
Peoria Standard

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Review of 2020 Presidential Election voting trends in Central SE Township of Morton: Precinct Morton 10

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U.S. President Joe Biden & Former U.S. President Donald Trump | Wikipedia

U.S. President Joe Biden & Former U.S. President Donald Trump | Wikipedia

As we approach the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election, a review of the 2020 voting patterns in Central SE Township of Morton: Precinct Morton 10 can provide valuable insights. In the contest between Donald J. Trump and Joe Biden, 762 of the 867 residents cast their ballots, resulting in an 87.9% turnout, according to the Illinois State Board of Elections.

The voting breakdown in Central SE Township of Morton: Precinct Morton 10 reveals 68.4% of the total supporting Republicans, and 29.3% of the votes for Democrats, highlighting the precinct's political preferences.

Overall, 105 registered voters in Central SE Township of Morton: Precinct Morton 10 did not vote in 2020.

Additionally, an estimated total of 1,111 residents were reported to be aged 18 or older in Central SE Township of Morton: Precinct Morton 10, according to the last US Census and the 2021 American Community Survey.

The Illinois State Board of Elections ensures the integrity and security of the electoral process in Illinois. They handle candidate certifications, vote tallying, and campaign disclosures. Following a significant cyberattack in 2016, the board also focuses on bolstering electoral cybersecurity. Governed by the Illinois Election Code (10 ILCS 5), the SBE is committed to conducting fair and transparent elections.

2020 Voter Participation in Central SE Township of Morton: Precinct Morton 10
NameBirth YearAddressVoted/Didn't Vote
Aaron James Weber1974Waterford Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Aaron M. Bayless1992S Minnesota Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Abbey L. Karpawicz1989E Idlewood St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Abby L. Stephens1984S Mississippi Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Abigail Elizabeth Smith1994S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Adam C. Springer1993Wheatfield Dr, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Adam M. King1977S Mississippi Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Addison R. Bennett1998Weatherspoon Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Aimee Susan Link1985S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Alfred W. Bimrose1957E Idlewood St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Alice M. Barbour1957Lincoln Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Allan Bruce Hart1968S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Allison E. Dicks1970Whetstone Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Allison Lahood1995Dayton Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Allison N. Vastine2000S Rhode Island Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Allison Nicole Smith2000Akron Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Alyssa Renee Goodman1987E Forestwood St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Amanda C. Cantwell1977S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Amanda D. Washburn1986S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Amanda J. Mettelmann1984S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Amanda N. Brown1981Waterford Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Amilia Dierks1998S Minnesota Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Amy E. Park1961S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Amy L. Johnson1983E Jefferson, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Amy Lynn Salyers1969S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Amy M. Herring1982S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Andrea S. Koch1953S Tennessee Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Andrew F. Davis1977Weatherspoon Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Andrew J. Hertenstein1986S Minnesota Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Andrew J. Konsky1982Wheatfield Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Andrew W. Michel1998S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Angela I. Shull1955E Forestwood St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Angela L. Peterson1968Washington Rd, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Angela M. Sommer2001E Jefferson, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Angela M. Timmons1979S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Angela R. Geyer1978E Idlewood St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Anita M. Oberle1941Wheatfield Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Anna J. Mohr1992S Mississippi Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Anne M. Dutz1958S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Annette E. Peugh1957S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Anthony C. McCartney1971Waterford Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Anya M. Schultz1970Waterford Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Arthur Scott Lindell1962Whetstone Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Ashley Meyer1979S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Austin L. Braker1995S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Axel J. Larson1983S Rhode Island Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Bailey N. Martin1998S Mississippi Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Barbara A. Cramer1955S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Barbara A. Piraino1959Wheatfield Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Barbara C. McMullen1973S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Barbara Fritz1950Queenwood, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Barbara J. Albers1945S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Barbara J. Ricketts1945S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Barbara R. Rediger1945Washington Rd, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Barry M. Rapp1958S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Becky A. Julich1971S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Becky D. Braker1965S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Becky J. Erickson1957S Minnesota Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Becky L. Beasley1958S Mississippi Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Benjamin P. Fritz2001Queenwood, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Benjamin W. Smidt1984Dayton Ct, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Benny R. Percy1958Waterford Dr, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Beth E. Wirth1958S Mississippi Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Bethany Lynn Benca1995S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Betty A. Klopfenstein1939E Jefferson, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Billy R. Daniel1958Queenwood, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Blair W. Neihouser1988Akron Ct, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Bobbie Joleen Hauter1978Queenwood, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Bonnie L. Brewer1963S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Brad D. Habegger1980S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Bradley A. Stephens1985Weatherspoon Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Brandon J. Brown1982S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Brayton L. Boss1983S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Breanne D. King1981S Mississippi Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Brenda A. Baldovin1960S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Brenda A. Raithel1963Robison Rd, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Brenda K. Englund1943Whetstone Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Brenda L. Seggebruch1971Waterford Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Brendan R. D. Englund1942Whetstone Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Brent A. McKune1973S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Brent E. Hinz1983S Mississippi Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Brent L. Braker1963S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Brett Eugene Baldovin1988S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Brian C. Sommer1950E Jefferson, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Brian D. Hoffman1976S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Brian D. McFeeters1953S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Brian J. Ludolph1966S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Brian L. Powers1978Whetstone Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Brian