
Peoria Standard

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Peoria Liquor Commission met May 1

City of Peoria Liquor Commission met May 1.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:

A meeting of the City of Peoria Liquor Commission was held in Room 404, City Hall, 419 Fulton Street, Peoria, Illinois, on May 1, 2023, Chairwoman Coates presiding, with proper notice having been posted.


Present: Chairwoman Camille Coates; Commissioners: Arius Hounwanou, Scott Jordan, Timothy Spears, Paul Winkler - 5;

Absent: None.

Others present: Liquor Investigator Rick Linthicum; Assistant City Attorney Michael Toren; Fire Engineer Charlie Perrin; Chief Deputy City Clerk Trina Bonds; media and concerned citizens.


Chairwoman Coates called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m.


Commissioner Winkler moved to approve the Minutes of the April 3, 2023, Liquor Commission Meeting, as outlined; seconded by Commissioner Hounwanou.

Approved by roll call vote:

Yeas: Coates, Hounwanou, Jordan, Spears, Winkler - 5;

Nays: None;

Abstention: None.


Chairwoman Coates read the amendment to Section 3-57, which will be read at the beginning of every Liquor Commission Meeting.

“The Liquor Commission is a recommending body with respect to site approval. Our function is to determine if the location of an establishment is appropriate for the class of liquor license being requested and then make a recommendation to the City Council as to whether the application should be approved or denied. The City Council makes the final decision.

Under Section 3-57 of the Code of the City of Peoria any misrepresentation or false statement made to either this Commission or the City Council relating to the proposed business to be operated on the site can result in a denial of your liquor license; suspension and/or revocation of a license if already issued, and a fine of up to $1,000.”

23-07 Knoxville Wine & Spirits (Continued from 4/3/23)

d/b/a River City Grill

3504 B N. Prospect Road

Requesting: Class B (Restaurant, 50% Food)

Christell Frausto, Co-Owner, Knoxville Wine & Spirits, d/b/a River City Grill, and Geoff Smith, Architect, presented a request for a Class B (Restaurant, 50% food) Liquor License at 3504 B N. Prospect Road.

In discussion with Chairwoman Coates, Ms. Frausto gave an update on the progress of the renovations for the space. She also shared photos for the Commission and Staff to review. She noted some flooring in the front area, bathroom renovations and other work had been already completed. She reported their kitchen equipment was stored in the restaurant’s storage pod on site. She then briefly described upcoming HVAC, plumbing, electrical, and work on the glass doors for the new entryway on the side of the building.

Commissioner Jordan said Ms. Frausto had gone above and beyond and he thanked her for updating the Commission on their progress.

In response to a question from Commissioner Spears regarding the compliance with building separation requirements, Ms. Frausto explained there was a self-locking door for employees only to utilize for access to the bathroom. She said the door wasn’t an entrance for vendors or customers to the liquor store. She explained they were considered to be two separate entities, and she went on to report there was a brand-new double glass door currently being installed for the patrons of River City Café.

Liquor Investigator Linthicum reported after a recent inspection, he noticed much more work had been completed after his initial inspection. He mentioned the discussion on separation requirements for the attached liquor store, and he commented on the importance of consistency because of the request for gaming. He pointed out there had been calls from other establishments wanting to do the same thing.

He said his recommendation would be to defer the request for another 30 days, to ensure all requirements had been met and everything was put into place.

In response to a question by Fire Engineer Perrin regarding the employee door, Architect Geoff Smith briefly explained the locking mechanism for the door coming out the liquor store to the common area. He noted it was for “exit only”. During discussion, Liquor Investigator Linthicum commented the door in question should not be propped open for any reasons, at any time. He said if so, that would be a violation.

Assistant City Attorney Toren added with video gaming being the ultimate goal, he said the applicant should be mindful of the percentage of food and beverage sale requirements versus gaming revenue. He mentioned issues with establishments not meeting the requirements and he noted there could be

audits down the road to verify that information. In more discussion, Ms. Frausto mentioned the possibility of catering food as well.

During more discussion, Commissioner Jordan commented he understood where the Police Dept. was coming from, but he said the Commission had already deferred the case previously for 30 days. He noted the applicant had already done what the Commission had asked her to do. He went on to say if all requirements had not been met, he said any violations could always be addressed by ordinance.

Ms. Bonds clarified the liquor license would not be issued until the Certificate of Occupancy (C of O) had been signed off on by Staff showing all requirements had been met.

There being no further questions or comments, Chairwoman Coates called for a motion.

After brief comments Commissioner Jordan moved to approve the request for a Class B (Restaurant, 50% food) Liquor License at 3504 B N. Prospect Road; seconded by Commissioner Winkler.

Motion Approved by roll call vote:

Yeas: Coates, Hounwanou, Jordan, Spears, Winkler - 5;

Nays: None;

Abstention: None.

Chairwoman Coates stated this recommendation would be heard at the City Council Meeting to be held on Tuesday, May 23, 2023, at 6:00 p.m.

