
Peoria Standard

Sunday, September 29, 2024

How did Central E Village of Morton: Precinct Morton 03 residents vote in 2020 Presidential Election?

Webp dtjb2927

U.S. President Joe Biden & Former U.S. President Donald Trump | whitehouse.gov

U.S. President Joe Biden & Former U.S. President Donald Trump | whitehouse.gov

As we approach the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election, a review of the 2020 voting patterns in Central E Village of Morton: Precinct Morton 03 can provide valuable insights. In the contest between Donald J. Trump and Joe Biden, 861 of the 993 residents cast their ballots, resulting in an 86.7% turnout, according to the Illinois State Board of Elections.

The voting breakdown in Central E Village of Morton: Precinct Morton 03 reveals 64.3% of the total supporting Republicans, and 33.3% of the votes for Democrats, highlighting the precinct's political preferences.

Overall, 132 registered voters in Central E Village of Morton: Precinct Morton 03 did not vote in 2020.

Additionally, an estimated total of 982 residents were reported to be aged 18 or older in Central E Village of Morton: Precinct Morton 03, according to the last US Census and the 2021 American Community Survey.

The Illinois State Board of Elections ensures the integrity and security of the electoral process in Illinois. They handle candidate certifications, vote tallying, and campaign disclosures. Following a significant cyberattack in 2016, the board also focuses on bolstering electoral cybersecurity. Governed by the Illinois Election Code (10 ILCS 5), the SBE is committed to conducting fair and transparent elections.

2020 Voter Participation in Central E Village of Morton: Precinct Morton 03
NameBirth YearAddressVoted/Didn't Vote
Aaron Jacob Tresenriter2001Winter Haven St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Aaron L. Pickett1975Pierce St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Aaron Todd Osing1996E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Adam B. Moser1982N Main St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Adam G. Lahood1976Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Adam James Newell1997N Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Adam John Kujawa1997E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Adam M. Shenaut1990E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Aimee Terraza Siems1978N Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Aja Anh Phan2001N Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Alan D. Zimmerman1975N Oregon Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Alek C. Atkins1995E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Aleksi R. Knepp2000N Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Alesha A. Lau1978Fillmore St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Alex Jordan Brasel1998N Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Alexander C. Shane1993N Ohio Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Alexander J. Chalmers1928Barrington PL, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Alexander M. Hess1989N Oregon Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Alexandra E. Hansen1993Pierce St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Alexis M. Long1998Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Alicia J. Holden1977N Indiana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Alison L. Worthen1959N Main St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Alissa Kelli Brummett1981Pierce St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Allison J. Anderson1972N Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Allison Marie Kerby1995N Main St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Allison Schieferle Uhlenbrock1984N Main St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Alyssa Joy Pollock1981E Jackson St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Alyssa M. Heppe1980E Tyler St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Amanda J. Hovey1988Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Amanda Jo Lichtenstein2001Fillmore St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Amanda K. Derrick1975Pierce St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Amanda V. Durflinger1984N Oregon Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Amy J. Anderson1988N Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Amy L. Erickson1979N Oregon Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Amy L. Robinson1974N Missouri Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Amy Nicole Repholz1994Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Andrea R. Knepp1975N Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Andrew E. Payne1959N Indiana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Andrew E. Schisler1994E Tyler St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Andrew Michael Ortiz1994N Kansas Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Andrew R. McCurdy1994N Bauman Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Andrew W. Knepp1975N Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Angela A. Castleman1961N Indiana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Angela C. Rebholz1970E Jackson St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Angela D. Clark1968Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Angela D. Green1977N Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Angela L. Scott1972Pierce St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Angela L. Turner1988N 2nd Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Angela R. Simmons1981Pierce St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Angela Rose Schick1996N Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Ann L. Sandoz1955N Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Anna G. Blair1997N Oregon Ct, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Anna M. Hopkins1978N Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Annie Denise Feleccia1982Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Annita L. Ward1943N Main St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Anthony J. Eddy1969Pierce St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Anthony J. Lynn1951E Harrison St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Anthony P. Feleccia1983Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Aoife Fiona Browning1980E Harrison St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Arlan G. Martin1936Barrington PL, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Arron S. Thompson1962E Jackson St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Ashley Christine Valerio1986N Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Ashley Grace Hangartner1984N Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Ashley K. Hamilton1988Fillmore St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Ashley M. Gannon1993Fillmore St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Ashley Nichole Beyer1988N Oregon Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Ashley Nicole Wertzler1997Winter Haven St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Ashley P. Milstead1986E Jackson St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Ashli Mae Jensen1994E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Austin James SimpsonN Bauman Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Barbara A. Dill1938E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Barbara E. Garretts1938E Jackson St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Barbara E. Pruett-Park1948E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Barbara J. Bode1953N Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Barbara L. Goggins1957Oklahoma Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Bayley P. Selburg1997N Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Becky J. Park1956N Kansas Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Benjamin Adam Bucher1981N Illinois Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Benjamin J. Getz1987N Missouri Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Benjamin Ross Fauber1985N Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Benjamin T. Hunsley1975Fillmore St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Beverly D. Alleman1956E Jackson St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Beverly L. Snyder1944E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Blair E. McGath1992Winter Haven St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Bonnie C. Smith1950N Main St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Brad O. Whitaker1975N Bauman Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Braden Sheely1997N Illinois Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Bradley A. Durflinger1983N Oregon Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Bradley M. Baker1975N Main St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Bradley R. Hall1954Fillmore St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Brandon Cannon Hovey1990Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Breanna Renee Kingsley1994N Indiana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Brenda Anne Lee1975N Main St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Brenda S. Robinson1959E Tyler St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Brenda Sheree Hansard1964Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Brent R. Pflederer1949N Main St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Brett A. Woerner1969Summerset St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Brian B. Henderson1970Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Brian D. Moldenhauer1958N Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Brian D. Pittman1955Summerset St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Brian E. Bobbitt1984Pierce St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Brian H. Card1968Oklahoma Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Brian J. Clark1979N Oregon Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Brian Keith Wraight1959Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Brian L. Rebholz1967E Jackson