
Peoria Standard

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Carterville City Council met February 11

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City of Carterville City Council met Feb. 11.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

The meeting was held in the Council Chambers with Mayor Bradley M. Robinson presiding. He called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.


Bradley M. Robinson, Mayor - Present

Khristina Hollister, City Clerk - Present

Michele A. Edwards, Deputy City Clerk - Present

Mark Carney, City Treasurer - Present

John Allsopp, Alderman/Ward 3 - Present

Douglas Brinkley, Alderman/Ward 3 - Absent

William Edwards, Alderman/Ward 1 - Present

Phyllis Emery, Alderman/Ward 4 - Present

Rod Sievers, Alderman/Ward 1 - Present

Tom Harness, Alderman/Ward 2 - Present

Tom Liebenrood, Alderman/Ward 4 - Present

Curtis Oetjen, Alderman/Ward 2 - Present

The Mayor declared a quorum present.

Present at the meeting were: Ron Rains, Fire Chief; Harriet Mize, Chamber of Commerce; Garry Wiggs, Public Works Director; Ralph Graul, Building Inspector, Retia Watson, Bookkeeper/Secretary; Janice McConnaughy, H R Specialist; Michael Flaningam, Police Chief; Harry Treece II, Citizen; Officer Sam Tyner; Ronda and Mike Robinson, Citizens; Billy Mathews, Citizen; Jennifer Spence, Citizen; Allen Latch, Citizen; Julie Campbell and Jason Powell, Employers Support of the Guard and Reserves; Scouts and Scout Leaders from Troop 77; and Christine Mitchell, The Courier.

Motion 1: Oetjen moved and Liebenrood seconded to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 14, 2020 as presented. A roll call vote was taken, and all present voted yea. The Mayor declared the motion carried.

Motion 2: Emery moved and Oetjen seconded to approve the minutes of the Special Meeting of January 28, 2020 (with a correction to the title for Janice McConnaughy). A roll call vote was taken, and all present voted yea. The Mayor declared the motion carried.

Mark Carney, City Treasurer, presented the Treasurer’s Report for January 2020.

Motion 3: Oetjen moved and Sievers seconded to approve the January, 2020 Treasurer’s Report as presented. A roll call vote was taken, and all present voted yea. The Mayor declared the motion carried.

Recognition of Guests

The Troop 77 Scoutmaster announced the scouts attended the Council Meeting as part of their requirement for their government merit badge.

Julie Campbell and Jason Powell, representing the Employers Support of the Guard and Reserve, presented an award to Jerry Hampton for his help and support of Tyler Drake who has been deployed to Afghanistan. The audience applauded this presentation.

A Troop 77 representative asked that the Street Department clean out the flag holes on Division Street where the shepherd’s hooks were holding lanterns so that they can get the flags installed correctly.

Motion 4: Sievers moved and Emery seconded to approve payment of the monthly bills as presented by the City Clerk. A roll call vote was taken, and all present voted yea. The Mayor declared the motion carried.

The Mayor introduced Officer Paul Uraski and asked him to come forward to be sworn in as Part-time Police Officer. Khristina Hollister, City Clerk, administered the oath and he was given a copy of his signed Oath of Office.

Engineering Report

The Mayor mentioned a few items that do not require action tonight. The drainage issue in the 500 block of West Grand is estimated to cost approximately $40,000.00. The engineer has determined this is eligible for MFT funds, but there are advantages to paying with local funds. We will make a decision on this project at a later date. Also, the Engineering Agreement on the West Grand bypass project must be signed and submitted this month and the School Superintendent is discussing the local share funds with the School Board next week. The City relinquished their SIMPO funds for Division Street to this bypass project and have requested the local share of this project be paid by the Unit #5 School District. The Council will have to address these issues in the near future.

Harriet Mize, Chamber of Commerce Executive Director, presented the monthly report:

 Business Spotlight: AES Solar Energy, River Radio, Your Jeweler, Big Muddy Hogs, Sterling Mattress, Thad Ellet Plumbing, Andersen Overhead Doors, Yewell Insurance

 1-27-2020 – CHS SCHOLARSHIP FAIR handed out over 65 scholarship applications

 2-7-2020 – 100 Welcome Bags were filled by Tom Harness, Janice McConnaughy and several Chamber volunteers

 2-12-2020 – Small Business Development Advisory Board Meeting

 2-14-2020 – Annual Dinner – 6:00 p.m. S.I. Suzuki Strings will perform and Great Boars of Fire will cater. A silent auction, a champagne glass prize raffle, and a live auction will be included.

