City of West Peoria Planning Commission met March 27.
Here is the minutes provided by the Commission:
1.Amy Furgiuele called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
2.Members present were Amy Furgiuele, Sara McDaniels, Sue Roos, and Susan Schlupp.
Dan Morse and Cassie Zell were absent. Also present were Mayor Dillon, City Administrator Krider, Alderpersons Dohm and Siewert, and Clerk Barnes.
3. There were no Additions to/or Deletions to the Agenda.
4. A motion to approve the minutes of the last meeting - February 27, 2018 was made by Sue Roos and seconded by Sara McDaniels. Motion carried.
5. Old Business
a. Review of Comprehensive Plan Update brought forth several changes to the Draft, a few items that had been left out or needed to be moved, and several typographical, spelling and grammar items.
b. Review Updated City Zoning Map and all related maps
A motion to recommend the approval of the Updated City Zoning Map and all related maps to the City Council was made by Sara McDaniels and seconded by Susan Schlupp. Motion carried.
C. City Questionnaire: Discussion yielded tabling a new survey until further need. Perhaps after the next Census we could get the City's input. Since that is a couple of years away, please begin thinking of questions that should be on the survey, and even the format. All these will be "kept" by the City Administrator until the survey takes place. Perhaps we should be thinking of what kind of businesses we want to be brought to our city, and how to get them to locate here.
6. New Business - The items were tabled until next month
a. Appointment of Committee Chair
b. Appointment of Committee Co-Chair
7. Public Comment: Clerk Barnes asked if the setting of the agenda could be pushed back a week each month instead of the two weeks' notice to the Committee that is currently being done. It is difficult to set an agenda that far in advance when it can legally be changed up to 48 hours before the meeting. Hard copies of the agenda and packets will be available at City Hall the Friday morning before the usual Tuesday evening meeting. Amy Furgiuele asked that she be sent an electronic agenda because she cannot come to City Hall to pick a packet up because of her work hours. This will be done. Also, the packet for that evening's agenda will be put in the Planning Commission mail slot prior to the meeting so she, too, can have a hard copy.
8. Determination of Future Agenda: Public Hearing in April
9. A Motion to Adjourn was made by Susan Schlupp at 6:33 p.m. and seconded by Sue Roos. Motion carried by voice.
The next meeting of the Planning Committee will be Tuesday, April 24, 2018 at 5:30 p.m. at City Hall.