Woodford County Board met Sept. 15.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
Board met and was called to order by Chairman John Krug.
Chairman Krug began the meeting with a moment of silence and then led all present in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll call by the Clerk. Present: Emily Barker (Zoom), Russell Cotton, Joshua Davis, Justin Faulk, Richard Hill, Bryant Kempf, John Krug, Barry Logan, Charles Nagel (Zoom), Blake Parsons, Jerry Smith, Dan Steffen and Donald Tolan. Absent: Randy Roethler, unexcused; and Jason Spence, excused. Also present was County Clerk Dawn Kupfer. Note: unless noted otherwise, all Members were present in the Board Room.
Board announced in session by the Chairman.
Clerk Kupfer presented and read the Certificate of Giving Notice for this meeting.
Mr. Hill moved the Certificate be approved as read, which motion was seconded by Mr. Parsons and was unanimously carried.
Clerk Kupfer submitted the minutes of the August 18, 2020 regular session County Board meeting for additions, corrections and approval.
Mr. Parsons moved to approve the minutes of the August 18, 2020 regular Session County Board meeting, which was seconded by Mr. Cotton and unanimously carried.
Chairman Krug called for public input.
Mr. Michael J. Smith, Village Board President of the Village of Roanoke presented and read a statement to the County Board Members in regards to the recent Roanoke flooding event on July 15, 2020. Mr. Smith expressed that as elected officials, hope things like this would never happen in our communities, but when it did the Village could not imagine dealing with this situation without the professionalism of EMA Director Kent McCanless. Mr. Smith applauded the efforts of Woodford County Boards past and present that have provided funding and personnel to build such a wonderful organization that provides a much needed service to our communities.
Mr. Kent McCanless, Director of EMA, thanked Chairman Krug and the County Board for recognizing Dr. Knepp last month. He went on to that the EMA has returned to their normal operations the second week of June. Mr. McCanless stated that thus far they have distributed over 18,000 pairs of gloves, 1157 gowns, a little over 5800 N95 masks, over 13,500 surgical masks, a lot of the churches made homemade masks and there have been over 2700 of those distributed as well. Mr. McCanless went on to say over 14,000 hand sanitizer packets, 653 safety glasses, and over 200 face shields have also been distributed.
Chairman Krug called for any further public input, hearing none he moved onto the Consent Agenda. The Consent Agenda was presented and clarified for the reporting of these minutes.
Mr. Tolan moved to approve the consent agenda, which was seconded by Mr. Steffen.
Chairman Krug called for any items to be removed from the consent agenda.
Mr. Logan moved to pull Item (l) under Petitions, Resolutions and/or Motions; and Item (n) under the same.
Chairman Krug announced the Board was working off of an amended agenda, further announcing Item (m) under Petitions, Resolutions, and/or Motions was Resolution 2019/2020-084 the Purchase of Office Furniture for the Probation Remodel Project.
Chairman Krug called for a vote on the remainder of the Consent Agenda, which unanimously carried.
a. Approval of the appointment of Mark Vaugh to the Woodford County Housing Authority for a 1 year term expiring June 30, 2021.
b. Approval of the reappointment of Laura Siscoe to the Woodford County Housing Authority for a 3 year term expiring June 20, 2023.
Petitions, Resolutions and/or Motions:
a. Approval of the renewal Devnet Property Tax, w/Edge, and Planning, Building & Zoning Software License, Maintenance and Support for Woodford County.
b. Approval of Agreement to Purchase of Services between the County of Woodford and We Care, Inc.
c. Approval of Board Administrative Assistant Job Description.
d. Approval of Ordinance 2019/2020-015 Petition 2020-15-Z Cruger Township granting a map amendment to Blunier Builders Inc. from Commercial District and Agricultural District (AG) to Heavy Industrial District (I-2), on a 40 acre parcel commonly described as vacant ground immediately west of 1100 W. Center Street, US Highway 24, Eureka, Illinois.
e. Approval of Ordinance 2019/2020-016 authorizing the Execution and Delivery of Local CURE Program Financial Support Conditions and Certification.
f. Approval of Resolution 2019/2020-078 authorizing the Board Chairman to execute an engineering agreement with Maurer-Stutz Inc. for the County Highway 13 project, Section 16-00091-02-RR.
g. Approval of Resolution 2019/2020-079 authorizing the Board Chairman to execute an engineering agreement with Maurer-Stutz Inc. for the County Highway 13 project, Section 20-00091-03-BR.