M. Birchenough1983S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Brian Scheffler1987Wheatfield Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Brian T. Getz1985E Forestwood St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Brianna I. Bohling2001S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Bridget Kay Carr1974Whetstone Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Brigitte J. Bohling1969S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Brittany E. Hertenstein1990S Minnesota Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Brittany Joann Bohling2001S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Bruce A. Hertenstein1947Lincoln Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Bruce E. Schultz1965Waterford Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Bruce W. Long1980Moore Rd, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Bruce Wade Bennett1970Weatherspoon Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Bryan A. Stoehr1977S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Bryan D. Baldovin1954S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Bryce A. Baker1985Broadway Rd, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Bryce Allen Rolinitis1999S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Bryce W. Bennett2000Weatherspoon Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Cali R. Habegger1982S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Carl A. Howell1980E Jefferson, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Carl R. Anderson1993Akron Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Carly Rae Woodin1996Weatherspoon Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Carol A. Sauder1952Wheatfield Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Carol E. Williams1942E Idlewood St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Carol G. Alster1944S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Carol J. Koch1949S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Carol M. McGuire1946S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Carol R. Abrams1933E Crestwood St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Caroline S. Michel1962S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Carolu E. Kizer1958S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Carolyn B. Weihmeir1954S Rhode Island Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Carolyn Isbell1943Waterford Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Carrie A. Hoefling1972E Idlewood St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Casey B. Schumm1978S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Casey D. Baldovin1984S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Cassandra L. Meiss1970S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Catharine H. Barry1947E Idlewood St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Cathryn S. Stump1970Wheatfield Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Celeste Dawn Staley1984Whetstone Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Chad L. Braker1950S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Chad M. Unzicker1984Whetstone Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Chanel J. Unzicker1987Whetstone Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Charles Kirk Burgess1974Weatherspoon Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Charles W. Birchenough1942S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Charles W. Miller1975S Mississippi Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Chelsea Adams1987S Mississippi Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Cheryl A. Mangels1950Washington Rd, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Cheryl A. Sprague1962S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Chessie H. Lavallier1949S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Chloe Michelle Woodin2000Weatherspoon Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Christian C. Jacobson1962S Mississippi Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Christie C. Stephens1960S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Christina E. Bunton1985S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Christina J. Lorentzen1957S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Christina M. Taylor1970Wheatfield Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Christina R. Stephens1988Weatherspoon Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Christopher A. Carter1975S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Christopher Benjamin Francis1991S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Christopher M. Gorshe1984S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Christopher P. Lagacy1965Waterford Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Christopher S. Vastine1974S Rhode Island Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Christopher Vannaken1972Queenwood, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Christy A. Powers1977Whetstone Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Cindy K. Moore1971S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Colin Lee Dearing1997N Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Colleen Dierker1948Weatherspoon Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Collin Allan Weigle2002S Mississippi Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Connie S. Reidner1947S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Constance A. Schimmelpfennig1947S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Cori Ann Sander1980S Minnesota Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Corrina Marie Dea1978Weatherspoon Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Corrine Gorshe1987S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Craig A. Weigle1967S Mississippi Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Craig C. McLauchlan1974S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Curt J. Tanner1974Waterford Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Curtis D. Baum1971Robison Rd, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Curtis L. Meiss1967S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Cynthia R. Carey1952S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Cynthia S. Walker1959S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Dale G. Hovey1950S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Dan R. Englund1942Whetstone Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Dana L. Weber1974Waterford Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Dane A. West1999Weatherspoon Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Danette R. Musselman-Fritz1965Queenwood, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Daniel Aldino Driscoll1966S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Daniel C. McFadden1983Dayton Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Daniel Charles Bohling1972S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Daniel D. Jones1975S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Daniel Jesse Brown1981Waterford Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Daniel K. Giesel1997Washington Rd, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Daniel M. Hennig1960S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Daniel Mayhoff1992S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Danielle C. Johnson1985S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Danielle M. Estes1979S Rhode Island Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Danny C. Patterson1955Lincoln Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Darrell Moore1958Queenwood, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Darren E. Martin1971S Mississippi Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Darren R. Hoefling1969E Idlewood St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
David A. Boecker1972Lincoln Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
David A. Zern1965S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
David E. Russell1946Lincoln Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
David E. Scifres1957Queenwood, Morton, IL 61550Voted
David G. Springer1952Wheatfield Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
David Jay Howell1942S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
David L. Helms1974E Crestwood St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
David O. King1954E Jefferson, Morton, IL 61550Voted
David S. Berry1969S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
David S. Price1952S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
David S. Zimmerman1954S Mississippi Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
David T. Guetschow1982Waterford Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
