
Peoria Standard

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Peoria City Council met April 25

City of Peoria City Council met April 25.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

A Regular Meeting of the City Council of Peoria, Illinois, was held on April 25, 2023, at 6:00 P.M. at City Hall, Council Chambers (Room 400), 419 Fulton Street, with Mayor Ali presiding, and with proper notice having been posted.


Roll Call showed the following Council Members were present: Allen, Cyr, Grayeb, Jackson, Jensen, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Ruckriegel, Velpula, Mayor Ali- 11. Absent: None.


Arbor Day


Council Member Oyler moved to approve the minutes of the City Council Meeting held on April 11, 2023, as printed; seconded by Council Member Allen.

Approved by roll call vote.

Yeas: Allen, Cyr, Grayeb, Jackson, Jensen, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Ruckriegel, Velpula, Mayor Ali- 11;

Nays: None.


(23-133) Communication from the Mayor and Corporation Counsel with a Request to APPROVE the DECLARATION OF LOCAL STATE OF EMERGENCY.

(23-134) Communication from the City Manager and Director of Community Development with a Request to APPROVE the 2023 ANNUAL ACTION PLAN for Submittal to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), with a Total 2023 Grant Allocation of $2,805,022.00.

(23-135) Communication from the City Manager and Director of Public Works with a * Request to APPROVE the LOW BID of J.C. DILLON, INC. in the Amount of $494,340.00 for the CULVERT REPLACEMENT TRIBUTARY C UNDER GLEN AVENUE, with an Additional Authorization of $49,460.00 (10%) for Contingencies, for a Total Contract Award of $543,800.00. (Council District 3)

(23-136) Communication from the City Manager and Director of Public Works with a Request to APPROVE an AGREEMENT with GIS WORKSHOP, LLC., for Work Order Management Software Services, in the Amount of $16,873.00.

(23-137) Communication from the City Manager, Finance Director/Comptroller, and Director of Information Systems with a Request to APPROVE the LICENSE AGREEMENT for the Tyler ERP System with MUNIS and ENERGOV, and Associated Maintenance and Support Services.

(23-138) Communication from the City Manager and Director of Public Works with a Request for the Following: (Council District 3)

A. APPROVE a Local Agency AGREEMENT for the JURISDICTIONAL TRANSFER of GLEN AVENUE, from SHERIDAN ROAD to ILLINOIS ROUTE 40 (KNOXVILLE AVENUE), from the County Highway System to the Municipal Street System.

B. ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 18,063 Approving the TRANSFER of a Portion of GLEN AVENUE, from SHERIDAN ROAD to ILLINOIS ROUTE 40 (KNOXVILLE AVENUE), from the County Highway system to the Municipal Street System.

(23-129) Communication from the City Manager and Fire Chief with a Request to ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 18,064 Related to FIRE SERVICES RECOVERY with a Third-Party Vendor.

(23-139) Communication from the City Manager and Corporation Counsel with a Request to ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 18,065 Approving the Private Activity BOND Allocation of 2023 Volume Cap to the TRI-COUNTY RIVER VALLEY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY.

(23-140) Communication from the City Manager and Director of Public Works with a Request to ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 18,066 VACATING 194 feet by 16 feet (0.071 Acres) of an ALLEY Running Parallel and Perpendicular to VAN BUREN STREET, and Bounded Generally by 113 VAN BUREN STREET, N.E. JEFFERSON AVENUE, and the GREATER PEORIA MASS TRANSIT CAMPUS at 2105 N.E. JEFFERSON AVENUE. (Council District 1)

(23-141) Communication from the City Manager and Director of Community Development with a Request to Concur with the Recommendation from the Planning & Zoning Commission and Staff to ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 18,067 REZONING Property from Class R-4 (Single-Family Residential) District to a Class I-2 (Railroad/Warehouse Industrial) District, for the Property Located at 111 VAN BUREN STREET (Parcel Identification N. 18- 03-230-021), Peoria, IL.34036 CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS APRIL 25, 2023

