Farmington Central Community Unit School District 265 Board met October 10.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
The meeting was called to order at 6:29 p.m. Roll call was taken.
Brewer Present; Farali Present; Johnson Present; Martin Present; Oldfield Present; Threw Present; Zessin Present
At 6:30 Chad Johnson arrived.
Motion by Chad Johnson, second by BJ Oldfield, to enter into executive session to discuss personnel, negotiating matters and student discipline. Voice Vote: 7-0 Motion carried.
Ron Zessin left session at 6:43 p.m.
At 7:04 p.m., motion by BJ Oldfield, second by John Martin, to return to open session. Voice Vote: 6-0 Motion carried. A recess was taken due to exiting executive session early. Ron Zessin returned during the break. Nick Johnson and Carolyn Behrens, representing the Harvest Team, served refreshments to show appreciation for the school board members.
At 7:31 p.m. roll call was taken. All members were present.
Motion by BJ Oldfield, second by Chad Johnson, to approve the consent agenda (items D-H). Roll Call Vote: 7-O Motion Carried.
Brewer Yes; *Faralli Yes; Johnson Yes; Martin Yes; Oldfield Yes; Threw Yes; *Zessin Yes
Public Hearing: Dan Kiesewetter, Kiesewetter Insurance Agency, was here to suggest that the board allow more than one broker to bid on the health insurance package to create some healthy Competition in rates. Kiesewetter Insurance would like to bring a quote from the United Healthcare pool. Dr. Chatterton gave a brief update on the insurance committee goals and meetings. The long term goal is to join the Central Illinois Educators Cooperative. The committee had invited four companies to present proposals in March and the committee recommended Kepple insurance Company.
Presentations: Steve Smith gave an update on the 850KW Solar Ground Arrangement. He presented a new layout that fit the layout of the district grounds (including cross country path). These solar panels have a single access tracker going from east to west. This project would reduce the district power costs 1.8 million over the 15-year lease. They will plant pollinators under the arrays which will eliminate mowing and increase the bee population. Mr. Smith will come back in January to give further details. Installation could start in June and would take 90-120 days.
Kerry Klesath introduced Brenda Powell, Melissa Palma, Jessica Homen and Brad Guidi (Camp Big Sky). Mr. Guidi gave some history on the camp. Our staff gave a slide show presentation on Community Based Instruction and how the Life Skills classes are utilizing this camp.
Motion by BJ Oldfield, Second by Chad Johnson, to appoint Anita Bausman as FCJH Scholastic Bowl Coach for the 2017-2018 school year. Roll Call Vote: 7-O Motion carried.
Brewer Yes; Faralli Yes; *Johnson Yes; Martin Yes; Oldfield Yes; Threw Yes; *Zessin Yes
Motion by Chad Johnson, second by Kelly Brewer, to appoint Leah Ramseyer as FCHS Newspaper Sponsor for the 2017-2018 school year. Roll Call Vote: 7-O Motion carried.
Brewer Yes; Faralli Yes; Johnson Yes; *Martin Yes; Oldfield Yes; Threw Yes; Zessin Yes
Motion by John Martin, second by Kay Faralli, to appoint Caitlyn Clayton as FCJH 7th Grade Volleyball Coach for the 2017-2018 school year. Roll Call Vote: 7-O Motion carried.
Brewer Yes; Faralli Yes; Johnson Yes; Martin Yes; *Oldfield Yes; Threw Yes; Zessin Yes
Motion by Kay Faralli, second by Chad Johnson, to appoint Mindy Matthews as FCJH 8th Grade Volleyball Coach for the 2017-2018 school year. Roll Call Vote: 7-O Motion carried.
Brewer Yes; Faralli Yes; Johnson Yes; Martin Yes; Oldfield Yes; *Threw Yes; Zessin Yes
Motion by BJ Oldfield, second by Kelly Threw, to appoint Mindy Matthews as FCJH Head Girls Track Coach for the 2017-2018 school year. Roll Call Vote: 7-O Motion carried.
