City of Vienna City Council met Sept. 4.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
The City Council of the City of Vienna met in regular session at Vienna City Hall with the following members and guest:
Jon Simmons, Mayor
Alan Racey, Alderman
Debbie Riddle, Alderman
Richard Owen, Alderman
Austin Tuey, Alderman
Steve Penrod, Alderman
Aleatha Wright, City Clerk
Jim Miller, Police Chief
Brent Williams, Fire Chief
Shane Racey, Supt
Michelle Meyers, Treasurer
Phil Morris, Depot
Melissa Hill, Alderman
There being a quorum, Mayor Simmons called the meeting of the Vienna City Council to order at 6:30 p.m.
Alderman Tuey made a motion to Approve the Omnibus Consent Agenda consisting of the August 21, 2019 Council Meeting Minutes and the Warrant ($18,051.01). Alderman Racey seconded the motion. All in favor, motion carried.
Alderman Penrod made a motion to Authorize and Approve Resolution 19-10, A Resolution requesting closure of streets/highways from IDOT for the Annual Heritage Festival Parade to be held Saturday, October 5. The motion was seconded by Alderman Tuey. Motion carried.
Alderman Owen made a motion to Authorize and Approve a donation of $500.00 (Community Funds) to assist the Johnson County Elks with the Annual Heritage Festival. The motion was seconded by Alderman Racey. Motion carried. 4-yes 1-abstain. Clerk noted an insurance policy from the Johnson County Elks was needed to send in with paperwork for request of the permit.
Alderman Owen made a motion to Authorize and Approve sponsorship to the Vienna Times for the 50/100 mile run guide not to exceed $300.00 (Tourism Funds). The motion was seconded by
Alderman Tuey. Motion carried.
Max Hook was present to discuss ballpark fencing repairs needed on Field #1. Hook presented a quote from Terrace Fencing for $4,180.00. Council discussed with Hook cost sharing between the city, JCYL and schools. It was decided the item would be revisited at the Sept 18th meeting.
Mayor Simmons mentioned the Shawnee Forest Campground has had as successful summer thus far.
Wright updated council on the IDNR grant for the park amphitheater/restroom project. Wright said Clarida & Zeigler would be scheduling a survey crew and getting a preliminary plan together. Wright also said the IDHA demolition grant was finalized and awaiting information on the bidding process.
Supt Racey informed council the need of a truck for public works as the current 2002 Chevy had transmission and motor issues.
Chief Miller said Alex Miller's Eagle Scout Project was completed and signs would be placed at the location of the Forest Service and near the bridge at the City Park.
Phil Morris, Depot, discussed with council of buying local handmade tunnel hill bike trail merchandise to sell at the Depot during the 50/100 mile run and throughout the year to the tourists that visit the Depot. Morris had a few examples on hand of key chains and small purses. The purchase would be placed on the next agenda for action.
Alderman Penrod requested an update of sidewalk repairs progress on North 6th Street from Supt Racey.
At 7:18 p.m. Alderman Owen made a motion to go out of regular session into Executive Session: 5ILCS 120/2(C)(1) Compensation, and 5ILCS 120/2(C)(2) Collective Negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives. Alderman Racey seconded the motion. Motion carried.
At 7:50 p.m. Alderman Owen made a motion to resume the regular meeting. Motion was seconded by Alderman Tuey. Motion carried.
As there was no further business to discus, Alderman Owen made a motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Alderman Riddle. Motion Carried.
Mayor Simmons declared the meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m.