(23-142) Communication from the City Manager and Director of Community Development with a Request to Concur with the Recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission and Staff to ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 18,068 Approving a SPECIAL USE in a Class R-4 (Single-Family Residential) District for an URBAN FARM, for the Property Located at 1603 and 1607 S. WESTMORELAND AVENUE (Parcel Identification Nos. 18-18-453-015 and 18-18-453-016), Peoria, IL. (Council District 1)

(23-143) Communication from the City Manager and Director of Community Development with a Request to Concur with the Recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission and Staff to ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 18,069 Approving a SPECIAL USE in a Class R-3 (Single-Family Residential) District for a SHORT-TERM RENTAL, for Property Located at 611 E. TRIPP AVENUE (Parcel Identification No. 14-28-431-013), Peoria, IL. (Council District 3)

(23-144) Communication from the City Manager and Director of Community Development with a Request to Concur with the Recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission and Staff to ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 18,070 Approving a SPECIAL USE in a Class R-4 (Single-Family Residential) District for a SHORT-TERM RENTAL, for Property Located at 1404 W. CIRCLE RD (Parcel Identification No. 14-32-132-003), Peoria, IL. (Council District 2)

(23-145) Communication from the City Manager and Director of Community Development with a Request to Concur with the Recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission and Staff to ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 18,071 Approving a SPECIAL USE in a Class P-1 (Parking) District for a ACTIVE RECREATIONAL PARK, for Property Located at 112 W. NEBRASKA AVENUE (Parcel Identification No. 18-04-128-037), Peoria, IL. (Council District 2)

(23-146) Communication from the City Manager and Finance Director/Comptroller with a Request to RECEIVE and FILE the Month-Ended FEBRUARY 28, 2023, UNAUDITED FINANCIAL REPORT.

Mayor Ali questioned if the Council wished to have any of the Consent Agenda items removed for further discussion.

Council Member Kelly requested to remove item 23-135 from the Consent Agenda.

Council Member Velpula moved to approve the Consent Agenda items as outlined in the Council Communications; seconded by Council Member Kelly.

Item Nos. 23-133, 23-134, 23-136 through 23-146 (excluding Item No. 23-135 which was removed for further discussion) were approved by roll call vote under the Omnibus Vote Designation.

Yeas: Allen, Cyr, Grayeb, Jackson, Jensen, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Ruckriegel, Velpula, Mayor Ali-11;

Nays: None.

(23-135) Communication from the City Manager and Director of Public Works with a * Request to APPROVE the LOW BID of J.C. DILLON, INC. in the Amount of $494,340.00 for the CULVERT REPLACEMENT TRIBUTARY C UNDER GLEN AVENUE, with an Additional Authorization of $49,460.00 (10%) for Contingencies, for a Total Contract Award of $543,800.00. (Council District 3)

Council Member Kelly questioned why this project was not included in a previous stormwater drainage construction project at this location.

Public Works Director Rick Powers explained this problem was discovered during course of work on the Glen and Sheridan Road Culvert Project. He clarified that for the City of Peoria to incorporate the Culvert Replacement Tributary C project into the repair, it would have added a significant amount of planning time to account for the additional work. The extra preparations would have continued to significantly impact the operations of a local business, Red Carpet Car Wash. The decision to delay this project was because of the urgency of the situation.

Council Member Kelly asked about the effects of stormwater drainage downstream from Dry Run Creek and if there were plans in place to address this issue.

Director Powers explained future stormwater drainage projects were in the planning phases city¬ wide and a significant amount of money was allocated to projects downstream in Dry Run Creek but also to various other locations in the City of Peoria.

Council Member Kelly moved to approve the Low Bid of J.C. Dillon, INC, in the Amount of $494,340.00 for the Culvert Replacement Tributary C Under Glen Avenue; seconded by Council Member Riggenbach.