h. Approval of Resolution 2019-2020-080 authorizing the Board Chairman to execute an amendment to the engineering agreement with Maurer-Stutz Inc. for the County Highway 9 bridge repair project, Section 11-00126-00-BR.
i. Approval of Resolution 2019-2020-081 authorizing the Board Chairman to execute a letter of agreement with Neff Valuation Group for the County Highway 13 project, Section 13-00091-00- EG.
j. Approval of Resolution 2019/2020-082 accepting a Petition for County Aid from Metamora Township, Section 20-08157-BA-BR.
k. Approval of the annual request for Flu Shots for County Employees, Spouses, and Dependents to be administered by the Health Department and paid for out of the General Fund Insurance Line Item 051-200-5027-013 at the rate of $21 for regular dose and $58 for high dose.
m. Approval of Resolution 2019/2020-084 the purchasing of Office furniture for Probation Remodel.
Chairman Krug called for Item (l) under Petitions, Resolutions, and/or Motions.
Mr. Logan stated Item (l) Resolution 2019/2020-086 was also part of the amended agenda. He went to say this was for the paving on the parking lot. Mr. Logan stated the Committee had received two bids, one from Tazewell County Asphalt for $49,515.00 and one from R.A. Cullinan for $50,852.73. Mr. Logan moved to approve Resolution 2019/2020-086, which was seconded by Mr. Faulk. Mr. Logan stated first he would like to move to amend the Resolution, replacing in the second to the last paragraph the not the exceed $41,000 amount to $51,000. This would be match the $51,000 amount which appears in the beginning of the Resolution. Chairman Krug called for a vote on the amendment; motion carried.
Chairman Krug called for a vote on the Resolution as amended; motion carried.
Chairman Krug moved onto Item (n).
Mr. Logan stated Item (n) Resolution 2019/2020-085 is for a retaining wall by the sally port. Last month at the Public Safety Committee Meeting there had been some question which came up and at that time the Committee decided to bring this forward to the full Board. Mr. Logan stated the bid we had was for $39,197.00 the Resolution actually states not to exceed $41,000 and he believes all of the questions they had at the Committee level have since been answered. Mr. Logan stated he pulled the Resolution just to give further explanation since some of the Board Members did not receive it in the Board packet.
Chairman Krug called for a motion.
Mr. Logan moved to approve Item (n) Resolution 2019/2020-085 Replacing the Retaining wall, which was seconded by Mr. Steffen, motion unanimously carried.
Mr. Logan requested that in the future in order to avoid confusion, paper copies of any amended agendas or missing documentation should be on the table for the Members, as this would be very helpful.
Chairman Krug stated he believed the Board has taken care of Item (a) under New Business.
Chairman Krug announced there were no Unfinished Business to discuss nor Presentations this evening.
Chairman Krug then called for the vote to approve the claims Paid in Vacation since the last meeting of the Board. Mr. Faulk moved to approve the Claims Paid in Vacation, which was seconded by Mr. Davis. Chairman Krug asked if there were any claims to be added, hearing none. Motion carried.
Mr. Hill presented and read Resolution 2019/2020-083 approving the payment of the Claims, which was seconded by Mr. Kempf.
Chairman Krug called for a roll call vote. County Board Members voting Aye: Russell Cotton, Joshua Davis, Justin Faulk, Richard Hill, Bryant Kempf, John Krug, Barry Logan, Charles Nagel, Blake Parsons, Jerry Smith, Dan Steffen, Donald Tolan and Emily Barker. County Board Members voting Nay: None. County Board Members absent: Randy Roethler, unexcused; and Jason Spence, excused. Motion carried.
The Report of the County Treasurer on receipts and disbursement of the General Fund, current fund balances and interfund transfers for the period ending August 31, 2020 was presented, as well as a report on the Revolving loan Fund. Ms. Andrews stated the second distribution of real estate taxes has been done which resulted in just over 30 million dollars and they at over 97 percent collected. Ms. Andrews said her office has sent out 1,000 friendly reminder letters which is a just under what is typically sent.
Mr. Cotton moved to place all of the Treasurer’s reports on file, which motion was seconded by Mr. Smith and was unanimously carried.
The report for the Office of the County Board dated September 15, 2020 was presented. Mr. Hill moved to place the Report on file, which motion was seconded by Mr. Cotton and was unanimously carried.
The following communication will be placed on file for the regular meeting of the September 15, 2020 County Board meeting:
Letter from The Federal Aviation Administration concerning the aeronautical study of a project in Benson, Illinois stating the study is complete and the FAA has issued a determination.