St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Brian M. Spicklemire1986E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Brian R. Newman1974E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Brian S. Hopkins1967N Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Bridget L. Wood2000N Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Brittany J. Arnold1994E Tyler St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Brittany L. Austin1991E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Brittany L. Vanetten1990Summerset St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Brittney A. Arnold1988N Oregon Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Brooke Christine Kaiser1995N Oregon Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Brooke E. Potendyk1989E Jackson St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Bruce C. Lewis1948N Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Bruce E. Garrison1957N Main St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Bryan L. Sweazy1974Winter Haven St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Bryan R. Moser1973N Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Byron K. Butterfield1959Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Caleb J. Feucht1990N Main St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Cameron Brody Shearer1974Pierce St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Candy S. Lush1956E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Carleen M. Farwell1971N Oregon Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Carley A. Baer1998Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Carol A. Hilpert1948Summerset St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Carol Kipfer1951E Jackson St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Carol L. Thompson1941E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Carole K. Wolpers1945E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Carolyn J. T. Schisler1960E Tyler St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Carrie A. Hove1965N Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Carrie M. Trent-Newman1975E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Carrie P. Hoyle1975N Bauman Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Case Jacob Baer2000Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Casey J. Mikel1998N 2ND Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Cassidy Colgan Waltz1998Winter Haven St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Catherine D. Gale1948E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Catherine M. Michel1965Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Catherine N. Oyer1982E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Catherine Odanovich1958N Kansas Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Cathleen L. Chambers1952N Minnesota Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Cathy Ann Fairley1952Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Cathy S. Loser1952E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Chad A. Beeman1971Pierce St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Chad A. Lau1976Fillmore St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Charlene B. Gott1943E Tyler St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Charlene Kay Hauptli1943N Oregon Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Charles Joseph Mason1994N Kansas Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Charles M. Lush1956E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Charles T. Farwell1971N Oregon Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Chase D. Bushman1989Summerset St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Chelsie S. Howard1986E Tyler St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Cheryl D. Wyzlic1962E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Chidambaram M. Singanallur1960N Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Chloe Lynn Patterson2001Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Chris A. Rocke1968N Missouri Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Christian D. Ritchie1975Summerset St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Christie D. Lynn1953Pierce St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Christine E. Demetre1985N Oregon Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Christine E. Gill1966N Minnesota Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Christine E. Greving1951N Oregon Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Christine L. Taylor1990Oklahoma Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Christine L. Zeller1953E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Christine M. Hanson1963Pierce St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Christine M. Seneca1980N Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Christopher Anthony Rajkumar1970N Oregon Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Christopher B. Barnhill1976N Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Christopher David Ripka1968N Oregon Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Christopher Dean Oswald1977N Minnesota Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Christopher L. Garner1982E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Christopher M. Arvin1966N Missouri Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Christopher R. Cashdollar1981N Oregon Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Christopher S. Barnhill2000N Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Christopher W. Davison1973Winter Haven St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Christopher William Hughes1965N Minnesota Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Cindy L. Powell1954N Oregon Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Cj Robert Card1998Oklahoma Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Claigh Turpin1987E Jackson St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Clifford L. Robinson1960E Tyler St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Cody R. Geier1985E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Colin B. Blair2000N Oregon Ct, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Colin Richard Hodel1991E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Colin S. Miller1960E Tyler St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Colleen A. Henderson1971Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Cooper David Anderson1996N Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Corey C. Strunk1978N Bauman Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Cory G. Mason1987N Ohio Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Courtney L. Hodel1991E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Craig D. Anderson1969N Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Craig D. Garber1962N Main St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Craig H. Little1960N Main St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Craig R. Wright1963N Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Craig T. Mason1958N Minnesota Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Cristina Pownall1971N Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Cullen A. Lakemper1999Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Cynthia K. Villa1950N Main St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Dale E. Doran1977E Jackson St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Dale E. Lucas1951N Illinois Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Dale M. Alig1957N 3RD Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Dana A. D. Bischoff1963N Oregon Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Dana J. Brown1987E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Dana L. Beeman1964Pierce St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Dane A. Zeller1987Fillmore St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Dani K. Ross1953N Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Daniel A. Lakemper1957Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Daniel B. Oyer1985E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Daniel C. Derrick1975Pierce St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Daniel D. Martin1954N Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Daniel D. Sutter1982N Main St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Daniel J. Kniep1964N Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Daniel K. Gerdes1988E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Daniel Lawrence Garber1992E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Daniel R. Getz1992N Illinois Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Daniel Timothy White1994N Kansas Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Danielle C. Kurhela1981N Illinois Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Danielle M. Schmidgall1987N Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Darci Leeann Roggy1985N Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Darcy L. Robinson1971N Main St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Darren P. Jarboe1990N Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Darren P. Sheldon1983Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
David A. Lucas1955N Illinois Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
David A. Schisler1958E Tyler St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
David A. White1958N Kansas Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
David C. Sandoz1954N Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
David Carl Nielsen1982N Bauman Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
David E. Neuhauser1943Barrington PL, Morton, IL 61550Voted
David F. Sellars1944Pierce St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
David G. Greving1950N Oregon Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
David J. Engst1966N Oregon Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
David J. Link-Smith1969N Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
David J. Marchulones1976Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
David L. Clark1969Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