David W. Wiggers1953Waterford Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Dawson James Cook2000Whetstone Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Dean A. Gravlin1951E Jefferson, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Deborah A. Oberle1963Wheatfield Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Deborah L. McDonald1966S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Debra A. Frow1962S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Debra D. Conklin1968S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Debra L. Daniel1958S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Dee Anne Jane Ubben1943S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Delores J. Berg-Northrup1939S Mississippi Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Delton V. Whitaker1947Wheatfield Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Dena G. Peterson1962Weatherspoon Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Denise Steffen-Brewer1969Weatherspoon Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Dennis A. Richrath1979Whetstone Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Dennis B. Hermann1950Lincoln Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Dennis Eugene Hoyland1981Waterford Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Dennis H. Albers1943S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Dennis Kelly1949S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Dennis L. Perkins1953S Mississippi Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Derek Cannon1972Wheatfield Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Derek Db Hancock1995S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Derek J. Floyd1971S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Derek S. McCully1976Whetstone Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Desarae A. Ludolph1982S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Desnee L. Neubauer1967S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Devin T. Arteman1975S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Dexter J. Walker1988S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Diana B. Hoffman1969S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Diana C. Hovey1954S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Diane J. Bersin1953Weatherspoon Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Diane K. Bates1953Wheatfield Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Diane K. Helmuth1950Wheatfield Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Diane K. Hoog1950Waterford Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Diane M. Brummitt1952Weatherspoon Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Diane M. Gravlin1952E Jefferson, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Dlisa M. Boss1982S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Dolores A. Stephens1943S Mississippi Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Donald G. Austin1934S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Donald H. Hennig1934S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Donald L. Turbett1960Weatherspoon Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Donna K. Cothrell1943Weatherspoon Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Donna L. Frank1937Wheatfield Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Donna M. Cramer1941Weatherspoon Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Donnas G. Hertenstein1948Lincoln Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Doris M. Birchenough1945S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Douglas A. McDonald1960S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Douglas D. Shull1957E Forestwood St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Douglas E. Fritz1970Queenwood, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Douglas G. Zimmerman1950Lincoln Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Douglas W. Kruse1950S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Edward E. Fritz1943Queenwood, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Elaine L. Winter1947S Minnesota Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Elaine M. Sollberger1957Lincoln Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Eldon R. Swedberg1939Queenwood, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Eleanor J. Kuykendall1941S Mississippi Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Elisa M. Cannon1981Wheatfield Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Elizabeth A. Nelson1954E Jefferson, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Elizabeth M. Pennington1965Robison Rd, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Emily C. Baker1992Broadway Rd, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Emily Catherine Tolson1988S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Emily N. Howell1982E Jefferson, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Eric C. Peterson1959Weatherspoon Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Eric Dean Pennington1968Robison Rd, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Eric J. Larson1982S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Eric N. Dicks1968Whetstone Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Eric O. Ackerman1956S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Eric P. Hoadley1960S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Erica L. Kottabi1975Weatherspoon Dr, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Ericka Sue Dearing1971N Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Erika Marie Thorson1998S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Erin F. Zobrist1975S Mississippi Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Erin H. Poirot1978E Forestwood St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Erin J. Overcash1984Whetstone Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Erin L. Miller1975S Mississippi Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Esther E. Stephens1960Wheatfield Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Eugene W. Strunk1942Waterford Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Eugene W. Winter1943S Minnesota Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Evan A. Fleming1985S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Evan R. Pfeifer1999S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Frank J. Hoog1949Waterford Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Gabriel J. Stickling1975E Idlewood St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Gabriel M. Soza2002S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Gail M. Matuszewski1952S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Gail M. Thorson1969S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Gale W. Jesse1967Waterford Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Gary E. Hatmaker1951Waterford Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Gary L. Dierker1945Weatherspoon Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Gary L. Pittenger1947S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Gary L. Provenzano1947Whetstone Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Gary W. Long1953Washington Rd, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Gayle Alayne Ackerman1955S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Geana K. Tanner1975Waterford Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Gene C. Nelson1953E Jefferson, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Gerald L. Lorentzen1956S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Gerald L. West1946Weatherspoon Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Gerry A. Kruse1953S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Gina M. Zeithammer1971S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Ginette M. Everts1957S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Ginger F. Hermann1951Lincoln Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Gladys I. King1954E Jefferson, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Glenda R. Neukomm1950E Idlewood St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Glenn A. Carey1949S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Glenn E. Herren1958S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Grace Elizabeth Konsky1986Wheatfield Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Grace Marie Zeithammer2000S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Grant M. Winter-Helms1998S Minnesota Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Gustav R. Hertenstein1993S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Hannah C. Lindell1989Whetstone Dr, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Hayley E. Giesel1996Washington Rd, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Heather Kay Phillips1984E Jefferson, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Heather M. McLauchlan1974S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Heidi C. Bayless1966S Minnesota Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Hillary Jill Johannes2001Akron Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Holli M. Pfeifer1960S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Hollie M. Davis1977Weatherspoon Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Holly M. Levy1984E Forestwood St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Holly M. Yordy1983Whetstone Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Holly Mae Fritz1998Queenwood, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Hope A. Scheffler1988Wheatfield Dr, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Howard R. Hoefling1932E Idlewood St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Ian E. Anderson1997Akron Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Irene L. Bimrose1955E Idlewood St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Isaac Samual Schaff2000S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jacey J. Schick1997Queenwood, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jack D. Bartholomew1963S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jack P. Anderson1950Akron Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jacob Daniel Brewer1997Weatherspoon Dr, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Jacob Henry Salyers1970S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Jacob S. Herring1982S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