Motion to approve the Low Bid of J.C. Dillon, Inc., in the amount of $494,340.00, for the Culvert Replacement Tributary C Under Glen Avenue was approved by roll call vote. Yeas: Allen, Cyr, Grayeb, Jackson, Jensen, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Ruckriegel, Velpula, Mayor Ali -11;

Nays: None

REGULAR BUSINESS ITEMS, with Recommendations as Outlined:

(23-147) Communication from the City Manager and Director of Public Works with a Request to APPROVE the SOLE SOURCE PURCHASE of Pavement Marking Material (Modified Urethane Paint) from COLORADO PAINT, in the Amount of $79,687.50. (Requires 2/3 Vote of Council Members Voting- No Less Than 6 Votes) (All Council Districts)

Public Works Director Rick Powers explained the Sole Source designation for this purchase was due to the history of this paint being used by Public Works, but also because of the City’s partnership in purchasing this with Peoria County and the difficulties of finding companies who sell the product.

Council Member Oyler moved to approve the Sole Source Purchase of Pavement Marking Material from Colorado Paint, in the amount of $79,687.50; seconded by Council Member Cyr.

Motion to Approve the Sole Source Purchase of Pavement Marking Material from Colorado Paint, in the amount of $79,687.50 was approved by roll call vote.

Yeas: Allen, Cyr, Grayeb, Jackson, Jensen, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Ruckriegel, Velpula, Mayor Ali -11;

Nays: None

(23-148) Communication from the City Manager and Chief of Police with a Request to APPROVE the SOLE SOURCE Annual Subscription CONTRACT with SHOTSPOTTER, INC. (SST INC), for ShotSpotter Flex, a Gunfire Location, Alert, and Analysis Service, with a Recommendation of a 3-Year Renewal, in the Amount of $300,984.00 per Year. (Requires 2/3 Vote of Council Members Voting-No Less Than 6 Votes)

A handout of the ShotSpotter presentation was distributed to all Council Members. The presentation can be found here: bit.ly/3HiSU51

Police Chief Eric Echevarria gave a brief overview of the presentation, emphasizing it would highlight the ways the Peoria Police Department used ShotSpotter. He introduced Captain John Briggs and Management Analyst Jacob Moushon.

Jacob Moushon started the presentation by explaining one of the main ways the Peoria Police Department used ShotSpotter was by using it in conjunction with National Integrated Ballistic Information Network, (NIBIN) to enhance police investigations. He explained that Police used NIBIN when they found shell casings at crime scenes. Those shell casing were in turn scanned to create a ballistic fingerprint, like a human fingerprint, which was a unique identifier to each individual weapon. Police used this to create an investigative spiderweb, which could link multiple shootings together through identical ballistic fingerprints. When Police received a ShotSpotter alert; the recording of the shots fired, and the location of the shots became available, and it generated a report number which was tied into their existing records management system. This data would then be uploaded into NIBIN and which started the investigative spiderweb of determining if those weapons were used in other shootings. Using this data, he said they could identify common suspects, vehicles, victims which turn into investigative leads.

Council Member Cyr asked how long the Peoria Police Department had used this software and if there were any bad experiences with it. Chief Echevarria explained the Police started using ShotSpotter in 2013, and since he had become Police Chief, he said he could not think of any circumstances where it was detrimental to the Department or to citizens. Captain John Briggs stated during his time overseeing the investigative division, he never had a bad experience. He explained it was used to support several cases in litigation and noting it was a powerful forensic tool.

Council Member Allen inquired about how the impact of ShotSpotter was factored into policy and procedure making and if there had been an assessment of those policies and procedures. Captain Briggs prefaced his explanation by stating the Peoria Police Department policies were certified through a Certified Law Enforcement Auditor (CLEA). During a recent internal review of all policies he said all policies passed the certification and the Peoria Police Department was still awaiting their certificate. He reminded the Council the policies were available on the City of Peoria’s website at www.peoriaqov.org/884/General-Orders-Policies-and-Procedures . He explained each policy was discussed and reviewed on an annual basis.

Council Member Riggenbach stated his appreciation of the investigative process the Peoria Police Department utilized with ShotSpotter and NIBIN. He asked about other similar types of software and why ShotSpotter was chosen. Chief Echevarria explained that Flock Safety, Inc. had a program called Flock Safety Raven, which was like ShotSpotter, but he said the technology was less advanced, so no consideration was given to Flock Safety Raven as a potential choice.

