeteries.

Building and Codes

Ralph Graul, Building Inspector, circulated his monthly report showing 20 open permits. Graul explained that the Council held two variance hearings this evening that the Council needs to act on this evening and both of these were concerning chickens. The Mayor explained that the Zoning/Planning Board met and recommended the requests be denied.

Motion 17: Oetjen moved Allsopp seconded to deny the variance request for 223 Dobson Street for chickens inside the corporate limits. Roll call vote: Allsopp, yea; Brinkley, yea; Edwards, yea; Emery, yea; Harness, no; Liebenrood, yea; Oetjen, yea; Sievers, yea. The Mayor declared the motion carried.

Motion 18: Oetjen moved and Brinkley seconded to deny the variance request for 915 W. Grand Avenue for chickens inside the corporate limits. Roll call vote: Sievers, yea; Oetjen, yea; Liebenrood, yea; Tom Harness, abstain; Emery, yea; Edwards, yea; Brinkley, yea; Allsopp, yea. The Mayor declared the motion carried.

Ralph Graul explained the Variance Request from the property owner, Wesley Jean, 300 block of Scout Cabin Road, who is asking to replace a single-wide mobile home with a double-wide mobile home. The Council needs to set a hearing.

Motion 19: Oetjen moved and Edwards seconded to schedule a Variance Hearing for Wesley Jean on Scout Cabin Road on August 11, 2020 at 6:45 p.m. at the Community Center. All present voted yea and the Mayor declared the motion carried.

The Mayor introduced a petition to vacate a public railroad right-of-way at Pennsylvania and McNeil for Marion Stennett who is constructing a home on adjacent property. This is a 15' alleyway which is the old railroad property.

Motion 20: Liebenrood moved and Oetjen seconded to table the Right-of-Way Vacation for further review. All present voted yea and the Mayor declared the motion carried.

The Mayor presented a Tax Increment Financing Redevelopment Agreement and a Resolution for the TIF III reorganization.

Motion 21: Liebenrood moved and Oetjen seconded to approve the Tax Increment Financing Redevelopment Agreement for the Municipal Drive Development. A roll call vote was taken, and all present voted yea. The Mayor declared the motion carried.

Motion 22: Liebenrood moved and Edwards seconded to approve RESOLUTION NO. 443-20, RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE USE OF TAX INCREMENT FINANCIANG IN SUPPORT OF A REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT BEING UNDERTAKEN WITHIN THE CARTERVILLE TIF III DISTRICT BY DEREK HOOD d/b/a DHH LAND CO, LLC. A roll call vote was taken, and all present voted yea. The Mayor declared the motion carried.

AGE Electric Aggregation Agreement Electric Supply Competitive Bid Results were presented and discussed. This is a three-year contract.

Motion 23: Oetjen moved and Liebenrood seconded to approve a three-year contract with AGE for electrical supply costs. A roll call vote was taken, and all present voted yea. The Mayor declared the motion carried

Curtis Oetjen gave the Water and Sewer Board report. The meeting was held Thursday, July 9, 2020 and he gave a report as follows:

Delinquent Accounts – 153 

Accounts for $28, 317.74

• Gallonage loss in May 2019 was 541,748 gallons. In June we sold 13,162,190 gallons and the Rend Lake bill was not available to calculate loss. The Board approved up to $2,300.00 to purchase a disk and drawbar for sludge field maintenance Rotors will cost $14, 208.30 to have shafts rebuilt and trued. There are four of these. The Board approved a new meter tampering policy ($100.00 if there is no damage and $500.00 if the meter is damaged).

The Board approve the hire of Adam Decker as Wastewater Treatment Operator in Charge and David Miller as a laborer and maintenance worker. The rotors at the Wastewater Treatment Plant failed last Friday and the staff is working to stabilize the brackets for future use.


Lion's Club Drive Thru Biscuit and Gravy Breakfast - Community Center 

Gum Drops, СUSD #5, City of Carterville Food Drive - CHS Parking Lot - July 17th & 31st

Motion 24: Liebenrood moved and Emery seconded to adjourn. All present voted yea, the Mayor declared the motion carried and the meeting was dismissed at 8:48 p.m.




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