James C. Bockler1940S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
James C. Majors1944Lincoln Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
James C. Pike1942S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
James J. Scime1953S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
James M. Poirot1939E Forestwood St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
James R. Peugh1948S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
James V. Isbell1941Waterford Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jami Dechaney L. Sheridan1976Wheatfield Dr, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Jamie J. Larson1984S Rhode Island Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Jamie Sue Getz1986E Forestwood St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jan A. Neukomm1952E Idlewood St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jan E. Hohulin1969S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jane A. Provenzano1953Whetstone Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jane J. Schmidgall1984Moore Rd, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Janel A. Janes1971S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Janel A. Woodin1965Weatherspoon Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Janelle R. Guetschow1984Waterford Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Janet Ann Hall1956Wheatfield Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Janet E. MacLean1958S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Janice A. Nordsiek1942S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Janice E. Schick1970Queenwood, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Janice L. Price1951S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Janice M. Kelly1951S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Janie M. Zimmerman1950Lincoln Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jarrod L. Miller1978S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jason D. Boeker1977Whetstone Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jason D. Nestrud1979Weatherspoon Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jason E. Salyers1970S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jason L. Smallenberger1975S Rhode Island Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jason Michael Horn1996Weatherspoon Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Javad Kottabi1935Weatherspoon Dr, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Jean A. Turney1952E Jefferson, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jean C. Dicks1945S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jean L. Berry1969S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jeanenne Cruzan Plevka1958E Jefferson, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jeanne Ellen Esterling1956Lincoln Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jeff L. Reinking1963Broadway Rd, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jeffrey A. Anderson1976Weatherspoon Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jeffrey D. Moore1967S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jeffrey J. Brooks1977S Rhode Island Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jeffrey J. Lynch1961S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Jeffrey S. Westermann1965S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jeffrrey G. Bates1964S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jennie Z. Witzig1957S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jennifer A. Fritz1969Queenwood, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jennifer C. Crider1973S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jennifer L. Bakirdan1975S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jennifer L. Schumm1979S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jennifer M. Richrath1982Whetstone Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jennifer N. Gingerich1977Washington Rd, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jenny S. Johannes1977Akron Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jeremy A. Johnson1983S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jeremy D. Ricketts1976S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jeremy M. Moza1973S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Jerry A. Quinn1963E Idlewood St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Jerry J. Kaiser1954S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jerry S. Oberle1941Wheatfield Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jessalyn Marie Bjorling2000Akron Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jesse Daniel Psinas1981Lincoln Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jesse W. Cantwell1973S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jessica A. Moeller1977S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jessica A. Schmidgall1988S Mississippi Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jessica Brisbin1998S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jessica Cori Spinder1986E Jefferson, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Jessica R. Harding1977S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jessica S. Fritz1975Queenwood, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jessica Sarah Craig1978S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jill Bode Vedas1961S Minnesota Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jill M. Larson1982S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jill R. Springer1955Wheatfield Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Joan I. Smith1952S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Joanne E. Hess1940Wheatfield Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jody A. Myers1975S Mississippi Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jody D. Getz1951S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Joe A. Peterson1967Washington Rd, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Joe D. Brasel1963S Mississippi Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Joel E. Roosa1979S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
John Braun1940S Mississippi Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
John D. Brewer1963Weatherspoon Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
John D. Hobson2000Waterford Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
John E. Pfeifer1955S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
John E. Spinder1992E Jefferson, Morton, IL 61550Voted
John E. Spinder1961E Jefferson, Morton, IL 61550Voted
John Harlen Wierman1944S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
John P. MacLean1962S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
John P. Plevka1956E Jefferson, Morton, IL 61550Voted
John R. Brown1953S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
John R. Soza1971S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