After Council Member Riggenbach referenced the presentation previously given by ShotSpotter at the April 11, 2023, Council Meeting, he moved to approve the Sole Source Annual Subscription Contract with ShotSpotter Inc. for ShotSpotter Flex, a Gunfire Alert Location, and Analysis Service with a Recommendation of a 3-Year Renewal, in the Amount of $300,984.00 per Year; seconded by Council Member Kelly.

Discussions were held regarding distinctive ballistic soundwaves, whether ShotSpotter could differentiate between shoots fired inside or outside vehicles, how the program helped the Police Department to identify various types of activity, how the Police Department’s policies and procedures increased the effectiveness of ShotShopper, whether it would be beneficial to expand or change the service area, and the reason for designating the contract as a sole source purchase.

Council Member Jensen spoke highly of ShotSpotter and explained how valuable it was to the Peoria Police Department. She supported the expansion of the service area and was glad to be able to support the contract. She gave credit to former Mayor Jim Ardis for his involvement in bringing ShotSpotter to Peoria.

Council Member Ruckriegel thanked Chief Echevarria, Captain Briggs and Mr. Moushon for their thoughtful presentation, and he requested the presentation be added to the City of Peoria’s website so it would be available to the citizens of Peoria.

Council Member Allen inquired about ShotSpotter’s ability to handle days with large volumes of data to process, like fireworks celebrations on 4th of July. Mr. Moushon said that on those types of days, ShotSpotter wwould turn off the alerts but still record the data from the sensors.

After Council Member Ruckriegel discussed with Chief Echevarria the effectiveness of ShotSpotter as a tool for the Police Department, Mayor Ali spoke about the importance of these types of tools to help manage and solve crime.

Motion to approve the Sole Source Annual Subscription Contract with ShotSpotter Inc for ShotSpotter Flex, a Gunfire Alert Location, and Analysis Service with a Recommendation of a 3-Year Renewal, in the Amount of $300,984.00 per Year was approved by roll call vote.

Yeas: Allen, Cyr, Grayeb, Jackson, Jensen, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Ruckriegel, Velpula, Mayor Ali -11;

Nays: None

(23-149) Communication from the City Manager and Director of Public Works Regarding the ADAMS AND JEFFERSON SIGNAL UPGRADE / ONE-WAY to TWO-WAY CONVERSION PROJECT (ADAMS STREET from WILLIAM KUMPF BOULEVARD TO HAMILTON BOULEVARD, and JEFFERSON AVENUE from WILLIAM KUMPF BOULEVARD to FAYETTE STREET), with a Request for the Following: (Council District 2)

A. APPROVE a LOCAL AGENCY AGREEMENT for Federal Participation with the ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (IDOT) to Request 90% HSIP Federal Funding, in an Amount Not to Exceed $1,804,551.00; and

B. APPROVE a RESOLUTION Authorizing the City’s Estimated Minimum Local Agency Funding Match ($9,195,449.00), Subject to IDOT Approval; and,

C. APPROVE a STATE MOTOR FUEL TAX RESOLUTION, in the Amount of $3,200,000.00 for Construction Costs; and,

D. APPROVE an AGREEMENT for Reimbursement of Construction Costs to State Facilities with IDOT, in an Amount Note to Exceed $47,679.00.

E. Council Member Ruckriegel stated that he would be abstaining from voting on this item.

Council Member Oyler moved to approve a Local Agency Agreement for Federal Participation with the Illinois Department of Transportation to Request 90% HSIP Federal Funding, in an amount not to exceed $1,804,551.00; seconded by Council Member Grayeb.

Motion to approve a Local Agency Agreement for Federal Participation with the Illinois Department of Transportation to Request 90% HSIP Federal Funding, in an amount not to exceed $1,804,551.00; was approved by roll call vote.

Yeas: Allen, Cyr, Grayeb, Jackson, Jensen, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Velpula, Mayor Ali—10;

Nays: None;

Abstention: Ruckriegel—1.

Council Member Oyler moved to approve a Resolution Authorizing the City’s Estimated Minimum Local Agency Funding Match ($9,195,449.00), Subject to IDOT approval; seconded by Council Member Grayeb.

