
Peoria Standard

Sunday, January 26, 2025

City of Peoria Historic Preservation Commission met March 13

Webp meeting 10

City of Peoria Historic Preservation Commission met March 13.

Here is the minutes provided by the commission:

A special meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was held at 3:00p.m., at City Hall, 419 Fulton St., in Room 400 with Chairperson Michael Maloof presiding and with proper notice having been posted.


The following Historic Preservation Commissioners were present: Marisa Farrell, Jan Krouse, Lesley Matuszak, Michael Maloof, Geoff Smith, and David Stotz – 6. 

Commissioners absent: Marsha Burdette ‐ 1.

City Staff Present: Leah Allison, Megan Nguyen, and Cynthia Fulford


Speakers were sworn in by City staff member Megan Nguyen.


Commissioner Krouse moved to approve the minutes of the Historic Preservation Commission meeting held on January 22, 2020; seconded by Commissioner Farrell.

CASE NO. HPC 20-04

The motion was approved viva voce 6 to 0.


Public Hearing on the request of Barry and Elizabeth Gray, to obtain a Certificate of Appropriateness to allow for the installation of roof mounted solar panels for the property located at 209 NE Randolph Avenue (Parcel Identification No. 18-04-329-016), Peoria, Illinois (Council District 2).

Senior Urban Planner, Leah Allison, Community Development Department, read Case No. HPC 20-04 into the record and provided a summary of the request.

Elizabeth Gray, petitioner, presented her case. She gave a background of the house and explained that the flatness of the roof top ensures that the solar panels will not be visible from the street. Mrs. Gray confirmed that she has made her neighbors aware of the change and they are in support of the solar panels. Mrs. Gray stated that it is a necessary change to reduce energy costs and they are good for the environment.

Octavius Cresswell, representative from Moxie Solar, informed the commission that he was available for any questions regarding the solar panels.

Discussion was held around the appearance and placement of the solar panels. Mr. Cresswell and Mrs. Gray commented that they will be placing the solar panels facing the south end of the house and confirmed that the solar mount will be all to code and fire regulations. They also explained that the solar panels are not visible to neighbors from the street but may be visible from the parking lot and side garage. Mrs. Gray referred the commissioners to the packet of photos for an example of their appearance.

Chairperson Maloof opened the public hearing at 3:22p.m.

Jack Teplitz, neighbor of the petitioner, stated that although the solar panels are visible from his house, he supported the request. Mr. Teplitz distributed handouts: “8 ways to Green your Historic House” (Ex. 1),

“Incorporating solar panels to a historic building” (Ex. 2), “National Park service” (Ex. 3), and “Sustainability Guide for Existing and Historic Properties”(Ex 4). Mr. Teplitz explained that it wouldn’t ruin the integrity, instead it was encouraged by National Trust. He urged the Commission to approve.

Ray Johnson, neighbor of the petitioner, confirmed that he can see the solar panels from his home, but supports the request. He continued to explain that anything to reduce the electrical costs, should be applauded.

The public hearing was closed at 3:32p.m.

Commissioner comments:

Commissioner Matuszak supported the project. However, she urged the petitioners and the public to be cautious with these changes because they are not just for this particular homeowner but for all homeowners in the Historic District.

Commissioner Stotz agreed with Commissioner Matuszak that they must be cautious and agreed with Mr. Johnson on the beauty of the roof. Commissioner Stotz is in supported under the condition that the homeowner maintain integrity and beauty of the neighborhood.

Commissioner Smith expressed his support and urged that the Commission review these on a case by case basis.

Findings of fact were read by Chairperson Maloof at 3:40p.m.

Commissioner Matuszak made a motion to approve; Commissioner Stotz seconded.

The motion was APPROVED by a roll call vote 6 to 0. 

Yeas: Krouse, Maloof, Matuszak, Smith, Stotz, Farrell. 