John R. Zell1955S Mississippi Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jon L. Rediger1943Washington Rd, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jonathan Andrew Stump1970Wheatfield Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jonathan K. Lavallier1984S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Joni C. Little1971S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jonna M. Harkness1968S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Joseph D. Cramer1941Weatherspoon Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Joseph David Zern2000S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Joseph Lee Hall1950Wheatfield Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Joseph M. Geyer1975E Idlewood St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Joseph M. Loftus1965S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Joseph M. Noe1962S Rhode Island Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Joseph R. Morgan1967S Mississippi Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Joseph R. Vogel1974Whetstone Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Joseph Vanvaley1968Whetstone Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Joseph W. Knepp1974Weatherspoon Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Joshua Andrew Hauter1978Queenwood, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Joshua L. Auxier1984S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Joshua M. Mohr1991S Mississippi Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Joy Elizabeth Clauson1982S Mississippi Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Joy Elizabeth MacLean1998S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Joy M. Cannon1930S Mississippi Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Joyce A. Belsley1951E Queenwood, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Joyce E. Bogner-Austin1944S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Joyce E. Strunk1942Waterford Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Judith M. Reinking1964Broadway Rd, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Judy M. Middendorf1943Waterford Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Julia Beth Hanson1950Washington Rd, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Julie A. Percy1964Waterford Dr, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Julie Anne McMillan1974S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Julie D. Moza1971S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Julie Jill Bethel1953Lincoln Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Julie M. Bates1964S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Kaitlin R. Lahood1987Dayton Ct, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Kallie Faith McMillan2001S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kara J. Roosa1980S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kara K. Knepp1975Weatherspoon Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kara M. Brooks1978S Rhode Island Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Karen J. Johnson1955E Jefferson, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Karen L. Scime1954S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Karen M. Mayhoff1955S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Karen M. Scheffler1958Whetstone Dr, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Karen Marie McCully1978Whetstone Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Karen S. Hancock1958S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Karen S. Sommer1960E Jefferson, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Karen W. Martin1964E Jefferson, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Karson Gayle Taphorn1994S Rhode Island Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Katey J. Malson1976Whetstone Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Katherine G. Pennington1997Robison Rd, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Katherine M. Scime1992S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Katherine Mareen Roley1979S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Katherine S. Velting1989Broadway Rd, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kathie J. Finch1951S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kathleen A. Tolson1959S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kathleen M. Evans1948S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kathryn L. Funkhouser1954S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kati Lynn Baker1991S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Katrina M. Weigle1975S Mississippi Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kay Clore1943S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kay Lynne Graff1959S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Keaton Alexander Weber2001Waterford Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Keith A. Lavallier1950S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Keith R. Schick1967Queenwood, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kelly Lynn Herren1962S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kelly R. Taphorn1968S Rhode Island Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kelly S. Karpawicz1959E Idlewood St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kenneth C. Northrup1941S Mississippi Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kenneth F. Hess1939Wheatfield Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kenneth L. Helmuth1950Wheatfield Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kenneth Lynn Park1957S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kenneth Moore1938Queenwood, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kenneth S. Tolson1952S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kenny R. Burtrum1951Dayton Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kent M. Levy1985E Forestwood St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Keplan J. Lasota1967Wheatfield Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kerry K. Baum1969Robison Rd, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kevin C. Little1971S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Kevin F. McGuire1961S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kevin L. Dea1979Weatherspoon Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kevin L. McMullen1973S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kevin L. Owen1952S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kevin R. Kraus1970S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kevin T. Wright1969S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Kim Louise Rapp1959S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kimberly L. Crandall1965S Mississippi Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kimberly S. Hart1973S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kimberly S. Lynch1961S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Kimberly S. Patterson1960Lincoln Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kraig S. Schick2000Queenwood, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Krista Renee Westermann1970S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kristen K. Boeker1979Whetstone Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kristen Marie Dutz1984S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kristi L. Daniel1985Queenwood, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Kristin J. Falk1981S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Kristin M. Kraus1969S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Kristina D. Boecker1970Lincoln Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kristina S. Floyd1972S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kristopher R. Mettelmann1984S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kyle C. Campbell1976S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kyle D. Baum1979Robison Rd, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kyle J. Piraino1988Wheatfield Dr, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Kyle S. Goodman1988E Forestwood St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kylie J. Roecker1993S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Lakretia Lynn Macias1980S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Lamont Eugene Sheridan1972Wheatfield Dr, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Landon D. Floyd2001S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Larry J. Belsley1946E Queenwood, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Larry J. Eskildsen1951S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Larry N. Dicks1943S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Larry W. Litwiller1941S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Latona Fay Eiberger1982S Rhode Island Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Laura B. Spradlin1988S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Laura E. Hoyland1981Waterford Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Laura J. Smith1970Akron Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Laurie A. Rolinitis1978S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Leah Marie Getz1998E Jefferson, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Leigh Ann Brisbin1966S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Leland K. Post1940Robison Rd, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Leslee D. Zell1956S Mississippi Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Lester G. Waibel1938S Minnesota Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Lester