City of El Paso Mayor JW Price | City of El Paso
City of El Paso Mayor JW Price | City of El Paso
City of El Paso City Council met Oct. 28.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
A Special Meeting of the El Paso City Council was called to order by Mayor Price on October 28, 2024, at 7:00 PM.
Council Members Present: Brucker, Howard, Kilpatrick, Moore, and Mool. Absent: Ragusa.
Present in Person: Director of Public Services Barry Kauther, Administrative Assistant Sandee Kessinger, Clerk David Fever and Operations Manager Casey Jones. On Zoom: Kim.
Pledge of allegiance to the flag was recited.
Approval of Agenda: Motion by Brucker, seconded by Mool to approve the agenda as presented. Voice vote taken of all ayes.
Public Comments: None.
Old Business: None.
New Business:
MFT Bid: Motion by Moore, seconded by Brucker to approve the acceptance of proposal to furnish materials and approval to award the bid of $238,750.11 to McLean County Asphalt Co. Inc. for repaving portions of South and North Pine Street. Roll call vote taken of all ayes.
City Council Comments: None.
Motion by Brucker seconded by Moore to adjourn. Voice vote taken of all ayes. The meeting was adjourned at 7:08 PM.