23-09 Champs of Peoria, Inc.

d/b/a Bloody Mary Brunch Co.

708 W. Glen

Requesting: Class B (Restaurant, 50% Food)

Subclass 3A (Sidewalk Café)

Chris Herold, Owner, Champs of Peoria, Inc., d/b/a Bloody Mary Bruch Co., presented a request for a Class B (Restaurant, 50% food) Liquor License at 708 W. Glen.

In discussion with Chairwoman Coates, Mr. Herold said the proposed concept was one of the fastest growing segments in the restaurant industry. He reported this would be a brunch operational from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. and then he said the kitchen closes. He mentioned other similar concepts and he said he had been working with his consultant to emulate the concept that had been growing so fast.

In more discussion, Mr. Herold briefly described the location of the proposed sidewalk café. He explained there was a considerable amount of work needed to be done in order to put in the outdoor sidewalk café. Commissioner Spears mentioned Notre Dame High School in the nearby vicinity, and he expressed his concerns regarding the patio area. In response, Mr. Herold reported the sidewalk café would not be out front and he said it would be located in the back area of the building. He further stated he might have to postpone the patio addition due to the possibility of needing a variance.

In response to a question from Commissioner Winkler regarding the proposed hours of operation, Mr. Herold said they would be open seven days per week from 7:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. He reported the kitchen would be closing at 2:00 p.m. He noted they would also have a gaming area and he said the plan was for the bar to remain open until midnight or 1:00 a.m. He pointed out they wanted to utilize a pass thru to Marco’s Pizza next door to offer pizza, wings, etc. to their customers after closing the kitchen. He said there was also a possibility of having a ghost kitchen where someone could rent out their kitchen in the evenings. He commented he already owned other restaurants open seven days per week, and he said he wasn’t interested in another one.

Fire Engineer Perrin reported the change of occupancy would require life safety upgrades to include sprinkler and fire alarm systems to be installed in the entire building. Mr. Herold said the landlord was aware of those issues. He went on to say he would contact the Fire Dept. once he had his architectural plans.

Assistant City Attorney Toren commented about the applicant changing the menu for certain hours. He reiterated the requirement of maintaining the required revenue for video gaming versus food and beverage sales for the restaurant. Discussion was held regarding the pizza establishment providing the food sales. Attorney Toren reported those sales would not count if they were not coming from the licensed establishment. Mr. Herold mentioned possibly doing door dash from the establishment next door and utilizing his own staff to service his customers. Chairwoman Coates advised Mr. Herold to consult with City Legal before proceeding in that manner to ensure what he would be doing was permissible.

Jan Walden, Neighborhood Resident, commented about existing issues with U.S. Postal employees waking her up in the early morning hours. She said she would prefer not to have a bar open until 1:00 a.m. in the morning. She mentioned how dangerous the intersection already was from drunk drivers.

In response to Ms. Walden’s comments regarding live entertainment, Mr. Herold explained that he planned to have strictly dining table service only on the patio. He further stated his goal for this establishment would be to have an upscale breakfast restaurant.

A brief discussion was held regarding permitted hours of operation for sidewalk cafés. Mr. Herold said he would be willing to close the outdoor patio area when the kitchen closed at 2:00 p.m.

There being no further questions or comments, Chairwoman Coates called for a motion.

Commissioner Winkler moved to approve the request for a Class B (Restaurant, 50% food) Liquor License, with a Subclass 3A (sidewalk café) pursuant to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy and with a stipulation that the sidewalk café closes at 2:00 p.m. at 708 W. Glen Ave.; seconded by Commissioner Hounwanou.

Motion Approved by roll call vote:

Yeas: Coates, Hounwanou, Jordan, Spears, Winkler - 5;

Nays: None;

Abstention: None.

Chairwoman Coates stated this recommendation would be heard at the City Council Meeting to be held on Tuesday, May 23, 2023, at 6:00 p.m.

23-10 The Table Peoria, LLC

d/b/a The Table

8305 N. Allen Road, Suite 2

Requesting to add: Subclass 3A (sidewalk café)

Existing: Class K (Rental Hall)

Subclass 2 (live entertainment)

Karen Lewis, Co-Owner, The Table Peoria, LLC, d/b/a The Table, presented a request to add a Subclass 3A (sidewalk café) to an existing Class K (Rental Hall) Liquor License, with a Subclass 2 (live entertainment) at 8305 N. Allen, Suite 2.

In discussion with Chairwoman Coates, Ms. Lewis reported they were requesting to add outdoor seating on the front two sides of their rental hall establishment.

There being no questions or comments, Chairwoman Coates called for a motion.

Commissioner Spears moved to approve the request to add a Subclass 3A (sidewalk café) to an existing Class K (Rental Hall) Liquor License, with a Subclass 2 (live entertainment) at 8305 N. Allen, Suite 2; seconded by Commissioner Hounwanou.