 4-3-2020 – Mini Morning Retreat – (tentative date) – More information in March and April

 Chamber Donations – Tri-C Athletics $150.00

Tom Harness thanked Janice McConnaughy for organizing the Welcome Bags project. Janice indicated that there were 48 contributors to the 100 bags and they will last approximately 4 1⁄2 months.

Parks Department

We received a request for two additional bag dispensers and some additional signage to remind citizens to clean up after their dogs. This expense will be investigated before a decision is made.

The Mayor presented a request from Senior Citizen Dance Group for use of the Community Center for 50 to 100 dancers on Monday nights from 4:30 to 9:30 p.m. at a reduced rate.

Motion 5: Harness moved and Edwards seconded to deny the request for a reduction of fees but allow the use of the Community Center for a Dance Group every Monday night from 4:30 to 9:30 p.m. at the regular rate of $80.00 per night. A roll call vote was taken, and all present voted yea. The Mayor declared the motion carried.

The Mayor and the engineers are working on application for grants for renovation of the walking path at Cannon Park. The estimated cost of this project is $28,000.00. The Department of Natural Resources offers grant funds for this type of project and a grant from them helped build Cannon Park.

Police Department

Mike Flaningam, Police Chief, submitted the following information:

 There were 185 Officer Calls for Service in January (case number generated) This included three Misdemeanors; three Felonies; three Arrests; and five Closed Cases.

 Officers provided assistance to other departments 32 times in January

 Death Investigations Class – Chief Flaningam and Officer Morgan attended this class in Mt. Vernon on January 29, 2020, funded through the Williamson County Coroner’s Office

 1-6-2020 – Chief Flaningam attended the Chief’s Meeting

 1-7-2020 – Chief Flaningam had a Teleconference with IMEA regarding Terrorism

 Department Meeting – Officer Sam Tyner was awarded “Officer of the Year” and Officer Ryan Hudson was given the “Meritorious Service Award”

Chief Flaningam discussed the possibility of funding training at the Part-Time Academy for three of our part-time officers at a cost of $2,050.00 per employee or a total cost of $6,150.00. This Academy is not an in- resident class but is held every Saturday for nine months at Rend Lake College. Alderman Oetjen recommended that we table this until we develop an agreement for employment and repayment of these training funds. The Mayor indicated he would be discussing this with the City Attorney on Thursday.

Motion 6: Oetjen moved and Liebenrood seconded to table the issue of the Part-Time Academy for three officers until an employment agreement is developed. All present voted yea and the Mayor declared the motion carried.

Fire Department

Chief Ron Rains indicated that monthly reports are in Council packets and explained the January report in some detail (100 EMS Calls/15 Fire Calls/5 Mutual Aid). Chief Rains asked about sending two firefighters to IFSI Search Class at a cost of $600.00. This is a grant funded program ($750.00 per person), but we will have to pay for hotel and meals for three days. One of those attending will be our new firefighter Nick Keller.

Motion 7: Sievers moved and Allsopp seconded to approve the cost of $600.00 to send two firefighters to the IFSI Search Class. A roll call vote was taken, and all present voted ye. The Mayor declared the motion carried.

Chief Rains explained that there was an accident with one of the ambulances. The department ordered the necessary parts for repair and Jason Sheraden completed these repairs. There was a part ordered that will cost too much to send back and the company will not refund the cost. Therefore, Chief Rains is suggesting that this part be designated as surplus so that they can sell it.

Motion 8: Oetjen moved and Edwards seconded to approve the surplus of an ambulance repair part that was incorrectly ordered and could not be returned. All present voted yea, and the Mayor declared the motion carried.

Tom Harness thanked Garry Wiggs for the American Legion sign that was put up today.

The Ford Explorer Police vehicle that is being repaired by the Maintenance Department and First-Stop Body Shop (because it was not covered by insurance) should be back in service by Friday, February 14, 2020. The cost was between $6,000.00 and $7,000.00.

The physical address for the City cemeteries is 701 Willow Street. This information was needed to update direction and electronic guidance to our cemeteries. Garry Wiggs, Public Works Director, indicated that Willowrest Cemetery is being surveyed/re-staked and they should finish this week.

Building and Codes

Ralph Graul, Building Inspector, explained his monthly report includes 35 active permits (these include 9 single family dwellings, 1 Duplex, commercial permits, and various pools, room additions and garages.

Chief Flaningam presented information on the renewal of the fees for the Williamson County Gun Club at a cost of $500.00.

Motion 9: Harness moved and Liebenrood seconded to authorize the payment of the $500.00 annual fee for the Williamson County Gun Club. All present voted yea, and the Mayor declared the motion carried.

Devin Miller is working on a Carterville Now publication dedicated to the High School Cheerleaders and their State Champion title. He is asking for a donation for advertising in this publication. There was a discussion regarding using these funds for other marketing purposes.

Motion 10: Emery moved and Sievers seconded to purchase a half page ad in the Carterville Now publication dedicated to the State Champion Cheerleaders at a cost of $500.00. Roll call vote: Edwards, no; Sievers, yea; Harness, no; Oetjen, no; Allsopp, yea; Emery, yea; Liebenrood, no. The motion failed 4-3. (The Mayor indicated that he will personally give Devin Miller a donation toward this publication).

Motion 11: Liebenrood moved and Edwards seconded to approve the use of the Council Chambers, trash bags and the use of City personnel to pick up trash bags for the Rotary Interact Club Citywide Trash Pickup on March 29, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. A roll call vote was taken, and all present voted yea. The Mayor declared the motion carried.

Motion 12: Oetjen moved and Harness seconded to approve the Downtown Redevelopment Loan Request for J. Spence Properties, LLC and her renovation of 131C South Division Street (this covers the interest for five years on a $20,000.00 loan that is acquired by the owner). A roll call vote was taken, and all present voted yea. The Mayor declared the motion carried.

The Mayor introduced a request from Marcie Carrier, to have a Downtown Car Show on Friday,

May 8, 2020. The street will be closed from 5:00 to 8:30 and they are requesting that the South part of Division Street until 11:00 p.m. to accommodate a band and food options. The proceeds from this event will go to the Downtown Parking Project. The Committee discussed this issue and felt that they could approve this only until 10:00 p.m.

Motion 13: Harness moved and Emery seconded to authorize the closure of the downtown area for the Annual Car Show and authorize Police coverage for this event until 10:00 p.m. on Friday, May 8 2020. All present voted yea and the Mayor declared the motion carried.

Motion 14: Emery moved and Liebenrood seconded to approve a budget of $500.00 for the Cannon Park Easter Egg Hunt on March 28, 2020. All present voted yea, and the Mayor declared the motion carried.

Curt Oetjen, Water and Sewer Board:

 January Delinquent Accounts: 155 Accounts for $12,864.01 (shut off 25 today)

 Water Loss: Sold 10,230,300 gallons – Purchased 12,040,499 gallons for a loss of 1,810,199 gallons

 Sidewalk Repairs – Board approved up to $5,000.00 for 11 sidewalk repairs which includes extra funds in case there are additional locations

 Northwest Waterline - This line has been hot since January 21st. The contractor has about 40 taps completed as of February 6th. The Board approved Pay Estimate #8 to Dean Bush Construction in the amount of $38,230.34 and Pay Estimate #9 to Crawford and Associates in the amount of $2,841,00.

 UV Upgrade – This project was scheduled to start Monday, February 10th and there will be an additional charge of $2,900.00 because we could not wait for the contractor to be in the area

 New Scales – Board approved the purchase of new scales at the WWTP at a cost up to $3,000.00

 D.O. Meter – Board approved $270.00 for cleaning and calibrating the meter

 Ditch Grating – Board approved $2,500.00 for ditch grating over the road to the Barscreen

 Bobcat Trachoe - Board approved a three-year lease at a cost of $1,186.00 per month

 Mowing Bids – Board authorized advertising for bids for mowing for the department.

 Leak Credits – 6 Leak Credits for $428.14

The Mayor asked Garry Wiggs when the contractor would be tying in the new water lines which will require that the whole town will be shut own overnight for five consecutive nights and the City will be under a boil order for about a week. Wiggs indicated that this will be scheduled within the next 30 to 60 days and we will give citizens ample notification of this outage and boil order.

Motion 15: Oetjen moved and Edwards seconded to move to EXECUTIVE SESSION for the purpose of discussing personnel and the possible acquisition of property. All present voted yea and the Council left Chambers at 8:12 p.m.

Motion 16: Liebenrood moved and Emery seconded to return to REGULAR SESSION. All present voted yea and the Council resumed Regular Session at 9:16 p.m.

Motion 17: Liebenrood moved and Harness seconded to move Jeremy Long to the Public Works Director in Training position. A roll call vote was taken, and all present voted yea. The Mayor declared the motion carried.

Phyllis Emery indicated that the new carpeting is now installed at the Pantry and suggested that each of the aldermen visit the Pantry. Also, the Pantry Board asked her to thank the City Council and the City employees for their help


City Offices Closed – Monday, February 17, 2020 – President’s Day Chamber of Commerce Annual Dinner – Friday, February 14, 2020

Motion 19: Liebenrood moved and Sievers seconded to adjourn. All present voted yea, the Mayor declared the motion carried and the meeting was dismissed at 9:19 p.m.




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