David M. Milstead1956E Jackson St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
David R. Baker1993N Oregon Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
David R. Baker1953N Oregon Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
David R. Getz1990N Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
David R. Ripper1946E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
David W. Cottingham1973E Harrison St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
David W. Egle1952E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Dawn E. Tuley1976N Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Dawn J. Overlot1984Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Dawn L. Kelley1949N Indiana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Dawn Marie Baer1974Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Dean A. Hauptli1939N Oregon Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Dean A. Vance1972N Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Debbie L. Rizzo1957N Missouri Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Deborah A. Champion1960Summerset St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Deborah L. Clayton1956N Oregon Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Debra A. Glueck1958N Main St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Debra D. Stalter1958E Tyler St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Debra K. Custer1952Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Debra K. Jones1951N Ohio Ct, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Debra K. Lane1953N Illinois Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Debra S. Maxwell1971E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Debra S. Neff1952E Tyler St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Deidre D. Ripka1976N Oregon Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Deja Dixon1997N Minnesota Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Delana L. Obrero1950Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Delaney N. Farwell2000N Oregon Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Delores E. Demetre1958N Oregon Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Denise L. Piper1963S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Denise R. Erickson1967N Ohio Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Dennis A. Loser1949E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Dennis L. Householter1951Barrington PL, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Derrick L. Claudin1990E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Deshawn M. Wilbern1992E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Diana J. Hayes1946Barrington PL, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Diana L. Rassi1948E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Diana R. Heilman1979Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Diane K. Funk1963Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Diane M. Matheson1952E Tyler St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Diane V. Snyder1950E Tyler St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Dianna L. Mitchell1956N Oregon Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Donald A. Jones1943Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Donald David Carvey1962Winter Haven St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Donald E. Gilfillan-Jones1978N Missouri Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Donald F. Sullivan1940Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Donna J. Miller1968Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Donna L. Jost1956N Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Donna M. Adair1939Pierce St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Donna Pflederer1946N Main St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Douglas A. Lewis1978N Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Douglas B. Baer1967Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Douglas M. Simmonds1959Pierce St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Drew D. Shepherdson1976Oklahoma Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Drew Hove2000N Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Dustin Robert Brown1986Pierce St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Dwight D. Wistehuff1942Barrington PL, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Dylan Anthony Rusinski1997N Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Edward R. Gott1943E Tyler St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Edwin D. Eaton1972Pierce St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Elizabeth A. Sheppard1954N Oregon Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Elizabeth J. Stice1988E Harrison St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Ellen S. Schieber1945E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Ellie Lee Nielsen1981N Bauman Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Emerson A. Newman2002E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Emily Claudin1987E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Emily D. Crutchfield1994N 2nd Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Emily Irene Brown1987Pierce St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Emily K. Getz1986N Main St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Emma K. Short1994N 3RD Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Eric A. Hove1963N Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Eric B. Empson1992N Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Eric D. Schmidgall1986N Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Eric Neil Sterchi1979E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Eric P. Selburg1963N Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Erica W. Boelens1970Fillmore St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Ericka R. Bush1985N Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Erin L. Clark1981N Oregon Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Erin Lynn Geier1986E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Erin Marie Hunsley1977Fillmore St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Eugene J. Muzzarelli1933Barrington PL, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Evan M. Williams2001Pierce St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Faith M. Waterfield1971N Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Frances L. Crusen1952Fillmore St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Francis M. Sutter1926N Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Fred T. Thompson1990N Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Fredrick A. Funk1962Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Frieda M. Vandehand1939N 3RD Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Gabrielle Marie Anderson1997N Minnesota Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Gabrielle Nicole Card1996Oklahoma Ct, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Gabrielle Patrice Garcia1997N Oregon Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Gail M. Milstead1965E Jackson St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Gail M. Renner1951E Jackson St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Garrett L. Horsley1976E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Gary A. Lohr1944N Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Gary A. Robinson1963N Missouri Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Gary Allen Diemer1951E Tyler St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Gary L. Kutkat1944N 2nd Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Gary Redhead1960N 3rd Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Gavin Richard Blair1998N Oregon Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
George A. Neal1949N Missouri Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
George M. Burrier1943E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
George W. Warner1931E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Gerald Douglas Smith1951E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Gerald R. Custer1942Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Gerald W. Waltz1963Winter Haven St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Gina M. Dillon1963Summerset St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Ginny L. Cody1951E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Glenn R. Goggins1953Oklahoma Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Gloria Wolters1958E Tyler St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Gordon D. Honegger1940E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Greg L. Tuley1975N Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Greg P. Garcia1961N Oregon Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Greggory R. Walters1968N Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Gregory A. Robinson1969N Main St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Gregory L. Tuley2001N Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Gregory P. Sheely1968N Illinois Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Gregory S. van Etten1969Winter Haven St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Gregory T. Cravens2000N Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Gretchen E. Weiss1988N Illinois Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Gretchen L. Vance1977N Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Gwendolyn C. Sommer1924E Jackson St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Halle J. Fox1998E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Hannah Katherine Schulte1987E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Hannah Michelle Arvin1997N Missouri Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Harriet Y. See1956E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Harry F. Middleton1946Barrington PL, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Heather A. Ritchie1976Summerset St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Heather J. Remmele1980E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Heather M. Dowl1992E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Heidi June Fleer1986Oklahoma Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Heidi Lynne Woerner1972Summerset St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Heidi R. McDaniel1977E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Holly A. Lahood1979Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Holly J. Surprenant1974N Illinois Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Howard Tyler1985N 3RD Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Isaac E. Ackerman1993Fillmore St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jack L. Goujon1958N Main St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jack M. Alleman1944E Jackson St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jackie E. Park2000E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jacob Aaron Tresenriter1977Winter Haven St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jacqueline Louise Pfeifer2001Summerset St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jacqueline S. Matulis1973N Minnesota Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jaime Nicole Farrell1981Winter Haven St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jakob Patrick Castleman1994N Indiana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Jamee Lynn Congrove1978N Bauman Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
