City of Naperville Transportation Advisory Board met Nov. 5.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
A. Call To Order:
B. Roll Call:
C. Public Forum:
D. Reports And Recommendations:
1. 20-1274
Approve the minutes of the October 1, 2020 Transportation Advisory Board meeting
2. 20-1275
Approve the recommendation to establish one-way and two-way stop controls for streets within the Atwater subdivision
3. 20-1288
Approve the recommendation to establish one-way and two-way stop controls for streets throughout Naperville
4. 20-1293
Approve a recommendation to restrict parking on the north and south side of Cantore Road from Illinois Route 59 to a point 165’ east of the Forgue Drive edge of pavement.
E. Old Business:
F. New Business:
G. Adjournment: