
Peoria Standard

Thursday, January 9, 2025

City of Chillicothe City Council met April 22

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City of Chillicothe Mayor Michael Hughes | City of Chillicothe

City of Chillicothe Mayor Michael Hughes | City of Chillicothe

 City of Chillicothe City Council met April 22.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Chillicothe, Peoria County, Illinois, met in Regular Session in person April 22, 2024 at 7:00 P.M with Mayor Michael D. Hughes presiding and with proper notice having been posted.

Mayor Hughes called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.

The Pledge of Allegiance, to the Flag of the United States of America, was recited.

Chairman Hughes directed Clerk Byrnes to take roll.

Physically Present:

Mayor Michael D. Hughes

Treasurer B.L. Bredeman

City Clerk Jill M. Byrnes

Alderpersons Present:

Barry Bredeman, Patricia Westerman-Connor, Courtney Gehrig, Jeff Jenkins, Gary Sharp, Jacob VanBruwaene, Donald White, Timothy White

Also Physically Present:

Office Manager Denise Passage

City Attorney Kevin Day

Attorney William Streeter

City Engineer Dave Horton

Police Chief Jeremy Cooper

Economic Development Director Amanda Beadles

Superintendent of Public Works Shawn Sutherland

Chairman Jenkins declared a Quorum present.

The Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held on April 8, 2024 were presented. Motion Alderperson Jenkins, second Alderperson T. White, that the Council dispense with the reading of the Minutes of the April 8, 2024 Regular Council Meeting and approve the Minutes as presented.

Motion Carried Via Voce vote.


Clerk Byrnes presented the following Committee and Commission Minutes:

1. Finance Committee - 4/8/2024

2. Economic Development Committee - 4/9/2024

3. Cemetery & Parks Committee - 4/16/2024

4. Zoning Board of Appeals - 4/17/2024

5. Public Works Committee - 4/17/2024

Clerk Byrnes presented the following reports:

1. City Treasurer's Report 3/31/2024

I am in receipt of the Illinois Department of Transportation Documentation Review covering the receipt and disbursement of MFT funds for Jan 1, 2023 to Dec 31, 2023.

I am in receipt of the Zoning Maps, revised April 2024.

I am in receipt of a Thank You note from the Chillicothe Public Library which reads: Dear Mayor and Staff,

Thank you so much for the beautiful flowers recognizing National Library Workers Day! Your friend at CPLD,


Motion Alderperson D. White, second Alderperson Jenkins, that the petitions and communications as presented by Clerk Byrnes be accepted and placed on file. Motion Carried Via Voce vote.


Alderperson Jenkins reported to the Council that the 4th of July Golf Cart/ATV Pub Crawl was a great success, thanks to all that participated.


Alderperson Connor read a statement announcing the winners of the Chillicothe Chamber of Commerce Annual Awards Ceremony. (See attached)



Motion Alderperson VanBruwaene, second Alderperson Sharp, that the bills as presented be paid and the payrolls and transfers be approved.

Roll Call Vote was:

Ayes: Bredeman, Connor, Gehrig, Jenkins, Sharp VanBruwaene, D. White, T. White

Nays: None

Chairman declared motion carried.

Motion Alderperson D. White second Alderperson Jenkins, that the Judicial Committee agenda items be moved up in the event members of the audience wish to speak.


Motion Alderperson D. White, second Alderperson T. White, that the Council approve Ordinance No. 24-04-07, an Ordinance amending the provisions regarding C-2 General Retail District Special Uses. (Indoor storage warehousing facility).

Roll Call Vote was:

Ayes: Bredeman, Connor, Gehrig, Jenkins, Sharp VanBruwaene, D. White, T. White

Nays: None

Chairman declared motion carried.

Motion Alderperson D. White, second Alderperson T. White, that the Council approve Ordinance No. 24-04-08, an Ordinance amending the zoning map and granting a special use within the C-2 General Retail District. (Indoor storage warehousing facility - 615 W. Truitt). Note: Both Scott and Steve Turner who were present in the audience, thanked the Council for their support of expanding their business in Chillicothe.

Roll Call Vote was:

Ayes: Bredeman, Connor, Gehrig, Jenkins, Sharp VanBruwaene, D. White, T. White Nays:


Chairman declared motion carried.


Motion Alderperson Jenkins, second Alderperson Gehrig, that the Council approve the Mayoral Proclamation, thanking Michael Smith for his 20 years of service on the Zoning Board of Appeals. (See attached).

Note: Michael Smith was unable to attend the Council meeting, The Proclamation will be mailed to Mr. Smith.

Motion Carried Via Voce vote.


Motion Alderperson Sharp, second Alderperson VanBruwaene, that the Council approve the Land Access Agreement between the City of Chillicothe and VFW Post #4999 for asphalt removal, authorize the provision of in-kind services not to exceed $2,400.00 in value for the asphalt removal, and direct the Mayor, Superintendent of Public Works, and other City employees to take all reasonable and prudent actions to execute the Agreement and perform the agreed upon services.