James A. Karosky1954N Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
James A. Newell1965N Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
James A. Parker1941N Main St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
James A. Roecker1936N Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
James B. Erdmier1945Barrington PL, Morton, IL 61550Voted
James B. Snyder1950E Tyler St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
James C. Ingold1989N Oregon Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
James D. Jones1944N Ohio Ct, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
James E. Behme1936Barrington PL, Morton, IL 61550Voted
James F. Neltner1952N Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
James Francis Diemer1979N Oregon Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
James G. Atkinson1980E Tyler St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
James M. Zimmerman1967N 3RD, Morton, IL 61550Voted
James R. Steffen1952Pierce St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
James W. Ackerman1959Fillmore St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jane E. Sullivan1940Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Janell Kay Williams1979E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Janelle N. Mason1988N Ohio Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Janet A. Baker1949N Oregon Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Janet D. Yuhas1964E Tyler St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Janet J. Martin1955N Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Janet L. Harris1951E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Janice E. Braskich1957E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Janice E. Sampson1940Barrington PL, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Janice Loraine Anderson1968N Minnesota Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Janine M. Selburg1967N Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jann L. Moldenhauer1954N Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jared M. Eaton2001Pierce St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Jason A. Leblebijian1991E Jackson St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jason C. Yordy1984N 3rd Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jason J. Killion1973N 3RD Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jason L. Strunk1973N Bauman Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jean A. Honegger1942E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jean P. M. Viguier1986E Tyler St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jeanette C. Sutter1941N Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jeanne L. Clayton1957N Kansas Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jeanne M. Ramirez-Petruzates1959N Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jeff A. Lagrow1961Oklahoma Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jeff Schieferle Uhlenbrock1986N Main St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jeffrey A. Sponholz1962Pierce St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jeffrey A. Teel1955N 3rd Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jeffrey C. Matheson1950E Tyler St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jeffrey M. Anderson1962N Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jeffrey R. Pittenger1970Fillmore St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jeffrey V. Newell1972E Jackson St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jennifer A. Cashdollar1977N Oregon Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jennifer A. Finet1989Summerset St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jennifer D. Earley1969E Tyler St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jennifer D. Kee1974N Main St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jennifer J. Naas1974Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jennifer L. Antrim1973N Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jennifer L. Gillette1983Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jennifer W. Sander1972N Minnesota Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jenninfer L. Allen1985E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Jenny N. Owen1975N Main St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jerald A. Kaufmann1961Van Buren St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jerald R. Hesselberth1944E Tyler St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jered H. Short1988N 3RD Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jerimy Heilman1983Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jesse Paul Alexander1979N Indiana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jestin E. Sheely1994N Illinois Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jill Christine Huette1971E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jill E. Harper1977N Illinois Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jill E. Highfill1971N Main St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jill Elaine King1970E Jackson St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jill K. Moser1974N Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jim O. Maupin1960E Jackson St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Jimmy Jovan Torres1985Pierce St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jimmy Maupin1960E Jackson St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Joan L. Berta1933Barrington PL, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Joan M. Steidinger1964E Tyler St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Joann Wistehuff1941Barrington PL, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Joanne M. Knepp1947N Minnesota Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Joanne M. McHenry1964Pierce St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jodina Renee Carvey1963Winter Haven St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jody I. Eaton1972Pierce St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Joel A. Harper1971N Illinois Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Joel D. Shoemaker1984N Bauman Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
John A. Kujawa1949E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
John D. Shepherdson1948Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
John H. Taylor1986Oklahoma Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
John J. Harper1946N Indiana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
John J. Weiss1960N Illinois Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
John M. Witzig1984N Oregon Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
John P. Getz1972N Oregon Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
John Preston Beyer1984N Oregon Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
John R. Squire1949N Kansas Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
John T. Murphy1966Pierce St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
John W. Hoesly1955N Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
John W. Ward1936N Main St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jon F. Zeller1950E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jonathan Robert Farrell1981Winter Haven St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Joni M. Neaville1964N Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jordan Lee Spicklemire1985E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Jordan R. Wright1995N Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Jorge S. Rizzo1958N Missouri Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Joseph A. Erickson1978N Oregon Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Joseph Anthony Laktas1970N Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Joseph C. Gabbert1982N Main St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Joseph E. Crusen1952Fillmore St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Joseph G. Sander1971N Minnesota Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Joseph M. Bender1958Pierce St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Joseph W. Blair1965N Oregon Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Joshua D. Eaton1998Pierce St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Joshua Gene McKee1979E Jackson St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Joshua J. Bush1984N Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Joyce E. Newman1951E Tyler St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Joyce L. Schlesier1936Summerset St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Judith A. Hooley1944Pierce St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Judith C. Hesselberth1945E Tyler St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Judith K. Hart1942Pierce St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Judith L. Ripper1951E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Juil T. Boling1950N Main St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Julia D. Foster1980Pierce St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Julia E. Shane1960N Ohio Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Julianne K. Fauber1983N Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Julianne T. Eddy1969Pierce St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Julie A. Blair1965N Oregon Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Julie A. Newell1966N Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Julie A. Schmidgall1984E Harrison St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Julie Christine Voss1971N Main St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