H. Nelson1960S Rhode Island Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Lester L. Miller1949E Idlewood St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Lia Colleen Kiddy1979S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Lincoln C. Hobson1960Waterford Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Linda J. West1946Weatherspoon Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Linda Jo Eskildsen1954S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Linda L. Funk1943Waterford Dr, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Linda M. Deininger1946S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Linda S. Moore1962Queenwood, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Lindsay N. McMullen2000S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Lindsey E. Brewer2000Weatherspoon Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Lisa K. Quigley1963E Forestwood St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Lisa Lynn Horn1960Weatherspoon Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Llewellyn Scott Smith1969Akron Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Lori R. Helms1974E Crestwood St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Lorianne Marie Stoehr1975S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Lou Ann Mathews1954Robison Rd, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Louis G. Alster1947S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Luann C. Falk1958S Mississippi Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Luann R. Hranka1955Waterford Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Lucy A. Loftus1973S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Luis Anthony Davila2000Weatherspoon Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Luis Carlos Davila1975Weatherspoon Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Luke A. Sommer1998E Jefferson, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Luke T. Overcash1983Whetstone Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Lyle B. Post1969Robison Rd, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Lynn M. Rathbun1972Waterford Dr, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
MacY J. Meiss1999S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Madeline Marie Taylor1995Wheatfield Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Madelyne McKune2000S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Maranda Jean Joos1977S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Marcia A. Kaiser1958S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Margaret J. Lindell1966Whetstone Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Margaret S. McFeeters1954S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Margo L. Argadine1939S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Marguerite A. Noe1962S Rhode Island Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Maria Melanie M. Arteman1976S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Marie Arendell1952Wheatfield Dr, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Marilyn K. Reitzel1953Weatherspoon Dr, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Marjorie A. Zimmerman1939S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Marjorie M. Gingerich1937Washington Rd, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Mark A. Getz1959E Jefferson, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Mark A. Martin1964E Jefferson, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Mark A. Piraino1991Wheatfield Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Mark A. Roberts1967S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Mark A. Stephens1960Wheatfield Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Mark D. Dutz1948S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Mark E. Hohulin1965S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Mark E. Raithel1955Robison Rd, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Mark J. Gingerich1978Washington Rd, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Mark S. Beasley1953S Mississippi Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Mark T. Harding1973S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Mark W. Crandall1958S Mississippi Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Marla J. Turbett1971Weatherspoon Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Marlene A. Branham1950S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Marlene J. Miller1949E Idlewood St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Marlys M. McFeeters1928S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Mary A. Burton1934S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Mary B. Burtrum1956Dayton Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Mary E. Bartholomew1964S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Mary E. Staker1944Queenwood, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Mary J. Moore1929Queenwood, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Mary J. Schumm1929Queenwood, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Mary J. Zimmerman1954S Mississippi Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Mason Olivia Seggebruch1997Waterford Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Matthew A. Meyer1940Lincoln Ct, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Matthew David Roley1977S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Matthew L. West1969Weatherspoon Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Matthew M. Yoches1974S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Matthew P. Scheffler1954Whetstone Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Matthew R. Taphorn1966S Rhode Island Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Matthew S. Schmidgall1979S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Maureen M. Grimes1950S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Meagan C. Howes1983S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Megan Diane Fleming1983S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Megan E. Nestrud1977Weatherspoon Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Megan K. Wright1996S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Meghan Elise Miller1977S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Melissa L. Smallenberger1975S Rhode Island Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Meredith Kate Auxier1984S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Merle W. Link1978S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Michael A. Jacob1954E Forestwood St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Michael D. Janes1970S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Michael E. Branham1950S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Michael E. Mathews1950Robison Rd, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Michael E. Yordy1981Whetstone Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Michael F. Witzig1953S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Michael James Eiberger1984S Rhode Island Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Michael Jon Zimmerman1954Akron Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Michael P. Kuhl1968S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Michael R. Matuszewski1950S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Michael W. Smith1947S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Michael W. Stephens1959S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Michael W. Thorson2001S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Michele M. Kuhl1967S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Michelle D. McKune1977S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Michelle L. Fritz1973Queenwood, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Michelle L. Whittington1984S Minnesota Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Michelle R. Bennett1967Weatherspoon Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Mindy Vannaken1973Queenwood, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Mitchell P. Smith1997Akron Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Mitchell T. Tucker1981S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Molly K. Stickling1979E Idlewood St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Monica L. Hinz1987S Mississippi Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Nancy A. Quinn1940E Idlewood St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Nancy K. Hendryx1955Whippoorwill Dr, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Nancy K. Whitaker1954Wheatfield Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Nancy Schmidgall1943S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Natalie M. Burns2000Waterford Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Nathan Andrew Driscoll1995S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Nathan D. Springer1989Wheatfield Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Nathan