Roll Call Vote was:

Ayes: Bredeman, Connor, Gehrig, Jenkins, Sharp VanBruwaene, D. White, T. White

Nays: None


Motion Alderperson VanBruwaene, second Alderperson D. White, that the Council approve an expenditure of $2,007.00, payable to Pearl Technology for the renewal of the Microsoft 365 license. Payable from the General Fund.

Roll Call Vote was:

Ayes: Bredeman, Connor, Gehrig, Jenkins, Sharp VanBruwaene, D. White, T. White

Nays: None

Chairman declared motion carried.


Alderperson VanBruwaene presented to the Council a printout explaining the historical revenue vs expense from 2018 to projected 2025. (See attached). A letter drafted by Alderperson D. White was read by Clerk Byrnes explaining the need for the water rate increase. (See attached).

Motion Alderperson VanBruwaene, second Alderperson D. White, that the Council approve the publishing of the letter with revisions regarding water rates, in the Voice paper, as presented, with the addition of a signature line Chillicothe City Council.

Discussion: Mayor Hughes expressed interest in having public input regarding the water rate increase before it would be implemented in the form of public hearings, informational meetings or an advisory referendum. City Attorney Kevin Day explained the differences to the Council.

Roll Call Vote was:

Ayes: Bredeman, Connor, Gehrig, Jenkins, Sharp VanBruwaene, D. White, T. White

Nays: None

Chairman declared motion carried.


Motion Alderperson Connor, second Alderperson Gehrig, that the Council approve Ordinance No. 24-04-09, an Ordinance approving an amendment to the Redevelopment Agreement between the City of Chillicothe and Sweet Finds, LLC.

Discussion: Economic Development Director Amanda Beadles explained to the Council that due to the significant increase in their loan payment Sweet Finds requested an extension for pay back from 5 to 10 years.

Roll Call Vote was:

Ayes: Bredeman, Connor, Gehrig, Jenkins, Sharp VanBruwaene, D. White, T. White

Nays: None

Chairman declared motion carried

Alderperson Connor announced that EDC Committee Agenda item #2 is being withdrawn.

Motion Alderperson Connor, second Alderperson Jenkins, that the Council approve an application for the façade Program for Shirley Loser of Covered Wagon Crafts, located at 1042 N. Second Street up to the amount of $6,000.00 and authorize payout once the project is complete, receipts submitted and work verified by the ED Director.

Payable from General Fund - Façade Program

Balance remaining after this approval $26,500.00

Note: Shirley Losers building has two property tax bills and therefore qualifies for two facades.

$3,000.00 Property ID #0521354002

$3,000.00 Property ID #0521354003


Total Project $24,670.00

Roll Call Vote was:

Ayes: Bredeman, Connor, Gehrig, Jenkins, Sharp VanBruwaene, D. White, T. White

Nays: None

Chairman declared motion carried.

Motion Alderperson Connor, second Alderperson Jenkins, that the Council authorize the Economic Development Director to publish an ad in the Peoria Journal Star for Request for Proposals for the City Property located on the East-North corner of First Street and Walnut


Proposals should be submitted in writing to the office of the City Clerk, 908 N. Second Street, Chillicothe, IL. 61523, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. on or before Friday June 7, 2024.

All proposals should specify the consideration for the conveyance, any assistance requested from the City and the details of the proposed development.

Roll Call Vote was:

Ayes: Bredeman, Connor, Gehrig, Jenkins, Sharp VanBruwaene, D. White, T. White

Nays: None

Chairman declared motion carried.

Motion Alderperson Connor, second Alderperson T. White, that the Council authorize the Economic Development Director to publish an ad in the Peoria Journal Star for Request for Proposals for the City Property located on the West-North corner of First Street and Walnut


Proposals should be submitted in writing to the Office of the City Clerk, 908 N. Second Street, Chillicothe, IL. 61523, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. on or before Friday June 7, 2024.

All proposals should specify the consideration for the conveyance, any assistance requested from the City and the details of the proposed development.

Roll Call Vote was:

Ayes: Bredeman, Connor, Gehrig, Jenkins, Sharp VanBruwaene, D. White, T. White

Nays: None

Chairman declared motion carried.

Motion Alderperson Connor, second Alderperson T. White, that the Council approve the following public work improvements as Committed ARPA Expenditures.

Rehab Wilmot Well

Rehab Chestnut Well

For an estimated amount of $100,000.00

Discussion: Superintendent Sutherland explained to the Council that until the final expense for Chestnut Well is in Public Works would not be proceeding with the rehab of the Wilmot Well in the event the Chestnut Well final cost exceeded $50,000.00

Roll Call Vote was:

Ayes: Bredeman, Connor, Gehrig, Jenkins, Sharp VanBruwaene, D. White, T. White

Nays: None

Chairman declared motion carried.

