Byron Public Library District Board met Dec. 12.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
The meeting was called to order at 4:07 p.m. by Elaine Breck. Board members present were Lavonne Berkeley, Elaine Breck, David Conley, Jill Grennan, and Richard Pleniewicz. Also attending were Emily Porter, Director and Recording Secretary Jeannine Hedges
Absent Members: Barbara Clubb and Susan O’Neil Visitors: None
Mr. Conley made a motion to approve the Operations Committee Minutes of November 12, 2018. The motion was seconded and approved 5-0. Mrs. Berkeley made a motion to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of November 14, 2018. The motion was seconded and approved 5-0.
Treasurer’s Report and Monthly Bills:
Mrs. Porter distributed written reports. Mrs. Porter reviewed the profit and loss statement highlighting the deferred compensation plan. Mrs. Porter stated the e-rate money has been received. Mrs. Porter discussed the new credit card reader and Square requirements. Mrs. Hopkins, CPA, will handle reconciling the square charges.
Mrs. Porter distributed written reports.
A motion to pay the bills was made by Mrs. Berkeley and then seconded. The motion was approved in a roll call vote 5-0: Mrs. Berkeley, yes; Mrs. Breck, yes; Mr. Conley, yes; Mrs. Grennan, yes; and Mr. Pleniewicz, yes.
Librarian Report:
Mrs. Porter distributed written reports. Mrs. Porter stated that she has finished weeding the nonfiction collection. Mrs. Porter discussed re-arranging the collections and moving shelving units in the current nonfiction area. Mrs. Porter also discussed staffing requirements for this new area. Mrs. Porter ordered AV equipment for the meeting room upgrades. Mrs. Porter mentioned that she was asked to serve on the ILA board but declined stating that she is happy currently serving on the PrairieCat board. Mrs. Porter talked about the upcoming plans for staff training day.
Trustee Reports: Mrs. Breck requested that the weeded Large Print books be donated to Wesley Willows. Mrs. Breck also suggested getting hearing assist equipment for the meeting room.
Committee Reports:
Finance: None
Operations Committee: Minutes were included from the November 12, 2018 in the distributed packet.
Executive Committee: Mrs. Porter suggested scheduling a meeting in January to establish goals and processes for the Board to evaluate.
Facilities Management: None
Strategic Planning Committee: Mrs. Porter reviewed updates and the status of the progress towards our goals listed in the Strategic Plan.
Unfinished Business
None New Business
Mrs. Porter held a discussion on the changes to the Policy Manual. The Operations Committee made a motion to approve the updated Policy Manual as submitted. The Motion was approved 5-0.
Mrs. Porter led a discussion on the proposed additions to the Employee Handbook. The Operations Committee made a motion to approve the Employee Handbook additions as submitted. The motion was approved 5-0.
Mrs. Porter held a discussion explaining the Ethics ordinance and requirements. Mr. Conley made a motion to approve the Ethics Ordinance 2018-9 as submitted. The motion was seconded and approved 5-0.
Mrs. Porter discussed IMRF Resolution 2018-10. Mr. Pleniewicz made a motion to approve IMRF Resolution 2018-10. The motion was seconded. The motion was approved 5-0.
Mrs. Porter highlighted a few components of the Per Capita Grant Application. Mrs. Grennan made a motion to approve the Per Capita Grant application. The motion was seconded. The motion was approved 5-0.
Mrs. Porter held a discussion explaining the requirements of the Library Bill of Rights and the Freedom to Read. Mrs. Porter distributed flyers to be made available for patrons regarding the Library Bill of Rights and Freedom to Read.
A motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Conley and seconded. The meeting adjourned at 4:55 p.m.