J. Bates1997S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Nathan M. Loftus1996S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Ned R. Middendorf1940Waterford Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Nicholas A. Zobrist1979S Mississippi Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Nicholas J. Leuchtenberg1979S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Nicholas R. Hoefling1994E Idlewood St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Nicholas Timothy Taylor1996Wheatfield Dr, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Nicole A. Strube1990S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Nicole C. Vogel1976Whetstone Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Norman L. Ricketts1943S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Oval D. Stephens1940S Mississippi Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Ozkan Bakirdan1968S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Paige R. Malson2002Whetstone Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Pamela G. Yoches1949S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Pamela L. Burgess1971Weatherspoon Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Pamela L. Roberts1970S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Pamela Preston Nelson1959S Rhode Island Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Parker J. Meiss1996S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Patricia A. Munson1959S Mississippi Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Patricia K. Long1954Washington Rd, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Patricia L. Jacobson1962S Mississippi Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Patsy A. Haines1940S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Paul A. Klopfenstein1947E Jefferson, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Paul F. Everts1985S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Paul K. Beckman1964Wheatfield Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Paul Owen Velting1987Broadway Rd, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Paul W. Zeithammer1969S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Paula M. Barrick1951E Jefferson, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Peter D. Smidt1986Moore Rd, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Peter M. Ferro1952S Rhode Island Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Peyton N. Dearing2001N Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Philip A. Seggebruch1970Waterford Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Phillip A. Fritz1974Queenwood, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Phillip L. Daniel1955S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Phyllis J. Getz1934Waterford Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Quinton L. Peterson1994Washington Rd, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Ralph P. Jesse1964Waterford Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Ramon Arturo Macias1978S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Randy C. Walker1958S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Reba J. Craven1936S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Rebecca Rae Thrasher1999S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Rebecca S. Schelkopf1977S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Rebecca W. Mischler1960E Jefferson, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Rebekah A. Smidt1984Dayton Ct, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Richard A. Sauder1950Wheatfield Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Richard D. Barth1924S Mississippi Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Richard D. Barth1960E Crestwood St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Richard D. Getz1949S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Richard E. Frow1962S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Richard J. Karpawicz1956E Idlewood St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Richard T. Barbour1956Lincoln Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Rick A. Brisbin1962S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Ricky A. Brewer1963S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Rita A. Ward1954Moore Rd, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Rita J. Paulsell1953S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Rita J. Strunk1952S Mississippi Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Robert Allen Baker1985S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Robert C. Levar1987S Mississippi Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Robert D. Getz1952S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Robert D. Gingerich1938Washington Rd, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Robert D. McFeeters1928S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Robert Dean Kiddy1975S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Robert F. Ringness1951S Mississippi Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Robert G. McConkey1910S Mississippi Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Robert J. Julich1969S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Robert Joseph Albers1938Whippoorwill Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Robert Matthew Phillips1982E Jefferson, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Robert P. Joos1973S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Robert S. Clauson1979S Mississippi Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Robert T. Preston1957S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Robert W. Bethel1951Lincoln Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Robin L. Dearing1967N Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Rodney D. Pyles1951S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Rodney E. Ward1948Moore Rd, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Roger F. Evans1946S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Roger L. Cothrell1940Weatherspoon Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Ronald L. Reidner1947S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Rose Emily Mary Zell1991S Mississippi Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Rosemarie A. Bockler1944S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Ross A. Funk1938Waterford Dr, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Roy A. Getz1933Waterford Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Russell A. Lindell1992Whetstone Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Russell E. Graff1970Robison Rd, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Rusty L. Ballard1976Akron Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Ruth L. Lahood1960Dayton Ct, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Ruth R. Getz1960E Jefferson, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Ry Emmett Whittington1984S Minnesota Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Ryan D. Bunton1984S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Ryan J. Schifeling1993S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Ryan K. Geist1979S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Ryan M. Zell1986S Mississippi Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Ryan Richard Frow1996S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Ryan T. Malson1976Whetstone Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Sam J. Heer1975Waterford Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Sandra E. Barth1953E Crestwood St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Sandra J. Schifeling1953S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Sandra Kay Litwiller1941S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Sandra L. McCartney1971Waterford Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Sandra L. Waibel1937S Minnesota Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Sara E. Cowley1988S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Sarah K. Tucker1981S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Sarah R. Rediger1974Washington Rd, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Scot E. Johannes1963Akron Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Scott A. Mischler1960E Jefferson, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Scott Robert Berry2001S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Scott W. Michel1960S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Scotty S. Hancock1957S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Sean R. Schelkopf1974S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Shannon R. Hoog1985Waterford Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Sharon L. Hatmaker1946Waterford Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Sheila R. Raubach1942S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Sheri