RESOLUTION NO. 23-149-B was approved by roll call vote.

Yeas: Allen, Cyr, Grayeb, Jackson, Jensen, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Velpula, Mayor Ali—10;

Nays: None;

Abstention: Ruckriegel—1.

Council Member Oyler moved to approve a State Motor Fuel Tax Resolution, in the Amount of $3,200,000.00 for Construction Costs; seconded by Council Member Grayeb.

RESOLUTION NO. 23-149-C was approved by roll call vote.

Yeas: Allen, Cyr, Grayeb, Jackson, Jensen, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Velpula, Mayor Ali—10;

Nays: None;

Abstention: Ruckriegel—1.

Council Member Oyler moved to approve an Agreement for Reimbursement of Construction Costs to State Facilities with IDOT, in an Amount not to exceed $47,679.00; seconded by Council Member Grayeb.

Motion to approve an Agreement for Reimbursement of Construction Costs to State Facilities with IDOT, in an Amount not to exceed $47,679.00 was approve by roll call vote.

Yeas: Allen, Cyr, Grayeb, Jackson, Jensen, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Velpula, Mayor Ali—10;

Nays: None;

Abstention: Ruckriegel—1.

(23-150) Communication from the City Manager with a Request to APPROVE a RESOLUTION Naming the Parcel Located at 3917 S.W. ADAMS STREET to “FREEDOM & REMEMBRANCE MEMORIAL PARK.”

City Manager Patrick Urich clarified this resolution was a follow-up to the real estate transfer the Council approved on February 28, 2023, and the resolution would officially designate this parcel as “Freedom & Remembrance Memorial Park”.

Council Member Jackson thanked Mr. Hoffer and his committee for their many years of work on this project. After extending an invitation to the dedication, she moved to approve a Resolution Naming the Parcel Located at 3917 S.W. Adams Street to “Freedom & Remembrance Memorial Park”; seconded by Council Member Grayeb.

RESOLUTION NO. 23-150 naming the parcel located at 3917 S.W. Adams Street to “Freedom & Remembrance Memorial Park” was approved by roll call vote.

Yeas: Allen, Cyr, Grayeb, Jackson, Jensen, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Ruckriegel, Velpula, Mayor Ali—11;

Nays: None.

(23-151) Communication from the City Manager and Director of Community Development with a Request to Concur with the Recommendation from the Planning & Zoning Commission to ADOPT ORDINANCE A, OR from Staff to ADOPT ORDINANCE B, Amending Appendix A, the Unified Development Code, Relating to MEDICAL/ADULT USE CANNBIS DISPENSARIES, CULTIVATION CENTERS, CRAFT GROWERS, INFUSERS and PROCESSORS.

Community Development Director Joe Dulin gave an overview of the proposed ordinances, explaining there was a split recommendation between the Planning & Zoning Commission and Staff. Ordinance A came from the Planning & Zoning Commission and Ordinance B was formed by Staff after the direction given by the Council from the Special City Council Meeting held on March 21, 2023. Director Dulin explained both ordinances replaced the permitted use designation with special use in industrial zoning districts. Each ordinance also had wording to explain the special use designation expired after 6 months but could be extended by another 6 months with permission from the City Manager. In addition, both ordinances state the City will no longer accept special use applications if all the licenses were used. Director Dulin referenced Ordinance No. 18,062 which limited the total licenses issued to 6 within the City of Peoria boundaries. The difference between the two ordinances was in Ordinance A, the Planning & Zoning Commission felt these special uses should be allowed in the Warehouse Form District, whereas in Ordinance B, Staff added the direction given by the Council to prohibit the special use in all Form Districts.

Council Member Jensen moved to adopt Ordinance B, amending Appendix A, the Unified Development Code, Relating to Medical/Adult Use Cannabis Dispensaries, Cultivation Centers, Craft Growers, Infusers and Processors; seconded by Council Member Ruckriegel.

Council Member Allen asked for clarification on the City’s acceptance of special use applications. Director Dulin clarified that because of how quickly the special use designation expired, once 6 applications were taken, no more would be accepted.

