Mayor Rita Ali, City Of Peoria | City Of Peoria website
Mayor Rita Ali, City Of Peoria | City Of Peoria website
Prescribed prairie burns are scheduled to take place near the Orange Prairie Detention Basins, starting at 9 a.m. on Monday, March 3, weather permitting. The burns will be conducted near Basins 1 and 3 and are expected to conclude by 3 p.m. If weather conditions remain favorable, another burn is planned near Basin 2 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Tuesday, March 4.
These activities are part of the Orange Prairie Detention Basins Restoration Project. Controlled burns offer several benefits: "Promoting new growth for wildflowers and other plants," "Recycling nutrients back into the soil," "Improving the overall ecosystem health for plants and animals," and "Minimizing insects and the spread of plant diseases."
Further details about the city's current and upcoming green infrastructure projects can be accessed online.