Peoria County Board Met Feb. 11.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
• Approval of January 14, 2021 County Board Meeting Minutes
• Chief Judge Update
• In-person attendance by the public is discouraged for the February 11 Peoria County Board meeting due to space limitations allowing for proper social distancing, but residents may view it live at or on our YouTube page (Peoria County Government). Those who wish to enter in a public comment may do so by submitting their written statement to the Peoria County Clerk via email, fax, mail, or in-person drop-off by 3:00 p.m. on February 11.
• Email:
• Mail/in-person: Peoria County Clerk, 324 Main St, Room 101, Peoria, IL 61602Fax: (309) 672-6063
• Persons needing special accommodations to submit public comment, or requests to submit public comment/attend the meeting in person, may call the Peoria County Clerk’s Office at (309) 672-6059 for arrangements.
IV. CONSENT AGENDA (including reports to be filed)
C1. The Treasurer report consisting of the Bank and CD's Portfolio for the month of December 2020 and Revenue & Expenditure Reports for the month of November 2020.
C2. The Auditor's report of expenditures from Accounts Payable system is accessible at
C3. A resolution (items 1, 7 conveyances; items 2 -6 surrenders) from the Ways and Means Committee recommending that the County Board Chairman be authorized and directed to execute deeds of said property to the highest bidder, and be authorized to cancel the appropriate Certificates of Purchase. This resolution shall be effective ninety days from February 11, 2021 and any transaction between the parties involved not occurring within this period shall be null and void.
C4. A joint resolution from your Finance Audit and Legislative Affairs Committee and your County Operations Committee recommending approval of an FY2020 appropriation in the amount of $795,000.00 in the Risk Management Funds and an FY2020 appropriation in the amount of $1,150,000.00 in the Employee Health Funds.
C5. A resolution from your County Operations Committee recommending acceptance of $4,000.00 grant award for educational purposes from the Sally Lorraine Sedlak Vaughan Irrevocable Trust and appropriation of those funds into the PCAPS Fund.
C6. A resolution from your County Operations Committee recommending acceptance of $5,000.00 grant award for cat enrichment and behavior programs from Best Friends Animal Society and appropriation of those funds into the PCAPS Fund.
C7. A resolution from your County Operations Committee recommending approval of an appropriation of FY2020 for unused donated funds in the amount of $5,000.00 into the FY2021 PCAPS budget.
C8. A resolution from your County Health Committee recommending approval of the Peoria City/County Landfill budget for the time period January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021.
C9. A resolution from your Infrastructure Committee recommending approval of a Phase I Preliminary Engineering Agreement with Maurer-Stutz, Inc., Peoria, IL, for culvert replacement on Slane Road, at a cost not to exceed $18,500.00.
C10. A resolution from your Infrastructure Committee recommending approval of a one-year contract between Peoria County and Jim Stenger to cash rent Peoria County farmland at 10228 W. Powder Mill Road, Edwards, IL, in the amount of $150.00 per acre.
C11. Chairman Appointments.
1. Case #004-21-V, Petition of Peoria County. A Text Amendment to amend Chapter 20, Article 3, Section 3.5 “Special Use Permits”, and Article 11, Section 11.1 “Definitions” of the Peoria County Code. The Zoning Board of Appeals recommends approval. The Land Use Committee concurs.
2. Case #045-20-U, Petition of Gary Edmonds (Gary & Diane Edmonds, owners). A Special Use as required in Section 20- of the Unified Development Ordinance. This section allows for a special use for warehousing/mini-storage in the “I-2” Heavy Industrial Zoning District. The petitioner proposes to bring an existing self-storage into compliance with the Unified Development Ordinance. The parcel is located in Limestone Township. The Zoning Board of Appeals recommends approval. The Land Use Committee concurs.
3. A resolution from your Executive Committee recommending approval of an engagement agreement with the Center for Government Studies at Northern Illinois University, for strategic planning services, in an amount not to exceed $33,000.00.
4. A resolution from the Chairman of County Operations Committee and the County Administrator recommending approval of a Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) between Peoria County and AFSCME-PCEA 3586. (Poll Vote per Rules of Order, Article V, Section 18C; and pending union ratification)
6. A Proclamation extending the Declaration of Emergency due to COVID-19 in Peoria County, Illinois.