City of Minonk Parks and Recreation Board met March 6.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
1. Call to order:
2. Roll Call:
a. JT Gentes -Present
b. Justin Immel -Not Present
c. Rose Armes-Present
d. Kristen Amigoni-Present
e. Tom Ryan-Present
f. Leah Hartley-Present
g. City Council Representative Jonathan Stears- Not Present
3. Approve minutes from last board meeting- Kristen approved, Rose 2nd.
4. Old Business
a. City Council Update: None
b. Park Issues/Concerns: west side park spindles broke on gazebo, upgrade to spindles Kristen motioned, Tom 2nd, door in bathroom to be replaced-hire this done
c. Budget: None
5. New Business:
a. Active sports Update: Baseball travel team- 40 games, need field bid, accept this bid at 3/20 meeting from bidders, Soccer for spring sign up is over now, good turn out, 4 teams possibly need to purchase new balls for this
b. Upcoming sports: Baseball/tball- Minonk doing own sign ups, in future going to try to do one whole registration with wenona/toluca, deadline 3/25 after that new rules of case to case basis with late fee that way, in future possibly get a sports account set up so one central location for all sports and one email for record board to have everything in one location for easier access to forms and ect.
c. Adult pick up basketball in Minonk still going on and going well
6. Public Comments: None
7. Board member comments:
8. Adjourn: Tom motioned to adjourn ,Rose 2nd at 8:17 PM