Brewer Yes; Faralli Yes; Johnson Yes; Martin Yes; Oldfield Yes; Threw Yes; *Zessin Yes
Motion by BJ Oldfield, second by Chad Johnson, to employ Brandon Atchley as FCHSJV Baseball Coach for the 2017-2018 school year. Roll Call Vote: 7-0 Motion carried.
*Brewer Yes; Faralli Yes; Johnson Yes; Martin Yes; Oldfield Yes; Threw Yes; *Zessin Yes
Motion by Kelly Threw, second by Kelly Brewer, to employ Joseph Bennett as a Student Facilitator assigned to FCES for the 2017-2018 school year. Roll Call Vote: 7-O Motion carried.
Brewer Yes; *Faralli Yes; Johnson Yes; Martin Yes; Oldfield Yes; Threw Yes; *Zessin Yes
Motion by Kelly Threw, second by BJ Oldfield, to employ Wendy Powell as a Student Facilitator assigned to FCES for the 2017-2018 school year, pending certification. Roll Call Vote: 7-O Motion carried.
Brewer Yes; Faralli Yes; *Johnson Yes; Martin Yes; Oldfield Yes; Threw Yes; *Zessin Yes
The Board acknowledged the resignation of Cassandra Gauf as 8th Grade Volleyball Coach for this year Only.
Motion by Ron Zessin, second by John Martin, to approve the Press Policy Updates, as recommended by the Policy Committee, on second reading. Roll Call Vote: 7-O Motion carried.
Brewer Yes; Faralli Yes; Johnson Yes; *Martin Yes; Oldfield Yes; Threw Yes; Zessin Yes
Dr. Chatterton Submitted a lengthy list of school and technology equipment to dispose of. The intent is to dispose the items for profit, but if unable to do so they will be recycled prior to throwing away. Motion by BJ Oldfield, second by Chad Johnson, to declare the presented items as surplus to the district and dispose of them. Roll Call Vote: 7-0 Motion carried.
Brewer Yes; Faralli Yes; Johnson Yes; Martin Yes; *Oldfield Yes; Threw Yes; Zessin Yes
Motion by Chad Johnson, second by Kay Faralli, to approve the FY18 Superintendent Goals as presented. Roll Call Vote: 7-0 Motion carried.
Brewer Yes; Faralli Yes; Johnson Yes; Martin Yes; Oldfield Yes; *Threw Yes; Zessin Yes
Dr. Chatterton reported that a revision is needed to the Health Savings Account agreement to appoint Alliance Benefits Group to handle the administration rather than the Bank of Farmington. Motion by Chad Johnson, second by BJ Oldfield, to approve Resolution #101017 revising the Health Savings Account (HSA) Plan for the Benefit of the District Employees. Roll Call Vote: 7-0 Motion carried.
Brewer Yes; Faralli Yes; Johnson Yes; Martin Yes; Oldfield Yes; Threw Yes; *Zessin Yes
Administrative procedures were shared with the board regarding bed bugs. While the district has not had any documented cases at this time, it is important to be proactive, so these documents were prepared utilizing the IL Department of Health recommendations.
The Board discussed board members volunteering within the district. With input from members of the audience and the student board members, information was gathered regarding whether this is something the board wants to pursue, parameters that Would need to be set, etc.
At the November meeting a delegate will need to be elected for the IASB Resolutions Committee (meeting to be held at the November School Board Convention).
Discussion was held regarding District Employees being allowed to bring their children to school tuition free. The Labor Management Committee has also discussed this topic. There are certain procedural and legal steps that would need to be happen at the state level for this to be considered. A decision would need to be made to meet the application deadline of January.
Motion by BJ Oldfield, second by John Martin, to adjourn the meeting. Voice Vote: 7-0 Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:53 p.m.