
Peoria Standard

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

City of Pekin Beautification Committee met March 19

Webp 8

John P Abel, 1st Alternate Mayor Pro Tem | City of Pekin

John P Abel, 1st Alternate Mayor Pro Tem | City of Pekin

City of Pekin Beautification Committee met March 19.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

1. Call to Order

Meeting was called to order at 5:21pm

Attending: Jacob Brisbin, Charity Gullett, Kendra McDaniels, Shannon Sandoval, Dean Schneider, John Dorsey. Absent: Tanya Swearingen

2. Approve Agenda

A motion to approve the agenda was made by Charity and seconded by Kendra, Vote taken, motion passed.

3. Approval of Minutes

Minutes from the November 21, 2023 meeting were approved on a motion made by Kendra and seconded by Charity. Vote taken, motion passed.

4. Public Input - None

5. Old Business

5.1. Citywide clean-up day April 20th - Jacob working on more specific plans for a way to assign volunteers to spread out to various areas across the city. Will meet in the funeral home parking lot at 9am with volunteer organization coordinators to help streamline efforts. Anyone else who wants to volunteer and be assigned a spot will be asked to come at 9:30am. We will provide garbage bags and safety vests. We’ll call the event “Beautify Pekin for Earth Day.”

5.2. New City Flag Design Contest - Jacob talked to the person who worked on a similar project in Peoria County and she recommended taking more time for the process rather than rushing it along. Committee agreed to move to a timeline where the contest will be announced in June and submissions will be due mid-August and the public will be able to have input, possibly at the Marigold Festival.

5.3. New City Welcome Signs - by June we need to have a design proposal. Jacob will work to get a proposal on what the design concepts we have could potentially cost to build. We believe they can be built still this year if we follow this schedule.

6. New Business - None

7. Adjournment

Charity made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:32. The motion was seconded by Kendra. Vote taken, motion passed.