June E. Stoller1945E Tyler St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Justin C. Sieben1976Winter Haven St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Justin E. Dillard1991Pierce St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Justin Jon Bolkema1989E Tyler St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Justin K. Schick1995N Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kala M. Handegan1971N Main St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Karen A. Strunk1962Winter Haven St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Karen E. Seitz1948E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Karen J. Julien1945Fillmore St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Karen K. Boyd1940E Jackson St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Karen L. Lohr1945N Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Karen M. Zimmerman1969N Oregon Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Karen S. Rogers1950N Main St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Karen Tarbuck1940Barrington PL, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Karlie Noelle Kniep1999N Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kasey William Goeken1984Pierce St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Katherine A. Card1967Oklahoma Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Katherine M. Barnes1972N Oregon Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kathleen A. van Mieghem1947E Tyler St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kathleen S. Smidt1959Barrington PL, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kathryn A. Link1949N Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Kathryn I. Sponholz1957Pierce St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kathryn Rose Witzig1984N Oregon Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kathy J. Shaw1950N Oregon Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Katie Marie Bolkema1990E Tyler St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Katie Michelle Whalen1981N Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Katie S. Kraft1980N Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Katlin Sage Bollenbach2001Summerset St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Katrina I. Hansen1979E Jackson St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Kay G. Modugno1942Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kay L. Garber1962N Main St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kayla R. Darnell1989Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Kaylee N. Lichtenstein1999Fillmore St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Keith A. Stoller1945E Tyler St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Keith Alan Waters1975Fillmore St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Keith J. Braskich1956E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kelley G. Maxwell1977E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kelli Jo Moser1976N Main St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Kelly D. Pearce1975E Tyler St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kelly R. Marquardt1961E Harrison St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Kelsey A. Feucht1989N Main St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kelsey Dyan PhillisN Bauman Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kelsey M. V. Leblebijian1991E Jackson St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kelsie Alane Rocke1999N Missouri Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kendall Leigh Wertzler1961Winter Haven St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kendra A. Craig1981E Tyler St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kennedy C. Whalen2000N Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kenneth B. Newman1954E Tyler St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kenneth D. Kaufman1955N Main St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kerstin A. Zauke1980Pierce St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kevin A. Rapp1995Winter Haven St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kevin G. McBain1987N Oregon Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kevin Michael Miller1973E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kevin R. Zauke1977Pierce St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kevin Wayne Grose1970N Bauman Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kim A. Rocke1968N Missouri Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kim S. Weiss1961N Illinois Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kimberly A. Garcia1964N Oregon Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kimberly Kay Zeller1987Fillmore St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kimberly L. Weber1968N Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Kirk W. Bode1953N Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kirsten L. Schaub1970N Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kori S. Tresenriter1976Winter Haven St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Krista M. Getz1989N Missouri Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Krista Rae Kazmer1989E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Kristen E. Shaner1964N Missouri Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kristi M. Ruxlow1975N Oregon Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kristine N. Kniep1969N Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Krystyna Bush1948N Minnesota Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Krystyna M. Brown1982E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Kurt Nathan Hutchings1982N Missouri Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kylie Elizabeth Pfeifer1999Summerset St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Kyra A. Killion2001N 3RD Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Lance A. Piper1965S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Larelda M. Birky1930Barrington PL, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Larry R. Thompson1951Winter Haven St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Laura Ann Shimkus1985Oklahoma Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Laura B. Huber1963E Jackson St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Laura E. Murphy1927N Minnesota Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Laura J. Dunton1965N Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Laura Lynn Grose1975N Bauman Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Laura M. Craig1991E Harrison St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Lauren Bauter Getz1992N Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Lauren E. McBain1988N Oregon Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Lauren L. Middleton1978N Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Laurie J. Perrilles1961Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Leon L. Schieber1943E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Lester R. Rench1959N Ohio Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Lewis L. Koranda1950Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Lila L. Martin1936Barrington PL, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Linda J. Kerby1963N Main St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Linda L. Egle1949E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Linda M. Johnson1961Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Linda R. Neuhauser1944Barrington PL, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Linda S. Smith1959E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Lindsay A. Mathers1993N Missouri Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Lindsey B. Jarboe1990N Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Lindsey K. Beeney1985N Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Lisa D. Striegel1978Summerset St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Lisa M. Ehret1967Fillmore St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Lisa Marie Tillison1979N Main St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Lisa N. Darche1981Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Logan R. Hangartner1982N Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Lonn D. Stalter1955E Tyler St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Loretta S. Neal1947N Missouri Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Lori A. Rowe1971E Harrison St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Lori Ann Clark1964Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Lorissa C. Osmers1973E Jackson St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Louis G. Metz1973Oklahoma Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Lukas A. Hansen1989Pierce St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Luke John Pfaffmann1997E Jackson St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Luke Robert Sander2001N Minnesota Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Lura L. Muzzarelli1933Barrington PL, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Lyndsie Mae Ingold1989N Oregon Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Lynn E. McDonald1943E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Lynn Garber1943E Tyler