Council Member Riggenbach asked Director Dulin if any of the public attended the Planning & Zoning Commission meeting where these ordinances were discussed. Director Dulin stated the only attendees were the members of the Planning & Zoning Commission. Council Member Riggenbach gave Director Dulin praise for Ordinance B, because it captured the direction the Council had worked towards on the March 21, 2023, Special City Council Meeting.

ORDINANCE NO. 18,072 was adopted amending Appendix A, the Unified Development Code, Relating to Medical/Adult Use Cannabis Dispensaries, Cultivation Centers, Craft Growers, Infusers and Processors, was approved by roll call vote.

Yeas: Allen, Cyr, Grayeb, Jackson, Jensen, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Ruckriegel, Velpula, Mayor Ali—11;

Nays: None.

(23-152) Communication from the City Manager and Corporation Counsel with a Request to CONSIDER the SITE APPLICATION for a Class B (Restaurant, 50% Food) Liquor License, with On-Site Consumption and Retail Sale of Alcohol for JUAN L. ALEJANDRE CONCILEON., D/B/A TAQUERIA JALISCO ANTOJITOS MEXICANOS, 2200 W. WAR MEMORIAL DR., #DU19A, with a Recommendation from the Liquor Commission to Deny. (Council District 4)

Council Member Allen said he had received an email from Petitioner regarding the withdrawal of this item, and he moved to withdraw the Site Application for a Class B Liquor License, with on¬ site consumption and retail sale of alcohol for Juan L. Alejandre Concileon., D/B/A Taqueria Jalisco Antojitos Mexicanos, 2200 W. War Memorial Dr., #DU19A; seconded by Council Member Kelly.

Council Member Cyr asked for clarification on denying a site application for a liquor license versus withdrawing a site application for a liquor license. Corporation Counsel Patrick Hayes said when the Council voted to deny an item, there would be a specific time frame in which the Petitioner could come back to the Council for approval, usually requiring substantial changes to the request. For liquor license denials, he said applications must wait a minimum of 6 months before presenting to the Council again. Corporation Counsel Hayes said there would be changes presented to the City’s Code to help formalize this process.

Council Member Riggenbach asked for clarification, referencing a previous circumstance where there was a withdrawal and no vote from the Council. Corporation Counsel Hayes stated the Council makes decisions by voting, further emphasizing his previous statement regarding outlining the process for denials and withdrawals of requests. He stressed the importance of those rules to protect the Council, Staff, and applicants.

Council Member Kelly asked if it was correct that the Council should vote to withdraw the application over denying it. Corporation Counsel Hayes stated he could not advise the Council on how to vote, but said it would be his intent to recommend applicants to speak with the Council should there be any obstacles. In this specific circumstance, he reviewed the reasons the Liquor Commission provided a recommendation to deny, stating it was decided the applicant did not have much recourse to alter their application to be approved later.

Motion to withdraw the Site Application for a Class B Liquor License, with On-Site Consumption and Retail Sale of Alcohol for Juan L. Alejandre Concileon., D/B/A Taqueria Jalisco Antojitos Mexicanos, 2200 W. War Memorial Dr., #DU19A was approved by roll call vote.

Yeas: Allen, Cyr, Grayeb, Jackson, Jensen, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Ruckriegel, Velpula, Mayor Ali—11;

Nays: None.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS (Including but not limited to motions to reconsider items, if any from the previous Regular Meeting)

(23-123) APPOINTMENT by Mayor Ali to the MAYOR’S ADIVSORY COMMITTEE FOR THE DISABLED with a Reguest to Concur:

E. Doug Gathers II (Voting)-Term Expires 6/30/2026

Mayor Ali discussed the questions directed at Corporation Counsel Patrick Hayes, regarding the appointment of individuals living outside of the City of Peoria’s boundaries. She said there were a few individuals serving on other commissions who lived outside City boundaries and that it was decided on a case-by-case basis who would be appointed. Referencing the Mayor’s Advisory Committee for the Disabled, Mayor Ali said there are very few applicants for this commission.

