
Peoria Standard

Monday, March 3, 2025

Dunlap Village Board approves 2016-17 budget

Webp budget 03

At a recent meeting, the Dunlap Village Board approved the 2016-17 fiscal-year budget.

The Dunlap Board of Trustees serves as the legislative arm of the community. Members meet at 7 p.m. on the second Wednesday of each month in Village Hall.

Below are the minutes from this meeting, as provided by the board.


May 11, 2016

Trustee, Colleen Slane, called the regular meeting of the Village Board of Trustees to order at 7:00p.m. Trustees present were Colleen Slane, Jack Esterdahl, Aaron Barrington, and Sheila Taylor.

A motion was made by Aaron Barrington to open the Public Hearing regarding the

Phillips Pre-annexation Agreement. Jack Esterdahl seconded the motion. Roll Call vote, all approved. Motion carried. No public participation was noted. Jack Esterdahl made a motion to close the Public Hearing. Colleen Slane seconded the motion. Roll Call vote, all approved. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Sheila Taylor accept the minutes from the April 13, 2016 meeting. Jack Esterdahl seconded the motion. Roll call vote, all approved. Motion



The bills were reviewed as follows:

AmerenCilco 916.44

Better Banks 91.57

Ed Conlee & Sons 300.00

Crawford Brinkman Door & Window 4350.00

Doors Unlimited 900.00

Dunlap Motors 19946.00

Dunlap Recreation Association 5166.00

EB Buildings & Lumber Co. 105.60

Frontier Communications 200.99

German Bliss 269.15

Getz Fire Equipment 191.00

HD Waterworks 1083.42

Healthcare Service Corporation 3387.60

Hoerr’s Nursery 248.97

Homefield Energy Illinois 670.27

Illinois American Water 12465.44

JC Dillon 848.46

Kickapoo Sand and Gravel 121.70

Mathis Kelly Construction Supply 32.50

MediaCom 54.95

Menards-Peoria 493.87

Midwest Construction Services 1533.69

Mike’s Lock and Key 147.95

Mohr & Kerr Engineering 229.50

Office Max 215.48

Petty Cash 49.89

PDC Lab 139.30

Peoria County Finance 467.00

Peoria County Sheriff 1583.79

Power Net Global 14.37

Reliance Standard Life Co. 409.64

Security Fence Company 6471.00

Shell Fuel 381.85

Technicraft 216.00

Trimco Inc. 1749.00

Uline 108.45

Verizon Wireless 135.30

Wigand Disposal Company 80.81

Dale E. Bishop 5839.93

Dwight Johnson 762.50

Jacqueline C. McClain 1098.75

Jason D. McGinnis 2016.00

John G. Fennell, Jr. 440.00

Marcus J. Loser 3105.47

Miranda Simpson 192.00

Natalie Bishop 100.00

Tracy N. Korger 450.00

EFPTS 3639.72

IDOR 483.15

IMRF 2293.98

State Disbursement Unit 411.50

A motion was made by Aaron Barrington to pay the bills as presented. Colleen Slane seconded the motion. Roll call vote, all approved. Motion carried.


Dwight Johnson reported a normal month of spending and income on budget. A motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was made by Colleen Slane, and seconded by Jack Esterdahl. Roll call vote, all approved. Motion carried.


All water and sewer operations are normal. The new water meter program is still going well. New doors on extension of storage building at North Park have been installed. The ditch on Legion Hall Road was reseeded. New village truck retrofit has almost been completed. Work on building at North Park is ongoing. The village has received a large amount of dirt from a homeowner in Copperfield who is under construction of a home addition.

PUBLIC COMMUNICATION Jon Ferrer and Matt Szczupakowski of the Peoria Chiefs addressed the board regarding Dunlap Community night on June 4th. 

Jack Fennell- Jackie McClain is leaving Dunlap. We are looking for a replacement for her with the Village as well as her husband, Chris, on the zoning board.

Colleen Slane- Police Reports were reviewed. Dunlap Days meeting will take place next


Sheila Taylor- Nothing to add. Jack Fennell added that the meters are going in quickly. The sidewalk committee should price out the installation of sidewalks on Legion Hall Road around the corner to the Library. The school district is looking at putting in a fuel station across from the DAC for school bus fueling purposes.

Jack Esterdahl- The concrete work turned out very nice at North Park. Bleachers may be able to be installed. We will be getting bids to install gutters on the building do deflect rain water.

Lori Parkhill- Cemetery meeting will be held in July. Jack Esterdahl made a motion to accept Ordinance 16-02, Pre-Annexation Agreement with Matthew and Becki Phillips. Aaron Barrington seconded the motion. Roll call voteall approved. Motion carried.

Dwight Johnson reviewed proposed budget approval. Discussion followed. Aaron Barrington made a motion to approve the Budget for 2016-2017 Fiscal Year Budget. Jack Esterdahl seconded the motion. Roll call vote- all approved. Motion carried.

Sheila Taylor made a motion to approve the Sheriffs Contract for 2016-2017. Colleen Slane seconded the motion. Roll call vote- all approved. Motion carried.

Colleen Slane made a motion to approve the Trail Art and Decoration project. Some discussion followed. Sheila Taylor seconded the motion. Roll call vote, all approved. Motion carried.

Jack Esterdahl made a motion to adjourn, and Aaron Barrington seconded the motion. Roll call vote- all approved. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 8:06 p.m.

Dated June 8, 2016


Tracy N. Korger, Dunlap Village Clerk