Mayor Rita Ali, City Of Peoria | City Of Peoria website
Mayor Rita Ali, City Of Peoria | City Of Peoria website
Beginning February 4, efforts to remove invasive trees and shrubs will commence along North Orange Prairie Road, spanning from West Sienna Lane to West Wood Sage Road. The project is scheduled to continue through February 6, contingent on weather conditions.
The operation includes the execution of small brush pile burns near three detention basins located along Orange Prairie Road. These controlled burns are planned to take place during daytime hours.
This initiative is part of the Orange Prairie Detention Basins Restoration Project. Over a five-year period, restoration and repair work will be carried out at these detention basins. The removal of invasive plants will involve mowing, selective pesticide application, and controlled burns aimed at eliminating non-native plant species.
Controlled burns offer several advantages: they promote new growth for wildflowers and other plants, recycle nutrients back into the soil, improve ecosystem health for both flora and fauna, and help minimize insects and prevent the spread of plant diseases.
Further information about the city's ongoing and forthcoming green infrastructure projects can be accessed through designated channels.
A map detailing Basin 1 is available for reference. Additionally, maps illustrating Basins 2 and 3 are also accessible.