Corporation Counsel Hayes highlighted the rules for the composition of this commission stating it required a broad representation of the community and experience, training, or profession of the affairs and needs of the disabled but did not specify residency in with the City of Peoria boundaries. Corporation Counsel Hayes said the applicant met all these requirements.

Council Member Cyr moved to approve the appointment of E. Doug Gathers II to the Mayor’s Advisory Committee for the Disabled; seconded by Council Member Ruckriegel

Motion to approve the appointment of E. Doug Gathers II to the Mayor’s Advisory Committee for the Disabled, was approved by roll call vote.

Yeas: Allen, Cyr, Grayeb, Jackson, Jensen, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Ruckriegel, Velpula, Mayor Ali—11;



Business License Process

Council Member Velpula requested a Report Back on the license process for local businesses. He said he had a discussion with Finance Director Kyle Crafty and Community Development Director Joe Dulin regarding streamlining this process.

Smoke Shops

Council Member Jackson asked for a Report Back on the Smoke Shops/Vape Shops in the City of Peoria. She expressed her concern about minors’ access to and usage of the products sold in those stores.

Neighborhood Mini Grants

Council Member Jackson expressed her appreciation for the Community Development Department and her excitement at the number of applicants for the Neighborhood Mini Grants. She said she was encouraged to see so many applications for District 1 and the Southside of Peoria.

Great American Clean-Up

Council Member Riggenbach thanked everyone who participated in the Great American Clean¬ up that took place on Saturday, April 22, 2023. He said he was proud of the many Peoria residents who helped clean up their neighborhood, but also of the City Staff who assisted in this process.

Jurisdictional Transfer of Glen Avenue

Council Member Riggenbach referenced item 23-138, the Jurisdictional Transfer of Glen Avenue, from Sheridan Road to Illinois Route 40, saying he was excited to see this approved. He referenced the long history of this item saying it took a lot of work to get to this point and that he was thrilled for the road to be completed.


Seth Peterson, Reference Assistant at Peoria Public Library -Lincoln Branch, spoke regarding the current contract negotiations between AFSCME and Library Management. He detailed his passion for his position had put him at odds with the low wages he received. He then outlined the pay differences for equivalent positions at other Central Illinois libraries. He said Library Management had offered the employees very little and this had forced contract negotiations into mediation.

Reverend Marcus Foqliano, a citizen of Peoria, spoke of the current tide of anti-LGBT bills introduced across the country and how Illinois and Peoria have become a sanctuary for the LGBT community. They criticized the local organization, Discover Peoria, for their homophobic actions and urged the City of Peoria to address this situation.

Alexander Martin, a citizen of Peoria, expressed concern about Discover Peoria and the possible homophobic and transphobic tendencies of the organization. She provided examples that led to this belief, specifically noting a video that was removed from the site. She said Discover Peoria lacked diversity with little to no coverage featuring the communities of which she was proud. Ms. Martin urged the City Council to rally around her and demand Discover Peoria do better.


Consideration of a Motion for the City Council to enter into EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11), litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular public body has been riled and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is probable or imminent, in which case the basis for the finding shall be recorded and entered into the minutes of the closed meeting; and 2(c)(21), discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed under this Act, whether for purposes of approval by the body of the minutes, or semi-annual review of the minutes.

Council Member Cyr moved to enter into EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11), litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular public body has been riled and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is probable or imminent, in which case the basis for the finding shall be recorded and entered into the minutes of the closed meeting; and 2(c)(21), discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed under this Act, whether for purposes of approval by the body of the minutes, or semi-annual review of the minutes; seconded by Council Member Ruckriegel.

Approved by roll call vote.

Yeas: Allen, Cyr, Grayeb, Jackson, Jensen, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Ruckriegel, Velpula, Mayor Ali;

Nays: None.


Council Member Cyr moved to adjourn the City Council Meeting; seconded by Council Member Ruckriegel.

Motion to adjourn the City Council Meeting was approved by roll call vote.

Yeas: Allen, Cyr, Grayeb, Jackson, Jensen, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Ruckriegel, Velpula, Mayor Ali;

Nays: None.

The City Council Meeting was adjourned at 7:23 P.M.




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