City of Minonk Parks and Recreation Board Met Feb. 21.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
1. Call to order: at 7:02 by Allison
2. Roll Call:
a. Allison Anson-present
b. Lindsay Hahn-absent
c. JT Gentes-present
d. Justin Immel-present
e. Rose Armes-present
f. Kristen Amigoni-present
g. Tom Ryan-present
h. City Council Representative Johnathan Stears-present
3. Approve minutes from last board meeting: motion by JT, seconded by Justin
4. Old Business
a. City Council Update
i. Ice Rink: $3500 to rent mobile unit for a day, $60,000 to have something for a season. Tabled for now
b. Park Issues/Concerns:
i. Waiting for warmer temps to do any repairs to park equipment
ii. Disc Golf course: City received an estimate of $25,000-30,000 to install. Nature trail too narrow so a few holes would need to be New Millenia or at Sutton’s Park. JT researched a got a quote from company out of California. Parks for a 9 hole course would be $6,000 and then we would have to install. Biggest question was if there was enough interest in town to invest money in this project. JT motioned for Rec Board to put forward $15,000 towards a Disc Golf course, motion didn’t pass.
iii. JT motioned to fix or replace west diamond’s scoreboard remote, seconded by Allison. All in favor.
1. Bill Moline called the company and the remote is too old to be fixed. Ordered a new remote for $663.
c. Budget: approximately $30,000 left in budget for the year.
d. Sports Updates: El Paso is offering in-house soccer for the spring. With the quick turnaround time for registration, Minonk will not have their own team but posted on facebook for interested kids to sign up directly through El Paso.
5. New Business
a. Baseball Registration: Registration form will be posted by the end of next week. Numbers are due to the league by March 29th, Games to start the week of May 10th.
b. Field Maintenance Bid: Allison will work with Lisa on getting the form updated and advertised on the electronic board uptown.
i. Since Rec will plan to have the concession stand open this year, we will include the travel team’s field maintenance costs in with this bid as long as they have concession open for their games. c. Field Sponsorship: Allison will work with Lisa on updating the sponsorship letter and getting those mailed out to businesses.
6. Public Comments:
7. Board member comments
8. Adjourn: Motion to adjourn at 7:53pm by Kristen, seconded by JT