Peoria County Care & Treatment Board met May 18.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
Members Present: Alyssa Herman
Greg Chance
Todd Baker
Joyce Harant
Members Absent: Andrew Rand, County Board Liaison
Others Present: Brian Gulley, Peoria City/County Health Department Amy Roberts, Peoria City/County Health Department
Patti Gratton, CWTC
Don Rulis, CWTC
Jerreia James, CWTC
Amanda Atchley, Camp Big Sky
Julie Schifeling, Easterseals
Angie DeLost, Easterseals
Tracey Arahood, Easterseals
Kim Cornwell, EP!C
Steve Rollins, EP!C
Doris Hayes, EP!C
Rachel Grys-Doan, EP!C
Ryan LaCosse, Best Buddies
Heather Bouchez, Best Buddies
Bayley Whitson, Best Buddies
Sarah Carroll, Best Buddies (via Conference Phone)
Adam Wilt, Best Buddies (via Conference Phone)
Nicolette Cuttell, Best Buddies (via Conference Phone)
Call to Order
Meeting was called to order at 11:00 am by Mr. Baker
Approval of Minutes from April 20, 2022
A motion was made by Mr. Chance to approve the minutes of the April 20, 2022 meeting. Motion was seconded by Ms. Herman. Motion carried (4,0).
Fiscal Reports and Summary
Mr. Gulley stated the financials in the packet are through April. There hasn’t been any property tax revenue yet, that typically comes in May. The first three CPPRT disbursements came in at $296,420 and the fourth one came in and the new total is $455,689, continuing the high trend. After interest, the revenue is at $296,804 without reflecting that fourth CPPRT disbursement. For expenses, the checks to the agencies are delayed due to a new finance system and the miscellaneous is for the advertising fee for the RFP. This leaves a surplus of $296,770 and the fund balance is at $964,066. Mr. Gulley handed out a revised projected budget based on increased CPPRT revenue and funding 100% of what was requested so Board Members could see what that would look like. Mr. Chance made a motion to approve the Fiscal Reports and Summary. Motion was seconded by Ms. Harant. Mr. Baker stated that he did meet with the County Administrator to discuss the fund balance. County Administrator Sorrell stated they should be following policy on the fund balance and suggested that the Board should work with their fiscal agent and the County to put expenditures where they need to be and reduce that, as everyone has been surprised by the amount of CPPRT coming in. County Administrator Sorrell also noted that the Care and Treatment Board are not at risk for a levy reduction. Motion carried (4,0).
Agency Presentations
The agencies that submitted proposals presented information on the programs for which they requested funding. The Board thanked the agencies for their work and dedication.
Grant Funding Awards
Mr. Chance noted that they may start thinking about what the agencies can do and what the Board can do to let the taxpayers know how their money is being spent. He noted that there might be an opportunity for the Board in the next fiscal year to fund someone interested in videography at one of the agencies that could do a video project to be used on social media.
Mr. Chance made a motion to fund 100% of every grant proposal received for this grant period. Motion was seconded by Ms. Herman. Mr. Chance thought the grant applicants did a good job at defending their proposals, since the Board had already submitted their scores, Mr. Chance stated their scores were uniformly scored. He understands that the 100% would exceed the budget, however, the grant period goes across two budget time frames, as they can accommodate any adjustments necessary in next year’s budget proposal. Mr. Chance stated he is also trying to utilize the extra CPPRT money coming in and that the agencies are being challenged from their other funding streams, like the state. This Board understands that they may have to go back to the County Board for a budget amendment in the future. Mr. Baker stated that the County Administrator supports this, as well as the County Board Members Mr. Baker spoke with. This would still leave the fund balance over the minimum 24%. Motion carried (4,0).
Best Buddies, Workplace Readiness Project $75,000
Camp Big Sky, Living a Life Like Any Other $35,000
CWTC, Adult Day Developmental Training $61,000
CWTC, Job Readiness $285,000
Easterseals, Early Intervention in Natural Environments $36,800
EP!C, Specialized Job Placement $360,000
EP!C, Maximizing Life Skills-Community Day Services $300,000
EP!C, Post-Secondary Transitions $140,000
Total: $1,292,800
Public Comments
All of the agencies thanked the Board for their time and consideration as well as the funding opportunity.
There were no Miscellaneous items.
Being no further business, Mr. Chance made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Motion was seconded by Ms. Herman. Motion carried (4,0).
The meeting adjourned at 12:44 pm.