Letter from the Illinois Association of Fire Protection Districts in conjunction with the Office of the State Fire Marshall, IAFPD developed a three part, 12-hour training program to be held in Champaign, Illinois on October 2nd and 3rd, 2020.
Letter from the El Paso Gridley School Superintendent regarding the Panther Grove Wind Energy Project and the benefit it would be to the school district.
Minutes of the Road and Bridge Committee meeting held August 10, 2020.
Minutes of the Public Safety Committee meeting held August 18, 2020.
Minutes of the County Offices Committee held on July 14, 2020 and on August 18, 2020.
Minutes of the Finance & Economic Development Committee held on August 11, 2020.
Minutes of the Conservation, Planning and Zoning Committee held on July 13, 2020 and on August 18, 2020.
Minutes of the Zoning Board of Appeals held on February 13, 2020 and on July 28, 2020.
Minutes of the Health Care Committee held on August 12, 2020.
Mr. Parsons moved to place all correspondence on file, which motion was seconded by Mr. Steffen and was unanimously carried.
The respective Chairmen gave the reports of each Standing Committee.
Chairwomen Andrews reported for the Health Care Committee (Health Insurance Committee). Chairwoman Andrews reported they met last Wednesday and the main thing coming out of that meeting was the recommendation for flu shots. Mr. Steffen inquired if there will be a good turnout for the flu shot. Chairwomen Andrews stated every year there has been a good turnout but with this year and Covid she would like to believe more people will turn out and get the shot.
Mr. Hill, Chairman of the Road & Bridge Committee, reported they are making final preparations towards being shovel ready on CH 13. Mr. Hill reported on the resolutions passed tonight that will help on the sections of the final design of CH 13. Mr. Hill reported they are looking at taking some more complicated smaller areas and getting that appraised so they can move on from that to appraise some similar properties along the way that might match up with some of the ones they have in their sales book and might be able to do in- house. Mr. Hill stated some projects have been delayed due to big rains and hopeful that some of them can be made up. Mr. Steffen also reported on CH 13 and for those who don’t know where it is located he informed us of its mapping.
Mr. Cotton reported for the County Offices Committee. Mr. Cotton reported on the approval of tonight’s appointments, department updates from the Supervisor of Assessments, County Clerk and Recorder and the Treasurer. Mr. Cotton pointed out that County Clerk Dawn L. Kupfer gave an update on the vote by mail requests for mail in ballots in Woodford County and how that number will be going up and how that is going to cause a lot more work on her end. County Clerk Dawn L. Kupfer reported that as of tonight they have received just under 3500 request for vote by mail ballots.
Mr. Nagel, Chairman of the Finance Committee, reported the committee finished up reviewing the budget and the outstanding job the Department Heads did putting it together. Mr. Nagel stated the budget with one exception was to break out the Computer Equipment line item and give it back to each Department to fill in a number as a budget item for each Department. Mr. Nagel reported they are also shifting some money around in those line items to help replace some switches and shared equipment. Mr. Nagel stated in October their Committee will see the amounts funded for Computer Equipment, how the Treasurer will make those adjustments and putting them into the budget. Mr. Nagel stated after they have looked those numbers over they will forward to the full Board as a tentative budget based on their recommendations. Mr. Nagel stated it will be up to the full Board for their approval or adjustments. Mr. Nagel stated the tentative budget will then be displayed for 30 days how there is 30 days to make adjustments before Novembers County Board Meeting and approve the final budget. Mr. Nagel reported the Revolving Loan Fund is moving along, they received a letter of Guarantee from the State paying back the money after the projects already started, how the Architectural Firms can now go out and get bids from Contractors. Mr. Cotton inquired if they have through 2021 to do the work on the Revolving Loan Fund. Mr. Nagel stated they have through December of 2021 pending if there are any extensions due to Covid.
Mr. Logan, Chairman of the Public Safety Committee, reported they discussed replacement vehicles for the Sheriff’s office how the Sheriff provided a plan to get the cars up to date and back to lower mileage. Mr. Logan stated 7 cars would have to be replaced next year and 7 cars the following year 6 after that and 4 after that. Mr. Logan reported that is something you will be seeing in the budget and up to the County Board to decide if that’s what they want to do. Mr. Logan reported he thinks it’s going to go into the budget with that many cars to be replaced. Mr. Logan reported they spent time discussing Annex 4 and the fact notice has to be given on where the next County Board Meeting is held it was decided the notice would be given for the next meeting to be held at Annex 4. It’s not sure if the meeting room will be done or not but he feels a meeting can be held there and they can get to work on the Probation Office.