Nays: None

CASE NO. HPC 20-05

Public hearing on the request of Creighton Kinny, to obtain a Certificate of Appropriateness to allow for the installation of roof mounted solar panels for the property located at 1110 NE Glen Oak Avenue (Parcel Identification No. 18-03-152-004), Peoria, Illinois (Council District 2).

Senior Urban Planner, Leah Allison, Community Development Department, read Case No. HPC 20-05 into the record and provided a summary of the request.

Linda Fairbanks, petitioner, presented on her case. Ms. Fairbanks stated that the solar panels are not visible from the street. She explained that the color of the solar panels matched the roof of the house and the modern panels sat relatively flush to the roof, installed to meet fire codes. Ms. Fairbanks commended Eagle Point Solar on providing solar panels that did not require cutting down any trees. She confirmed that her neighbors have been made aware and that they have been verbally supportive of this. She explained that the panels on the southwest side were visible, but the rest of the panels faced the river.

Commissioner Stotz requested to see images of the street view. He questioned whether the solar panels will be visible during the winter season when there aren’t any leaves to obstruct the view.

Commissioner Smith confirmed how far the solar panels sit off the roof.

Ms. Fairbanks explained her property elevation gives more coverage. She stated that during the winter the solar panels may be visible from the intersection, however she reassured the Commission that she has worked to keep the property in the right setting of the neighborhood. Ms. Fairbanks also stated that there will be about a 2-4in. gap between roof and panel.

Chairperson Maloof opened the public hearing at approximately 3:51p.m.

Allison from Eagle Point Solar, representative of the petitioner, confirmed that the solar panels will be black approximately 2 inches from the roof.

Commissioner Stotz inquired if the panels can be placed elsewhere on the property.

Ms. Fairbanks responds that the placement they are requesting has maximum exposure to the sun and does not remove the trees.

Commissioner Stotz expressed that he is unable to determine whether the solar panels will match the style of the architecture based on the documents and images displayed.

Ms. Fairbanks assured that compared to the older models of panels, she believes that the new models that she will have on her home are a lot more attractive.

Commissioner Smith supported her case by stating that from a visibility standpoint, the contemporary style of home, slope of roof and age of house does not pose a problem.

The public hearing was closed at 4:05p.m.

Findings of fact read by Chairperson Maloof at 4:06p.m.

Commissioner Stotz made a motion to approve; Comissioner Matuszak seconded.

The motion was APPROVED by a roll call vote 6 to 0. 

Yeas: Krouse, Maloof, Matuszak, Smith, Stotz, Farrell. 

Nays: None


Chairperson Maloof opened the floor to new business at 4:12p.m.

Hanson Engineer, Cindy Loos, presented her case regarding the proposal to convert Jefferson Avenue and Adams Street in Downtown Peoria from one-way back to two-way streets and re-opening Fulton Street to traffic. The Public Works Department requests a recommendation of no adverse impact for the Downtown Peoria National Historic District pursuant to the National Historic Preservation Act Section 106 review process. (Council District 1)

Commissioner Matuszak expressed that she fully supports going back to the way it historically looked. Commissioner Farrell expressed her support and believes it will really help the flow of traffic in that area. Commissioner Smith expressed his support and believes it is a great idea opening up FultonSt. because the buildings don’t really have a store front. He suggested possible parallel parking on Fulton St.

Ms. Loos stated that they will start work with the signals on the street before the actual building process.

Commissioner Matuszak made a motion to approve noting the condition that there will not be any damage or repercussion or adverse impact to the Historic District; seconded by Commissioner Stotz.

The motion was APPROVED by a roll call vote 6 to 0.

Yeas: Krouse, Maloof, Matuszak, Smith, Stotz, Farrell.

Nays: None


There were no citizen requests to address the Commission.


Commissioner Matuszak made a motion to adjourn the hearing; Commissioner Stotz seconded. Approved by a viva voce vote 6 to 0 at approximately 4:37p.m.