St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Lynn M. Harper1949N Indiana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Lynn M. Wiley1958N Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Lynne A. Clark1946E Jackson St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Madelyn Racich2000N Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Madison Blair Fisher19963051/2 E Harrison St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Manu Gunnar Kurhela1980N Illinois Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Marc D. Houghton1974E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Marc Matulis1962N Minnesota Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Marcia M. Menold1954Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Marcus Boelens2000Fillmore St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Maren Jo Adams1967Pierce St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Maria J. McKibben1946N Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Mariah J. Thompson1995E Jackson St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Marian M. Smith2020E Harrison St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Marie L. McInerney1954Pierce St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Marilyn M. Behme1936Barrington PL, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Mark A. Schuler1975Pierce St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Mark A. Wise1970E Jackson St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Mark Alan Kee1974N Main St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Mark Craig1981E Harrison St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Mark E. Dick1972N Minnesota Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Mark J. Demetre1957N Oregon Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Mark L. Gannon1956Fillmore St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Mark L. Pfeifer1969Summerset St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Mark M. Smith1974N Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Mark W. Sefried1976Oklahoma Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Marnie M. Dick1973N Minnesota Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Marsheila R. Amaral1957E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Marta J. Lucas1961E Harrison St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Martha L. Householter1955Barrington PL, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Martha L. Newell1973E Jackson St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Martha Sue Ackerman1958Fillmore St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Martin R. Hanson1963Pierce St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Mary A. Klein1958N Oregon Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Mary A. Wilbern1992E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Mary C. Getz1969N Oregon Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Mary E. Lakemper1962Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Mary E. Lynn1958N Main St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Mary E. Oswald1977N Minnesota Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Mary E. Runyon1951E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Mary J. Davis1951Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Mary J. Thompson1962E Jackson St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Mary K. Kujawa1961E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Mary L. Fish1955N Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Mary M. Petersen1942N Minnesota Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Maryann Roth1928Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Matthew B. Koranda1978N Indiana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Matthew C. Finet1988Summerset St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Matthew Carl Craig1981E Tyler St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Matthew F. Witzig1988E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Matthew Miller2000E Tyler St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Matthew S. Mammen1983N Oregon Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Matthew S. Tillison1975N Main St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Matthew W. McGath1991Winter Haven St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Matthew Willis Fleer1982Oklahoma Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Maureen Andrea Sipes1969N 3RD Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Maya A. Phan1999N Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
McLaughin Holt1994N Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Meenakshi Singanallur1966N Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Megan A. Eastman1993N Kansas Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Megan D. S. Levitt1987N Oregon Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Megan E. Holt1996N Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Megan Elizabeth Fisher1997E Harrison St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Megan M. Houghton1982E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Megan Sunshine Garber1993E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Meghan L. Roath1984N Indiana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Melinda G. Neaville1967N Oregon Ct, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Melissa A. Lewis1982N Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Melissa A. Sage-Bollenbach1972Summerset St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Melissa J. Barnhill1979N Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Melvin Jay Beasley1940Barrington PL, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Melvyn G. Gentry1941N Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Merle D. Fairley1947Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Michael D. Edie1961E Jackson St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Michael D. Foster1980Pierce St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Michael E. Fox1965E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Michael J. Champion1964Summerset St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Michael J. Frazee1951N Main St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Michael J. Schulte1985E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Michael J. Shimkus1982Oklahoma Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Michael L. Bush1949N Minnesota Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Michael L. Dietz1954Fillmore St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Michael L. Marquardt1959E Harrison St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Michael L. Sipes1963N 3RD Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Michael L. Wood1972N Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Michael P. Schaub1970N Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Michael W. Petruzates1957N Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Micheal D. Valerio1984N Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Michelle B. Arvin1967N Missouri Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Michelle R. van Etten1972Winter Haven St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Mildred R. Jackson1946E Tyler St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Mindy L. Alexander1978N Indiana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Mollie J. Getz1989N Illinois Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Molly K. Summers1984E Tyler St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Mona Jeanne Gardner1945Barrington PL, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Monica K. Tripp1966N Main St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Monica R. Sidell1968E Harrison St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Myron Ray Litwiller1950Barrington PL, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Nakiel A. Horsley1981E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Nancy A. Lagrow1963Oklahoma Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Nancy C. Goujon1961N Main St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Nancy K. Jones1956Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Nancy K. Sorensen1942N Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Nancy K. Wraight1965Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Natalie L. Friend1983N Oregon Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Natalie R. Schisler1997E Tyler St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Natalie R. Zimmerman1981N Oregon Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Nathan Allen Eichorn1980E Jackson St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Nathan D. Stice1983E Harrison St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Nathan E. Sidell1971E Harrison St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Nathan James Jensen1993E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Nathan Robert Fisher1987N Kansas Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Nathaniel Jay Leman1988E Harrison St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Nathaniel Luke Kaiser1996N Oregon Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Nicholas D. Dennis1985E Jackson St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Nicholas J. Maggioncalda1977Van Buren St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Nicholas J. Striegel1977Summerset St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Nicholas Lance Piper1993S Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Nicholas Michael Hove1998N Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Nicholas R. Summers1983E Tyler St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Nicholas S. Arnold1994E Tyler St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Nicholas V. Detrempd1978N Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Nichole B. Schmidt1986N Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Nicole E. Davis1995E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Nicole J. Sweazy1976Winter Haven St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Nicole L. Wilson1979N 