Motion Approved by roll call vote:

Yeas: Coates, Hounwanou, Jordan, Spears, Winkler - 5;

Nays: None;

Abstention: None.

Chairwoman Coates stated the Subclass request did not require City Council approval.

23-11 Richards Under Main, Inc.

d/b/a Richards Under Main

311 Main St. (Lower)

Requesting: Class B (Restaurant, 50% Food)

Subclass 1 (4:00 A.M. Closing Hours)

Subclass 2 (live entertainment)

Scott Wood, Owner, d/b/a Richards Under Main, Inc., d/b/a Richards Under Main, presented a request for a Class B (Restaurant, 50% food) Liquor License, with a Subclass 1 (4:00 a.m. Closing Hours) and a Subclass 2 (live entertainment) at 311 Main St. (Lower).

In discussion with Chairwoman Coates, Mr. Wood explained he originally opened Richards on Main over twenty years ago. He said he recently spoke with the landlord regarding reopening the location. He gave a brief overview and he said he planned to add a few cosmetic updates to the site. He said they had two kitchens, one upstairs and the other in the basement. He said they planned to have a food cart and he noted they would be operating a café out of the upstairs kitchen from 7:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. He said they were going to try out breakfast to start and he commented if that wasn’t successful, he said they would just do lunch.

In response to a question from Commissioner Spears, Mr. Wood reported Richards closed in 2018.

Fire Engineer Perrin informed Mr. Wood he needed to do a new fire safety inspection to make sure all his systems were up to date.

There being no further questions or comments, Chairwoman Coates called for a motion.

Commissioner Winkler moved to approve the request for a Class B (Restaurant, 50% food) Liquor License, with a Subclass 1 (4:00 a.m. Closing Hours) and a Subclass 2 (live entertainment) at 311 Main St. (Lower); seconded by Commissioner Spears.

Motion Approved by roll call vote:

Yeas: Coates, Hounwanou, Jordan, Spears, Winkler - 5;

Nays: None;

Abstention: None.

Chairwoman Coates stated this recommendation would be heard at the City Council Meeting to be held on Tuesday, May 23, 2023, at 6:00 p.m.

23-12 Indian Tadka of Chicago, LLC

d/b/a Indian Tadka

7815 N. Knoxville

Requesting: Class B (Restaurant, 50% Food)

Abir Sakar, Manager, Indian Tadka of Chicago, LLC, d/b/a Indian Tadka, presented a request for a Class B (Restaurant, 50% food) Liquor License at 7815 N. Knoxville.

In discussion with Chairwoman Coates, Mr. Sakar reported they currently had an Indian restaurant serving Indian cuisine. He said they had received requests from their customers to obtain liquor or wine to accompany their meal.

For clarification, Ms. Bonds pointed out that under a different ownership, the restaurant at this location previously held a liquor license a few years ago.

Fire Engineer Perrin informed the manager that he wanted to do an updated fire safety inspection for the restaurant.

There being no further questions or comments, Chairwoman Coates called for a motion.

After brief comments, Commissioner Hounwanou moved to approve the request for a Class B (Restaurant, 50% food) Liquor License at 7815 N. Knoxville; seconded by Commissioner Winkler.

Motion Approved by roll call vote:

Yeas: Coates, Hounwanou, Jordan, Spears, Winkler - 5;

Nays: None;

Abstention: None.

Chairwoman Coates stated this recommendation would be heard at the City Council Meeting to be held on Tuesday, May 23, 2023, at 6:00 p.m.



Discussion was held regarding Video Gaming request for previous Site Approval applicants. Commissioner Spears requested for Staff to provide Commissioners with information on Video Gaming requirements and regulations related to liquor licenses for their knowledge. During comments, Attorney Toren noted the Liquor Code does grant the Local Liquor Commissioner the power to audit liquor licensed establishments for compliance. He said they could examine their receipts to make sure they were compliant with the Code. He said the liquor license could also be pulled if an establishment was not compliant.


Commissioner Spears commented about the possibility of adding a new Subclass for Jukeboxes. He said there were some establishments who might only want a jukebox versus live entertainment. He commented he did not feel everyone should have access to live entertainment. In discussion, Liquor Investigator Linthicum mentioned outside noise issues, and he said he wanted additional language to be added to the Code regarding outside speakers that were adjacent to sidewalk cafés.

During more discussion, Attorney Toren reported the noise section of the Code would still apply. He said the Code prohibits amplified music outside. He said he felt there was some control there, but he said there was room for improvement.

Several Commissioners agreed it should not be very difficult to amend the Code to separate different types of entertainment.


Sarah Blanche inquired about a request for Site Approval at 4240 N. Brandywine. She was informed the case had been previously withdrawn.


The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Liquor Commission is Monday, June 5, 2023. 


Commissioner Spears moved to adjourn the meeting; seconded by Commissioner Winkler. Approved by viva voce vote.

The Liquor Commission Meeting adjourned at 4:18 p.m.




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