Blake Parsons, Chairman of the Conservation Planning and Zoning Committee, reported the Public, City of Eureka and Mayor came to speak. Mr. Parsons stated the Committee had a lengthy discussion on the need to revisit the potential for amending the Counties Solar Ordinance regarding setbacks to municipal boundaries. Mr. Parsons reported individuals came in and had questions that went along the lines of Wind Farms and why Solar can’t be like this further stating it’s a bit more complicated than that. Mr. Parsons reported the Committee sounds like they are in favor of increasing what currently is a 500 setback to residence too possibly a setback to a municipal boundary. Mr. Parsons stated Assistance States Attorney Mr. Gibson attended the meeting and gave them advice and are waiting on some feedback from him on what they can or cannot do. Mr. Parsons reported they will continue that discussion and come up with something further stating the Committee did go before the Zoning Board of Appeals with a proposed mile or mile and a half setback and they ran into some issues so they plan to revisit it and see if they can come up with something that satisfies the Committee and ZBA. Mr. Parsons reported they discussed the issue of conducting the bigger Zoning Hearings regarding the Wind Farm how he met with Zoning Administrator Lisa Jording, County Board member Chuck Nagel, Chris Green with Tri-Global Energy and Tom Zobrist from Eureka Liberty Bible Church where the meetings will be taking place. Mr. Parsons reported they discussed some of the logistical issues conducting the meeting there covering quite a bit of ground and feel the County is well prepared for the meetings to take place there. They do plan to have a brief onsite meeting with the Zoning Administrator, Chair and Vice Chair of C P & Z, Mr. Gibson and Church Staff. Mr. Parsons stated the Church has provided additional Staff Personnel to help them logistically at the meetings. Mr. Parsons continued his reporting with the Zoning Board of Appeals stating the County is there and ready, Tom Zobrist and his facility is ready and they are determined on what will be the best setup for everything health safety and welfare checking people in, further stating they discussed all aspects. Mr. Parsons reported he received a few phone calls and letters regarding people being in favor of the Wind Farm and urging them to be in favor of it. Mr. Parsons also reported people are inquiring as to when they are going to start seeing that and the ball is in Tri-Globals court how there is not currently an application for a Wind Farm to this counties zoning authority. Mr. Parsons stated they are awaiting on wind noise data from the new generation of WECS Systems they would like to use for this project further stating it has changed some of the numbers of the towers as well as location data that needs to be submitted to the Zoning Office. Mr. Parsons reported since no application has been submitted they are aiming for November hearings but are waiting on Tri- Global.
Mr. Parsons reported for the Zoning Board of Appeals. Mr. Parsons reported they have 1 uncontested variance and the ZBA Chairman will hear the application and the final decision will be the ZBA’s.
Mr. Hill asked for clarification on the Wind Farms lack of application being it’s not that they want to pull out is it because they want to upgrade from what they thought they were going to use and now looking to see how that might work. Mr. Parsons stated in order to submit the Application they have got to have all the Application requirements and information available to them further stating they do no not have this new data on these new wind Energy Conversion Units. Mr. Parsons explained once they have that they have assured them they will get it in and a date will be set.
Mr. Smith, Chairman of the Zoning Board of Appeals, also stated for clarification they talk about solar applications and there are three aspects to that; one of them is that an individual can use a solarized it does not take an appearance before any County Zoning Board however Mr. Smith does not know about City. Mr. Smith stated the next Application is a Commercial Application and the same thing exists as far as he knows it does not take a hearing of the Zoning Board to approve a Commercial Application to have Solar Panels for their existence. Mr. Smith explained the one they are talking about is the Application of an individual providing a piece to property and producing a Solar Farm to sell to Ameren and that is really what they are discussing and not the others. Mr. Smith said in the other cases it does take a permit fee for an Individual or a Commercial Application; further clarifying those two are not under discussion at this time.
Mr. Parsons stated that would be correct at this time it is a utility sized Application or a Special Use permit for the big projects.
Chairman Krug called for Public Announcements, going on to say the State has deemed Election Day, November 3, 2020 as a State holiday this year and there are some questions from the employees as to how this will be handled. Chairman Krug went on to say this will be discussed at the County Offices Committee meeting in October.
Chairman Krug stated there were no need to go into Executive Session.
Mr. Faulk moved to adjourn until 6:30 P.M. the third Tuesday in October, A.D. 2020 same being the 20th day of said month, which motion was seconded by Mr. Kempf and was unanimously carried.
Chairman Krug announced the Board adjourned at approximately 7:27 PM.