Woodford County Board Finance & Economic Development Committee met Nov. 10.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call – Roll Call -Chuck Nagel (chairinan), Richard Hill (vch.), Emily Barker, Bryant Kempf all present. Josh Davis is excused..
3. Approval of Minutes
a. Approval of October 13, 2020 Regular Meeting Motion to approve October 13, 2020 minutes made by Kempf, seconded by Hill. Motion passed.
4. Public Input
5. Approval of Claims Motion to approve November claims made by Hill, seconded by Kempf. Motion passed.
6. Treasurers Report The Treasurer presented the sales tax comparison report. The 1 cent and 14 cent sales tax revenue are up from last year. The Icent public sales tax is decreased by approximately $25,000. Overall, we a good shape. We are not sure what will happened in the next few months with Covid and shutting down again. At this time there are no concerns with the budget.
The annual tax sale was held today. There were 116 parcels sold which is a record low.
The Treasurer has opened 2 new accounts for the revolving loan grants. She has also opened an account for the Downstate Small Business grants.
A report was submitted for the CURES grant. We submitted $623,763.57, which is $400 less than the maximum allowed. We are hoping to here soon that the amount has been approved.
Overall the budget from this year is good. The increase in expenditures were due to highway projects.
It was stated that this is a testament to the citizen of the County. We have supported our local business during this pandemic.
7. Budget
8. New Business
a. Approval of Resolution 2019/20-096 Approving pay increase for non-union employees. This resolution is done annually for non-union employees. Discussion on not having the list of non-union employees attached to the resolution. Not all non-union employees are on the list. This list is the employees that the Board controls the salaries of. No elected official's employees are on this list. The resolution states they are getting 3%, so why make a list. It was felt that without the list, it muddied the waters as some are set by resolution. The budget gets approved with appropriations, this resolution releases the inoney for the pay increases. After discussion it was decided to allow the full board to discuss and determine if the list should be attached to the resolution or not. Motion to approve the non union pay increase resolution and move to the full board made by Barker, seconded by Hill. Motion passed.
9. Unfinished Business
10. Other After the budget discussion and salary dispute with the non-union employees versus union employees last month, a tentative solution has been proposed, Mr. Logan, Mr. Krug and Mr. Nagel met with the department heads to discuss this solution. It will be done in two steps. The first year they will do a salary adjustment. The second year they will do step increase to move the non-union employees in line with the union employees. We don't want to lose the employees we have, as it costs money to train and then have the employee go somewhere else. Longevity is a good thing. It was stated that there was no point in having a lengthy discussion as this was the last meeting for three of the members and a new committee would be taking over and dealing with the issue.
This was Bryant's, Josh's, and Emily's last finance meeting. They were thanked their hard work and service.
11. Executive Session
a. 5 ILCS 120/2cX11) Litigation
No executive session was held.
12. Any Action Coming Out of Executive Session
13. Adjournment
Motion to adjourn made by Hill, seconded by Kempf.
Meeting adjourned at 6:40 PM.