3rd Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Nicole Marie Bushman1990Summerset St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Nikolaus G. Auer1987N Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Norma J. Greene1953N Indiana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Norma Jean Wertzler1932Winter Haven St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Norman F. Cloyes1929E Tyler St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Norman N. Dubert1987E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Olivia A. Shenaut1992E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Olivia R. Gabbert1981N Main St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Olivia V. Furrer1943Pierce St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Pamela Dawn Lewis1952N Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Pamela E. Lichtenstein1969Fillmore St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Pamela S. Maibach1946Pierce St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Patrica D. Farris1934Winter Haven St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Patricia A. Benker1961E Tyler St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Patricia A. Middleton1948Barrington PL, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Patricia A. Yordy1982N 3rd Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Patricia J. Hall1954Fillmore St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Patricia M. Parker1940N Main St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Patrick Howard Schmidt1984N Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Patrick J. Pownall1966N Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Paul A. Mihelic1948E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Paul G. Dowl1988E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Paul Russell Friend1982N Oregon Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Paula A. Brasel1967N Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Paulette R. Hoyle1949N Bauman Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Peggy A. Smith1961E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Peggy J. Sellars1952Pierce St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Penelope A. Garrison1961N Main St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Peyton Richard Hopkins1997E Jackson St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Philip J. Seneca1979N Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Phillip E. Gardner1943Barrington PL, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Phyllis A. Koranda1949Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Porter K. Osmers2000E Jackson St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Prenda R. Gannon1961Fillmore St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Preston J. Squire2002N Kansas Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Preston L. Gale1947E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Priscilla D. Reinking1950E Tyler St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Rachel A. Eichorn1979E Jackson St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Rachel A. Henderson2002Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Rachel C. Gardner1977N Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Rachel D. Miller1964E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Rachel Marie Waterfield1999N Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Ralph E. Garber1939E Tyler St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Randall T. Smith1964Fillmore St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Raymond G. Otto1950N Oregon Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Raymond L. Schmidt1941Winter Haven St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Rebecca A. McDaniels1978N Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Rebecca D. Schmidtgall1975Fillmore St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Rebecca Jean Gilles1950Barrington PL, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Rebecca R. Jones1952N Kansas Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Rebekah Dennis1986E Jackson St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Rebekah L. Garber2001N Main St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Reginald R. Smidt1957Barrington PL, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Regis Farwell1946Summerset St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Reid J. Aberle1993N Main St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Renata J. Anderson1961N Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Renee L. Osborne1973N Ohio Ct, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Rhonda G. Haffner1966E Tyler St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Richard A. Pollock1950E Harrison St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Richard I. Kopp1944E Tyler St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Richard John Huxtable1955N Missouri Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Richard L. Shaw1950N Oregon Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Rick Hansard1961Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Ricky E. Clayton1956N Kansas Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Riki L. Strunk1952Winter Haven St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Robert A. Cody1953E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Robert A. See1957E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Robert D. Knapp1941Barrington PL, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Robert E. Worthen1952N Main St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Robert F. Handegan1961N Main St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Robert L. Morrow1982N Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Robert T. Levitt1985N Oregon Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Robert W. Chione1949Pierce St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Robert W. Mayo1982N Missouri Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Robert Wayne West1980N Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Roberta M. Keyser1948N Minnesota Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Rodney Carl Hostetler1958N Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Roger D. Kujawa1957E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Ronald L. Thompson1938E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Ronald P. Ruffini1966E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Rosa L. Ackerman1990Fillmore St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Rosalie Ann Lux1939N Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Roxalyn K. Dwyer1952N Ohio Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Roxie D. Bochmann1953N Oregon Ct, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Rozell Lewis1938N Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Ruby Kay Cloyes1939E Tyler St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Russell J. Lux1936N Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Rusty A. Pittman1978Summerset St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Ryan F. Naas1974Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Ryan G. Byers1988N Oregon Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Ryan M. Whalen1979N Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Ryan Michael Wood1998N Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Sally Ann Tripp1941N Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Samantha Joy McKee1981E Jackson St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Samuel M. Badgerow1993N Indiana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Sandra K. Kopp1944E Tyler St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Sandra S. Burrier1944E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Sara A. Miller1956N Minnesota Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Sara J. Marchulones1975Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Sara L. Menold1987E Tyler St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Sarah A. Byers1988N Oregon Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Sarah E. Demetre1981N Oregon Ct, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Sarah E. West1981N Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Sarah Katherine Litwiller1950Barrington PL, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Sarah L. Bobbitt1987Pierce St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Sarah Lynn Lykkebak1986N Main St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Sarah M. Gerdes1988E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Sarah T. Hutchinson1981E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Sarah Tate Chambers1987N Minnesota Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Scott A. Johnson1959Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Scott A. Welch1966E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Scott A. Welty1967E Jackson St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Scott Allen Hassett1965N Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Scott B. Hodel1962E Jackson St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Scott D. Nichols1974Oklahoma Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Scott D. Weber1965N Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Scott L. Clark1964Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Scott M. Middleton1972N Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Scott R. Bruso1964E Tyler St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Scott R. Caulkins1958N Ohio Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Sean J. Mikel1970E Tyler St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Sean M. Overlot1981Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Sedona McCartney2002N Minnesota Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Seth Lowe1988N Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Shameka N. Harris1984N 2nd Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Shannon L. Killion1973N 3RD Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Shannon Marie Wood1974N Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Sharilyn