Motion Alderperson Connor, second Alderperson Bredeman, that the Council waive the bid process and approve an expenditure of $24,209.50, payable to Brotcke Well & Pump, for rehabilitation on the Chestnut Well. Payable from the ARPA Funds.

Roll Call Vote was:

Ayes: Bredeman, Connor, Gehrig, Jenkins, Sharp VanBruwaene, D. White, T. White

Nays: None

Chairman declared motion carried.

Motion Alderperson Connor, second Alderperson Gehrig, that the Council approve the General Fund Economic Development Priority One Project - Concrete Step as an approved project.

Roll Call Vote was:

Ayes: Bredeman, Connor, Gehrig, Jenkins, Sharp VanBruwaene, D. White, T. White

Nays: None

Chairman declared motion carried.

Motion Alderperson Connor, second Alderperson T. White, that the Council approve an expenditure of $5,000.00, payable to Engbrecht Concrete, for the installation of a concrete step and hand rail on Second Street. Payable from the General Fund.

Discussion: Economic Development Director Amanda Beadles advised the Council the step to be installed is located between the Little Shop of Hoarders and the Chillicothe Eye Clinic.

Roll Call Vote was:

Ayes: Bredeman, Connor, Gehrig, Jenkins, Sharp VanBruwaene, D. White, T. White

Nays: None

Chairman declared motion carried.

Motion Alderperson Connor, second Alderperson Jenkins, that the Council approve the donation request from Steve Maurer, Chillicothe 4th of July, in the amount of $3,000.00, payable from Hotel/Motel Account.

Roll Call Vote was:

Ayes: Bredeman, Connor, Gehrig, Jenkins, Sharp VanBruwaene, D. White, T. White

Nays: None

Chairman declared motion carried.


Motion Alderperson Jenkins, second Alderperson T. White, that the Council approve the Request for Live Entertainment in the outdoor pavilion/beer garden, as submitted by the American Legion, on May 5, 2024 from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Motion Carried Via Voce vote.

Motion Alderperson Jenkins, second Alderperson Gehrig, that the Council approve Ordinance No. 24-04-10 an ordinance amending Appendix A- Traffic Schedule by designating stop signs on Sycamore Street at Prairie Springs Dr.

Roll Call Vote was:

Ayes: Bredeman, Connor, Gehrig, Jenkins, Sharp VanBruwaene, D. White, T. White

Nays: None

Chairman declared motion carried.

Motion Alderperson Jenkins, second Alderperson D. White, that the Council approve the Notice for Special Event with open containers, submitted by Amy Holocker, Moontower, for the use of the Riverfront parking lot on May 4, 2024 from 11:00 a.m. - Midnight, for the "Blessing of the Bikes" ceremony.

Motion Carried Via Voce vote.

Motion Alderperson Jenkins, second Alderperson D. White, that the Council approve the Not- for-Profit Special Event application with liquor for the Solshine Reverie as presented.

Roll Call Vote was:

Ayes: Bredeman, Connor, Gehrig, Jenkins, Sharp VanBruwaene, D. White, T. White

Nays: None

Chairman declared motion carried.


Motion Alderperson T. White, second Alderperson VanBruwaene, that the Council approve an expenditure of $1,672.00, payable to Picket Fence for the planting of the Second Street planters. Payable from the General Fund.

Roll Call Vote was:

Ayes: Bredeman, Connor, Gehrig, Jenkins, Sharp VanBruwaene, D. White, T. White

Nays: None

Chairman declared motion carried.

Motion Alderperson T. White, second Alderperson Jenkins, that the Council approve an expenditure of $900.00, payable to Pafco, for the cemetery truck insert, which was part of the truck Priority One Project that was approved. Payable from the General Fund - Cemetery Department.

Roll Call Vote was:

Ayes: Bredeman, Connor, Gehrig, Jenkins, Sharp VanBruwaene, D. White, T. White

Nays: None

Chairman declared motion carried.


Motion Alderperson Gehrig, second Alderperson VanBruwaene, that the Council adjourn to Closed Session at 8:13 p.m., for the review of Closed Session minutes 5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (5) and allow the City Attorney to attend. Upon returning to Open Session no action will be taken. Roll Call Vote was:

Ayes: Bredeman, Connor, Gehrig, Jenkins, Sharp VanBruwaene, D. White, T. White

Nays: None

Chairman declared motion carried.

Regular meeting back into session at 8:17 p.m.

Chairman Hughes directed Clerk Byrnes to take roll:

Alderperson Present: Bredeman, Connor, Gehrig, Jenkins, Sharp, VanBruwaene, D. White, T. White.

Also Present: City Attorney Kevin Day

Motion Alderperson D. White, second Alderperson Jenkins, to adjourn at 8:18 p.m.

Chairman Hughes declared the meeting adjourned.




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