
Peoria Standard

Monday, March 3, 2025

LaSalle-Peru District No. 120 committee discusses state budget impasse

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At a recent meeting, the LaSalle-Peru Township High School District No. 120 Finance Committee discussed possible financial problems for the district in the new school year if the budget impasse isn't solved soon.

Below are the minutes from this meeting, as provided by the committee.



CALL TO ORDER Dr. Peter Meier, Committee Chair, called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.


PRESENT: Dr. Meier, Mr. Dennis O’Keefe, Mr. Alan Cherpeske.

ABSENT: None. OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE: Mr. Steven Wrobleski, Superintendent, Mr. Michael Kmetz, Kmetz Architects Inc., Mr. Ritchie Kowalczyk, Director of Building & Grounds, Mr. Matt Baker, Director of Communication & Fundraising and Mrs. Julie Bleck, Board Secretary.

REVIEW/APPROVE THE MEETING MINUTES FROM JANUARY 19, 2016 MOTION by Mr. Cherpeske, seconded by Mr. O’Keefe to approve the meeting minutes from January 19, 2016. Voting Aye: Mr. Cherpeske, Mr. O’Keefe and Dr. Meier. Voting Nay: None. The motion carried.

MONTHLY FINANCIALS AND VCM MONTHLY REPORT Mr. Wrobleski reviewed the monthly Revenue and Expenditure reports. Mr. Wrobleski also provided the Committee with the March’s monthly report from VCM.

FY 2016–2017 BUDGET UPDATE Mr. Wrobleski updated the Committee on preparing for the 2016-2017 budget. Mr. Wrobleski is requesting to table motion to amend the budget on April’s agenda. Mr. Wrobleski is working with Billing and Payroll to get a true number on the expenditures remaining for the fiscal year.

CONSTRUCTION MANAGER PROPOSALS UPDATE Mr. Wrobleski updated the Committee on the progress of the hiring of the Construction Manager. Received a total of 8 proposals, of which we had 4 interviews scheduled. After discussion Committee was in agreement with Mr. Wrobleski to recommend Pepper Construction from Chicago, IL as Construction Manager.

ACCEPT TO RECOMMEND THE BOARD OF EDUCATION APPROVE PEPPER CONSTRUCTION FOR THE CONSTRUCTION MANAGER POSITION MOTION by Mr. Cherpeske, seconded by Dr. Meier to accept to recommend the Board of Education approve Pepper Construction for the Construction Manager position as presented. Voting Aye: Mr. Cherpeske, Dr. Meier and Mr. O’Keefe. Voting Nay: None. The motion carried.

FACILITY PLAN UPDATE Mr. Wrobleski updated the Committee on the progress of the community engagement for the Facility Plan. Mr. Baker discussed the 15' Citizens Task Force meeting held earlier this month and the mailers that will be going out to the community. Mr. Wrobleski updated the Committee on the itemized cost estimate sheets for the Facility Plan.

SAT SUITE ASSESSMENT PROPOSAL The State of Illinois is transitioning away from the ACT test and going to the SAT. The purpose of the SAT Suite Proposal is to align with the state required college entrance exam; SAT. Starting in the 20162017 school year, all juniors at LPHS will be taking the SAT during the spring semester. This will provide longitudinal growth measures for schools. MAP testing has provided many challenges the replacement of MAP with SAT would lend to more efficient use of classroom time and financial resources. The cost savings to the District by moving to SAT Suite will be $3,156.70. This proposal had gone through the approval process and the Student Programs Committee has endorsed it earlier this week.

ACCEPT TO RECOMMEND THE BOARD OF EDUCATION APPROVE THE SAT SUITE ASSESSMENT PROPOSAL MOTION by Mr. O’Keefe, seconded by Mr. Cherpeske to accept to recommend the Board of Education approve the SAT Suite Assessment Proposal as presented. Voting Aye: Mr. O’Keefe, Mr. Cherpeske and Dr. Meier. Voting Nay: None. The motion carried.

TRS UPDATE Mr. Wrobleski updated the committee on the ERO renewal that will be up in June 2016. The ERO is at 9.4% for employee contributions. If the renewal of the ERO goes above the 9.4% then the employee pays back the District the difference. If the ERO goes below the 9.4% then the employer turns the difference into base salary for the employee.

????R Mr. Wrobleski updated the Finance Committee on the K-12 funding through the state. According to the news from the Government Office, Illinois could be starting school year with no state money if the State of Illinois has no budget passed. If the State does not have an approved budget it’s a possibility that the Federal grants will not flow to local districts. State and Federal Funds makes up approximately 15% of the District’s Budget.

ADJOURNMENT MOTION by Mr. Cherpeske to adjourn. Seconded by Mr. O’Keefe. All in favor, Aye. The motion carried. Time 6:04 p.m.

Dr. Pete Méier |W Julie Bleck

Committee Cha Board Secretary