K. Rassi1955N Illinois Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Sharon A. Howard1952N 3RD Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Sharon E. Sering1956E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Sharon T. Karosky1956N Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Shaun E. Antrim1975N Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Shaun L. Bollenbach1971Summerset St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Shawn M. Darche1976Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Shawn T. Siems1973N Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Sheila Devi Phan1964N Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Sheila L. Auer1956N Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Shelley L. Alberti1972N Illinois Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Shelly L. Brix1968N Oregon Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Shelly S. Caulkins1961N Ohio Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Sherrill L. Kunz1954E Tyler St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Sheryl L. Diemer1951E Tyler St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Shirley M. Gentry1944N Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Shirley O. Selke1934E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Shirley Redhead1938N Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Son A. Phan1969N Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Stacey M. Kaspar1970N Ohio Ct, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Staci Darlene Sterchi1982E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Stacy A. Litersky1974N Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Stacy M. Schuler1978Pierce St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Stephanie E. Miller1967E Tyler St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Stephanie J. Shepherdson1980Oklahoma Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Stephanie M. Tisdale1984N Ohio Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Stephanie Nicholson-Hassett1966N Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Stephanie S. Allen1981E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Stephen E. See1987E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Stephen E. Zeller1987N Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Steve R. Conway1951E Jackson St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Steve Racich1972N Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Steven A. Duckwiler1980Pierce St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Steven A. Gifford1983E Tyler St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Steven B. Michel2001Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Steven Dean Castleman1961N Indiana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Steven E. Arnold1986N Oregon Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Steven Edward Earley1969E Tyler St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Steven R. Hayes1946Barrington PL, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Steven W. Michel1961Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Stig T. Ruxlow1971N Oregon Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Sue Anne Butterfield1960Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Sunshine R. Snyder1975Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Supriya Rajkumar1971N Oregon Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Susan D. Nichols1976Oklahoma Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Susan E. Erdmier1948Barrington PL, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Susan E. Moore1963E Harrison St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Susan G. Crutchfield1969N 2nd Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Susan J. Welty1966E Jackson St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Susan M. Thompson1956Winter Haven St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Sylvia Lacida Caballero1969Winter Haven St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Tahdra L. Teel1963N 3rd Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Tamara L. Shepherdson1952Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Tamara M. Wright1969N Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Tara G. Dwyer1984N Ohio Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Tasha Eileen Pfaffmann1998E Jackson St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Tate K. Chambers1952N Minnesota Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Taylor M. Wright1996N Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Taylor Madison Vanetten1998Winter Haven St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Taylor Marie Bush1999Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Teresa A. Jones1955Pierce St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Teresa R. Shumaker1973N Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Terri A. Hamilton1963N Kansas Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Terri L. Hostetler1963N Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Terri L. Metz1968N Indiana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Terry E. Powell1954N Oregon Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Terry G. Wiley1956N Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Terry L. Rassi1946E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Terry L. Rogers1946N Main St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Terry R. Tisdale1982N Ohio Ct, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Tessa R. Gilfillan-Jones1979N Missouri Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Theodore P. Kidd1941N 2nd Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Theresa M. Bender1948Pierce St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Theresa M. Shields1956Winter Haven St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Thomas E. Davis1948Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Thomas E. Ross1953N Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Thomas James Gill1966N Minnesota Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Thomas N. Stanesa1941Van Buren St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Thomas P. Boelens1966Fillmore St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Thomas R. McKibben1946N Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Thomas S. King1966E Jackson St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Timothy A. Cashdollar1988N Missouri Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Timothy B. Lichtenstein1968Fillmore St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Timothy J. Lindner1966Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Timothy James Roath1981N Indiana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Timothy L. Flanagan1975Pierce St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Timothy W. Siscoe1967N Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Tina M. Sellers1961E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Todd M. Schneider1975E Jackson St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Todd S. Highfill1973N Main St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Todd Schnider1982E Jackson St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Toni L. Wilson1954E Jackson St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Trace A. Davis1991E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Trace E. King1998E Jackson St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Tracy A. Rusnak1978N Main St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Tracy Jean Bucher1985N Illinois Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Travis Daniel Kniep1997N Oklahoma Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Travis J. Surprenant1971N Illinois Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Tressa Marian Leman1993E Harrison St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Tucker Anderson1998N Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Valerie C. Smith1965Fillmore St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Valerie E. Steffen1953Pierce St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Valerie L. Lindner1967Taylor St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Vera A. Knapp1943Barrington PL, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Veronica M. Hucker1934Barrington PL, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Veronica M. Stalter1990E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Victoria A. Marshall1972E Jackson St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Victoria A. Smith1976N Nebraska Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Vince S. Beeney1984N Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Walter Donald McInerney1949Pierce St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Wayne A. Knepp1946N Minnesota Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Wendy G. Badgerow1960N Indiana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Wendy S. Fox1967E Polk St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Wendy Sue Bright1966Pierce St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Whitney J. Pfeifer1969Summerset St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
William A. Glueck1942N Main St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
William C. van Mieghem1941E Tyler St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
William D. Wingfield1955N Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
William Derek Wingfield1982N Ohio Ave, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
William E. Fish1952N Montana Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
William J. Shaner1964N Missouri Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Winifred Martha Rio1973Barrington PL, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Ying R. Lin1987N Kansas Ave, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Zachary R. Earley1995E Tyler St, Morton, IL 61550Voted
Zachary Richard HansonPierce St, Morton, IL 61550Didn't Vote
Zachary W. Owdom1992E Tyler St, Morton, IL 61550Voted



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