City of Naperville Riverwalk Planning, Design and Construction Committee Met Feb. 2.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
Planning, Design & Construction Committee (PDC) Chairman Friant called the February 2, 2021 Naperville Riverwalk PDC meeting to order at 7:30 a.m. Friant read a statement explaining the reasons for meeting via the Zoom Video Conferencing App with an explanation of how the public can participate in the meeting.
Present: Pam Bartlett; John Cuff (joined at 7:45 a.m.); Jan Erickson; Jeff Friant, PDC Committee Chairman; Pat Kennedy, Riverwalk Commission Chairman; Debra Lellbach; and Tom Stibbe
Absent: Valla Aguilar; Judy Brodhead; John Joseph; Josh McBroom; and Bill Novack
Also Present: Christian Canizal, NCTV; Rebecca DeLarme, City Staff; Brian Dusak, ERA; Julie Landry, City Staff; Laura McSweeney, City Staff; and Carl Peterson, GRWA
There were no public comments.
1. Approval of Minutes - Jeff Friant
Approve minutes from the January 5, 2021 Planning, Design & Construction Committee meeting
A motion to approve the January 5, 2021 Planning, Design & Construction Committee minutes was made by Kennedy and seconded by Lellbach.
2. Park District - Tom Stibbe
a. Sled Hill and Ice Rink
Stibbe reported the sled hill and ice rink were up and running and in good shape due to the recent snow and upcoming colder temperatures.
b. Annual Flower Beds
The Park District has contracted with three different growers and ordered the spring flowers. They will be delivered in May.
3. Moser Tower Rehabilitation - Brian Dusak
Dusak reported that the technical drawings and concepts designed by GRWA are moving forward. They are working with a paint manufacturer to help develop a painting specification for the steel and metal repairs to match the existing paint as closely as possible. They will do a small test patch prior to including in final bid documents. The next steps are developing quantities and costs for the improvements, while providing a breakdown of what is necessary and what would be considered an enhancement. More information will be forthcoming at the next PDC Committee meeting.
In conjunction with the Moser Tower Rehabilitation, ERA is working on the repairs to the railing/curbing at the Paddle Boat Quarry structural walkway. Dusak thanked Stibbe and staff for their assistance in removing a section of pavers so the cross section could be assessed. Dusak inquired if there were any additional pavers in storage. Stibbe advised that the pavers were special ordered and that a decent supply had been stored. Stibbe added that salvaging the existing pavers would be preferred and the Park District could assist with the removal of pavers to store while the repairs take place. Dusak will advise Stibbe and provide measurements when needed.
Friant inquired about the timing of the repairs. Dusak advised that work would begin when the weather is more favorable and the project would go out to bid in early to late spring.
4. Riverwalk Master Plan - Pat Kennedy
Kennedy updated the Committee on the development of the Communications and Fundraising teams for the Master Plan. Joseph will head the Communications team, joined by Aguilar. Kennedy shared an outline provided by Joseph which listed the following objectives: 1) to create a Communications plan that will increase visibility and awareness of the Riverwalk 2031 Master Plan among City residents, Riverwalk visitors, partners and prospective donors; and 2) implement the plan which will involve engaging additional resources to pay for signage, manage social media and develop presentations to support fundraising. The plan could be developed within the next six to eight weeks and will be presented to the Committee and Riverwalk Commission. Kennedy stated they were looking to engage someone from the Park District with expertise in communications and Erickson suggested reaching out to the City’s Communications Department.
Meetings were held with Kennedy, Erickson, Novack and former Riverwalk Commission Chairman Geoff Roehll to discuss implementation of the Fundraising team. They are working with the Riverwalk Foundation and looking for additional team members.
No new business was discussed.
Riverwalk Commission, February 10, 2021, 7:30 a.m.
On Zoom Video Conferencing App
Riverwalk Planning, Design & Construction, March 2, 2021, 7:30 a.m.
On Zoom Video Conferencing App
Riverwalk Commission, March 10, 2021, 7:30 a.m.
On Zoom Video Conferencing App
Riverwalk Planning, Design & Construction, April 6, 2021, 7:30 a.m.
On Zoom Video Conferencing App
A motion to adjourn was made by Lellbach and seconded by Erickson at 7:52 a.m. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY