Village of Mapleton Committees (Streets, Finance, Health and Water, Zoning) met May 4.
Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:
I.Call to Order – by Liz Rench at 6:36 pm
II. Roll Call - Alice Dailey, Justin Egan, Liz Rench - all Trustees - present. Also present – Rhonda Hodges, Treasurer and Carolyn Kelly, Clerk.
III. Discussion – 2017/18 Departmental Plans and Available Funds – Alice Dailey said she has been contacted by residents concerned with a village tax increase. She stressed that the village needs to carefully examine expenditures. All committees need to reduce expenses. One measure the finance committee can make is to lower the bond for the mayor, currently at $50,000, to something more in line with the state recommendations. All other bonds (issuance for and amount) are to be reviewed as well.
The treasurer said that our attorney expenses were more than what was budgeted. Zoning has been having the attorney prepare and send village code warning letters, but this is something that the village office has done in the past. Possibly the village should resume doing this to save money. All members should consider their need to contact the attorney. Some current attorney costs are due to correction of the previous attorney’s ineptitude. There are some uncompleted annexations and that has meant a loss of tax income for the village. Also Mr. Connor’s office has been preparing ordinances. The village should consider preparing the drafts ourselves and then have them reviewed by the attorney. The status of the attorney contract is to be an agenda item at the May board meeting.
The treasurer also recommends sharing office supply costs with the Waterworks fund. General fund cannot continue to bear all these costs, especially when the water department is also using the services. Also Eric Jones, our previous accountant, said there is a way of budgeting that the village general fund can draw from the water department surplus. Recently, the water department has had some turn off valves break. Alice suggested that in years past it was a water operator duty to check valve operation twice a year by turning it to the off position. Any problems found could be repaired early before they might become worse.
The treasurer said that the village should consider adding an ordinance authorizing trustees or committee chairs to approve non-recurring expenses with a limitation on the amount. This is for protection of the village accounts and for the trustees. It is anticipated that the village will have lower accounting fees in the next budget. Any projects that require engineering should be scrutinized carefully for engineering fee costs. The water department will have some upcoming expensive maintenance tasks that will need to be scheduled, budgeted, and funded. Instead of using state agency funds that have many regulations, the village has an offer of short term local financing. This would save time and money. Trustee Rench said that some maintenance, such as power washing, can be done by the village. Trustee Dailey said that more bids should be obtained for this work. George Young Company was used by the village in the past, did good work, and can offer a competitive bid. That company has recently done work on Bartonville water towers. We still have bid estimates on file for water tower maintenance that can be used for budgeting.
Zoning costs were not included in the last budget; any costs have come from general. The treasurer is considering itemizing the attorney fees by department. Finance committee should be monitoring these invoices closely. Discussion of costs that may occur with the property at 8707 W First St.
Trustee Rench – Streets Chair – said that more work is planned for streets. More 48” culvert is to be used to replace existing. She has an offer to buy 60’ for $1600, which is a significant value. This purchase and expenses of purchasing rock and tree removal and tree trimming on Vickie Lynn will need to go in the new fiscal year budget. She has not gathered any estimates for the trimming. West First Street may also need to have this same trimming. Water department is to cover the costs for resetting the culvert at the water tower. She would also like to plan to paint village hall; no estimates for that job yet. The village should consider the weight limit (and enforcing) on West First Street. Larger trucks have been using this road and tearing it up. Road patching where the culverts were replaced on West First St. is yet to be done. Other small road maintenance plans affecting drainage were discussed. Block is coming in for material bin at Village Hall. Plans are in place to improve the safety on Monks Lane. She also asked for zoning input for resident drainage pipes placed on village ROW on Deer Trail.
Attention was next directed to holding regular committee meetings. More decisions should be made during committee meetings and then taking the matter to vote at the board. Board meeting length should be shorter if discussion happens during a committee meeting. Current committee size was also considered. Per village code current number of members serving on a committee is five. A change to the village code on this matter has been added to the next board meeting agenda.
Trustee Dailey voiced concern about Waterworks expenditures. The village should utilize the water operator since he is a salaried employee. A job description listing and defining duties and a maintenance schedule should be a best practice for water works. The water operator contract may also need to be renewed or renegotiated.
Finance will be reviewing all income. Budgeting should allow for possibly reduced income. Discussion about granting an additional liquor license and video gaming. Drug test type and test administration for employees was discussed. Kit cost will be shared at the board meeting. Finance committee may also want to shop insurance rates.
All members of village administration are cautioned about discussing village business outside of meetings. It is recommended to direct inquiries through a FOIA request.
IV. Adjourn Meeting – Motion to adjourn by Alice Dailey; seconded by Liz Rench. Meeting adjourned at 8:26 pm.