City of Washington Planning & Zoning Commission met March 7.
Here is the minutes provided by the Commission:
Call to Order: Chairman Mike Burdette called the regular meeting of the City of Washington Planning and Zoning Commission to order at 6:30 p.m. in the meeting room at Washington District Library.
Roll Call: Present and answering roll call were Commissioners, Mike Burdette, Brian Fischer, Tom Reeder, Joe Roberts, Steve Scott, and Doug Weston. Commissioner Louis Milot entered the meeting at 6:31 p.m.
Also present was P & D Director Jon Oliphant, B & Z Supervisor Becky Holmes and City Clerk Pat Brown. Others present: WCHS Superintendent Dr. Kyle Freeman, and Farnsworth Group Architect Paul Kouri.
Appv min 2/7/18 PZC meeting as presented: Commissioner Weston moved and Commissioner Reeder seconded to approve the minutes of the February 7, 2018 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting as presented. Motion carried unanimously by voice vote.
Discussion – Proposed Addition, WCHS: Building & Zoning Supervisor Holmes provided the following information: 1) Farnsworth Group representatives requested a pre-planning & zoning meeting to discuss and inform the Commission of a proposed 13,150 s.f. building addition to Washington Community High School located at 115 Bondurant St.; 2) the variance requests will come before the Commission for action at their April 4th meeting; 3) the variances will include a 20’ front yard variance on the Bondurant St. side and a variance to exceed lot coverage which is currently at approx. 55% and the addition will bring it to 59% (requirements are 25’ front yard and 40% lot coverage); 4) the 1970’s addition on the Bondurant St. side was done without obtaining a building permit and the City has no records on file for the same two variances that would have been needed at that time as well; and 5) tonight the proposal is being presented in order to obtain feedback from the Commission before moving ahead with site and construction plans.
Dr. Freeman, WCHS Superintendent, shared that they have been preparing for additional classroom space needs as the projected student enrollment figures continue to increase. He shared that the proposed addition will allow for their music programs to move from their current undersized locations into the new addition, thus freeing up space for additional classroom needs as well. He shared that additional classrooms are also being planned for the new addition as well.
Paul Kouri, Farnsworth Group, went over a provided site plan for the proposed addition noting the following: 1) the addition was pushed as far west as possible to obtain the space needed to house the music programs; 2) the addition aligns with the existing wall of the 1970’s addition; 3) the closest they will be to the Jefferson Street R.O.W. (edge of sidewalk) is 26.2’; 4) the pavement area east of the addition will also be used as a drive for loading and unloading band equipment; and 5) improvements are being planned for handicap access in the west gym as well as the main entrance.
Following discussion on the items listed below, it was the consensus of the Commission that there would be no objections to granting the variance requests at their April meeting.
• The addition will be bid as a one story with a second story alternative bid; it will depend on how the bids come in whether the second story will be part of the addition now or planned for the future.
• There will be multiple exits and the design will include having access to the music area without gaining access to the rest of the building.
• The current detention runs north and is housed on the south side of Jefferson Street and if more is needed it will be expanded to accommodate.
• If variances are approved, the construction would begin towards the end of July with a completion date of Summer 2019. The renovation of the existing music program space would then begin.
• Any noise issues should be kept to a minimum as the HVAC system takes care of air flow needs and they do not foresee having windows open.
Staff Comments: Commissioner Fischer asked for an update on the solar energy ordinance as he has not seen where Council has taken any action. P & D Director Oliphant shared that some aesthetic concerns were raised at the Committee of the Whole meeting in regards to the residential roof and ground mount panels. He shared that some tweaking is being done that will address those concerns and will go back before the COW at their March 12th meeting and then on to the March 19th City Council meeting for first reading if approved for consideration. Mr. Joe Roberts was introduced and welcomed to the Commission. April’s meeting will also include a front and side yard variance request as well as a minor zoning code text amendment.
At 6:49 p.m. Commissioner Weston moved and Commissioner Scott seconded to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously by voice vote.