Danny Phelan, Board Member - District 9 | Peoria County
Danny Phelan, Board Member - District 9 | Peoria County
Peoria County Board - Infrastructure Committee met Jan. 6.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
Members: Member Salzer, Member Kelch, Member Dillon, Member Duncan, Member McCann, Member Rosenbohm, Member Ruhland, Member Windish
Staff & Guests:
Scott Sorrel, Shauna Musselman, Greg Siepel, Aric Beals, Jeff Gilles, Amy McLaren, Brian Johnson, Calvin Kerley, Julie Kusturin, Scott Mettille, Megan Bentley
Members: Member Williams
1.1 Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Salzer at 2:30 pm.
Chairperson Salzer welcomed Member Rosenbohm and Member McCann to the committee.
2.1 December 2, 2024
A motion to approve the Infrastructure Committee meeting minutes from December 2, 2024, was made by Member Duncan and was seconded by Member Kelch.
Motion Carried. (8-0) Absent: Member Williams
3.0.1 Informational Items / Reports / Other Minutes / Updates
3.1 Greater Peoria Sanitary District Minutes
Mr. Johnson highlighted a few things from the GPSD minutes: Chemical bids, which are done annually using a reverse auction process returned lower than the previous year; utilization of grant funding from the State of Illinois to do a pilot project for PFAS destruction; and the Biogas supply agreement which was discussed last month. Mr. Johnson also advised there has been an uptick in plumbing contractors in the area digging unnecessarily for customers; he requested people call GPSD to go out and check the main line if that happens. Mr. Johnson stood for questions.
Chairperson Salzer inquired as to why Ms. McCord abstained from voting on Ordinance No. 658.
Mr. Johnson advised he was unsure, but the item was unnecessary, so it did not matter.
Member McCann asked if Mr. Johnson could explain further regarding the plumbers doing unnecessary digging.
Mr. Johnson explained that occasionally, an owner's private line may have an issue. A lot of times there is a clean out outside of the home; however, some contractors have been going out and insisting there needs to be digging out of that line entirely.
Member McCann asked who specifically needs to be contacted if this happens.
Mr. Johnson advised on the GPSD website, there is an emergency phone number listed that can be called.
3.2 Facilities Master Plan
Mr. Kerley provided updates including the following:
∙ At the jail, we are working on the trench drain; that should be completed today.
∙ Cell sink conversions, the current units we have are in place and complete. Mr. Kerley will be checking into more funding to continue that project.
∙ The ring road at jail is on hold for weather.
∙ At the Courthouse, Probation and Circuit clerk remodel, Mr. Kerley has contacted the architects and trying to schedule a preconstruction meeting. They must work with IT who is tied up currently with the health services move.
∙ The Main Street steps and Plaza Fountain are all grouped together with the Terra group with the reconfiguration of courthouse grounds is still in progress.
∙ The Highway projects slowly moving forward.
∙ The exterior facade of the courthouse is also in progress. They have begun removing old seal and putting new seal in. The stonework repair is delayed until spring.
Mr. Kerley stood for questions; there were none.
3.3 Peoria County Capital Projects, Funding Sources, and Progress - December 13, 2024
Mr. Sorrel directed the committee members to the CFO's report included in the packet. Mr. Sorrel stood for questions; there were none.
4.1 Approval of Survey Agreement Amendment for Structural Cross Sectioning A motion to approve the resolution was made by Member Duncan and was seconded by Member Rosenbohm.
Mr. Gilles advised the Federal Highway Administration requires the Highway Department to cross section structures over waterways every 5 years, directly upstream and downstream to monitor for scouring. Staff will do all the bridges (130 bridges). The culverts are more difficult to do, so we would like to hire Mohr & Kerr in the agreement amount of $30,000.00.
Chairperson Salzer called for questions from the committee. He also asked if staff was going to do the work on the culverts.
Mr. Gilles advised that staff would handle the bridges, Mohr & Kerr will be handling the culverts.
Member Rosenbohm asked if it is cheaper to have Mohr & Kerr do this project.
Mr. Gilles advised that staff could handle the bridges quickly; he voiced his concerns that if staff is required to handle the culverts at the same time, they will not be completed before staff begins construction again in the spring. He stated there is a 3-month window for staff to get the work done. The surveys need to be done before the brush and grass begin growing again.
Motion Carried. (7-0) Absent: Member Williams
4.2 Bid Letting for Highway Department North Station Main Building Roof Replacement
A motion to approve the resolution was made by Member Windish and was seconded by Member Ruhland.
Mr. Gilles advised the Highway Department's main building is their North Station. The roof has been leaking for about a year. He stated they had some specifications put together and it was put out for bid to have the roof replaced. Hein Construction came in with a bid of $48,100.00 for their base bid. They also submitted an alternate bid in the amount of $2200.00 to replace the existing ridge, rake, and eave trims even though specifications called for them to be reused. Mr. Gilles spoke to Hein about it, an 8' piece of the ridge was completely missing. The recommendation is for approval of the base bid and the alternate bid for a total of $50,300.00 which is still less than the second lowest bidder.
Chairperson Salzer called for questions from the committee.
Member Duncan asked if the alternate was optional.
Mr. Gilles advised this was something Hein noticed upon their inspection. They did not know how to handle it, so they opted to offer the alternate bid because it will need to be addressed.
Motion carried. (8-0) Absent: Member Williams
5.1 Public Comment
Chairperson Salzer called for public comments. There were none.
6.1 Miscellaneous
Chairperson Salzer called for miscellaneous comments.
Member Ruhland stated if anyone doubts the dedication of the contractors we hire; JLG had a man cleaning caulk out of the stone joints on the Courthouse today. There was about a zero windchill. He further stated that he and Mr. Sorrel were taking a tour of the belly of the Courthouse, Mr. Sorrel made the point they were there, and that he was impressed by that. He also stated that he feels the Board will be really impressed by the HHS Campus and he encouraged every Board Member to be there at the ribbon cutting on January 21st. He advised the building looks fantastic and looks 99% complete with 1% to go and 2 weeks to deliver; the staff have already moved in and are working. He thinks a great service has been done for the people of Peoria County who utilize the facility as well as the staff that work there.
Chairperson Salzer stated on behalf of the committee, we are really grateful for the time and effort Mr. Ruhland has put in on the HHS project; he stated Mr. Ruhland has gone above and beyond what an unpaid individual would be doing and we really appreciate his expertise.
Mr. Ruhland responded that this was a very special team effort with people
from River City; people from Farnsworth, the architects; people on this Board, specifically the Health Committee; County Administrator Sorrel; Brian Gully and people who helped keep the finances in order.
7.1 The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Salzer at 2:30 pm.