L. Daniel1959Queenwood, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Sheri Lee Baker1971S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Sherry P. Robinson1968S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Shirley A. Majors1945Lincoln Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Shirley Sutter Brown1953S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Sierra P. Meyer1940Lincoln Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Soham S. Dewashrayee1976S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Sonia B. Russell1945Lincoln Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Sophia R. MacLean2000S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Staci J. Leuchtenberg1980S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Stacy Lynn Carter1977S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Stanley S. Bersin1950Weatherspoon Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Stephanie A. Pittenger1956S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Stephanie L. McFadden1983Dayton Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Stephanie Lynn Davila1974Weatherspoon Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Stephanie P. Perkins1952S Mississippi Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Stephen Craig1979S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Stephen J. Arendell1950Wheatfield Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Steven A. Rolinitis1975S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Steven B. Vedas1957S Minnesota Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Steven L. Bates1953Wheatfield Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Steven L. Schupp1949Lincoln Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Steven M. Horn1957Weatherspoon Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Steven P. Neptun1983S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Steven R. Munson1961S Mississippi Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Sue E. Getz1953S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Sue I. Hamilton1938S Mississippi Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Sueann M. Spinder1964E Jefferson, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Summer A. Geist1978S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Susan K. Zimmerman1955Akron Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Susan L. Powley1965S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Suzanne Joy Spears1940Whippoorwill Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Suzanne K. Vetter1926S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Suzanne L. Howell1947S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Tami Deanne Schaff1970S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Tammy S. Martin1971S Mississippi Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Tanner J. Meiss1996S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Tanya R. Lasota1975Wheatfield Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Tara Lyn Larrabee2000S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Taylor Marie Rathbun1997Waterford Dr, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Ted S. Staker1945Queenwood, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Teresa Ann Neptun1983S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Teresa L. Supan1949Wheatfield Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Terry L. Dierks1963S Minnesota Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Terry L. Schupp1949Lincoln Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Terry Lynn Larrabee1954S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Theckla O. Kryszak1948S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Theresa A. Hoadley1961S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Therese M. Scifres1960Queenwood, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Thomas A. Zimmerman1964Queenwood, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Thomas E. Eaton1969S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Thomas J. Zilla1977S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Thomas V. Supan1944Wheatfield Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Thomas W. Talley1939S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Tim R. Kizer1956S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Timothy A. Neubauer1968S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Timothy A. Thorson1970S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Timothy D. Esterling1953Lincoln Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Timothy D. Harkness1965S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Timothy E. Erickson1964S Minnesota Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Timothy S. Taylor1966Wheatfield Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Todd A. Schifeling1964S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Todd D. Erwin1960S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Todd E. Stephens1983S Mississippi Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Todd R. Staley1982Whetstone Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Tori Leannne Larrabee2001S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Tracy A. Driscoll1963S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Tracy L. Heer1975Waterford Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Travis W. Cowley1983S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Trevor Logan Seggebruch1999Waterford Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Trevor S. Estes1968S Rhode Island Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Trina L. Swedberg1945Queenwood, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Troy A. Rathbun1971Waterford Dr, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Troy J. Morgan1996S Mississippi Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Ty R. Woodin1962Weatherspoon Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Tyler L. Rolinitis2002S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Valerie G. Braun1944S Mississippi Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Valery S. Beckman1953Wheatfield Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Veto M. Yoches1946S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Vicki S. Bennett1959S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Vicki S. Ferro1955S Rhode Island Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Vickie B. Anderson1956Akron Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Vickie L. Poirot1947E Forestwood St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Vickie M. Brewer1958S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Victoria B. Morgan1998S Mississippi Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Victoria S. Morgan1956S Mississippi Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Virginia M. Hoefling1937E Idlewood St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Vishakha Laxmikant Dewashrayee1979S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Walter C. Klypchak1945S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Walter J. Kryszak1948S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Warren E. Koch1948S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Wency C. Rains1958Wheatfield Dr, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Wendelle W. Haines1947S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Wendy J. Vastine1973S Rhode Island Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Wendy Renee Wright1971S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Wesley D. Washburn1989S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Wesley G. Koch1941E Forestwood St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Will C. Funkhouser1985S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
William C. Funkhouser1956S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
William C. Johnson1954E Jefferson, Morton, IL 61550Voted
William C. McMillan1974S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
William J. Quigley1960E Forestwood St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
William James Reitzel1952Weatherspoon Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
William K. Brummitt1958Weatherspoon Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
William L. Raubach1937S Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
William S. Gall1952S Mississippi Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
William S. Robinson1955S Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
William S. Turney1952E Jefferson, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Yuri Jones1974S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Zane Bruce Rains1963Wheatfield Dr, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Zehra Tulin Bakirdan2000S Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted



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