Chillicothe City Clerk Jill Byrnes | City of Chillicothe
Chillicothe City Clerk Jill Byrnes | City of Chillicothe
City of Chillicothe Public Works Committee met March 6.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
The public works committee met on March 6, 2024 at 4:30 p.m. in the council chambers at city hall. Present: Chairman Sharp, Alderperson Vanbruwaene, Alderperson Bredeman
Also present: Mayor Hughes, City Engineer David Horton, Superintendent Sutherland, Office Manager Passage
Chairman Sharp called the meeting to order at 4:33 p.m.
Public Comment
High Usage Waivers - Nothing to report
Lien Report - Nothing to report
Review - Budget 23-24 - Superintendent Sutherland reported:
Road & Bridge - 35.17%
Motor Fuel Tax - 85.37%
At this time budgets should be at 83.30%
Driveway - Santa Fe - in Right away - Superintendent Sutherland withdrew this agenda item.
Curb Repair - South Bay Dr. - Superintendent Sutherland reported that the curb at 130 S Bay Dr. was removed when the water utility was installed and needs replaced. He presented a cost estimate from Engrebrecht Construction for $4,400.00. He explained there is approximately 55 feet of curb that needs replaced. The consensus of the committee was to present to council for approval at the March 11 council meeting.
Project Update - Engineer Horton reported:
Bradley Street Drainage Grant project is moving forward. He is working on the design. He advised that he met with ED Director Beadles, Superintendent Sutherland, Mayor Hughes, Alderperson Sharp and Office Manager Passage to discuss the project. There are a couple of areas outside of the grant that he will seek alternate bids for when bidding the project. Areas are to capture additional storm water on Elm and to potentially connect Truitt to the drainage area.
2. Benedict Street Bridge Repair - He is working on specifications and recommended that we waive the bid process as there are only a few contractor's that will do this type of work. He will obtain proposals from a few contractors.
3. Sycamore Street Project - He advised that he is still waiting on IDOT approval of the final paperwork.
4. Cloverdale Road Project - He advised that the City was awarded the grant from PPuatts for $400,000.00 for the overlay of Cloverdale Road. The city's cost is $160,000 which includes the engineering cost. He is working with IDOT to determine if this is a reimbursable grant, where the city pays the full cost and then has to wait for IDOT to reimburse.
5. Truitt Project - The estimated remaining cost for the city to pay for this project is $57,505.00. This will be included in the 24-25 Fiscal year budget.
6. 4th Street Water Valves - He reported that the contractor has begun uncovering of the water valves. Superintendent Sutherland reported the GIS locations of the valves that IDOT provided have been correct and no valves at this time have had to have extra digging. Alderman Vanbruwaene questioned if the project is done as there is still posts at the traffic light section and wanted to know if they were moving the cross-walk button to the new posts. Engineer Horton stated that he would check. Engineer Horton stated that he is still trying to get a meeting with Kensil Garnett, IDOT Engineer.
7. Pine Street Water Main - He reported the plans are at EPA for review. This is a TIF Project
Lead Service Line Requirement - Superintendent Sutherland reported that he is working on gathering the information that the EPA is requesting. The first report is due April 15. He stated that the citizens are responding and turning in their forms that the public works has distributed.
Council Agenda Items - Approve - Curb Repair - S Bay Dr.
Approve - Waive Bid Process - Benedict St. Bridge Project
Chairperson Action - Nothing
There being no further business the consensus of the committee was to adjourn at 5:10 p.m.