
Peoria Standard

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Peoria County Board - County Operations Committee met March 26

Webp 14

Phillip Salzer, Board Member - District 7 | Peoria County Website

Phillip Salzer, Board Member - District 7 | Peoria County Website

Peoria County Board - County Operations Committee met March 26.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:



Steve Rieker – Chairperson; Eden Blair – Vice-Chairperson; Jennifer Groves Allison, Camille Coates, Brian Elsasser (via teleconference), Danny Phelan (via teleconference), Rob Reneau, Sharon Williams



Brandy Bryant, Nathan Hoerr



Scott Sorrel – County Administrator; Shauna Musselman – Assistant County Administrator, Jennie Cordis Boswell - State's Attorney's Office; Angela Loftus – County Administration; Heather McCord – Chief Financial Officer; Gretchen Pearsall, Andre Allen – County Administration; Scott Mettille – Sherriff’s Department

Call to Order

Chairperson Rieker called the meeting to order at 1:03 p.m.

Approval of Minutes

A motion to approve the minutes of January 23, 2024 and February 27, 2024 was made by Mr. Reneau and seconded by Ms. Coates. The motion carried (6-0).

A motion to approve the participation of Mr. Elsasser and Mr. Phelan via teleconference was made by Dr. Blair and seconded by Mr. Reneau. The motion carried unanimously.


• Workforce Report

Mr. Sorrel advised that the current report covers applicants, new hires, demographics, and separations for February 2024 and a comparison of February 2023 and February 2024 figures. He noted that February hires do not directly correlate to positions that became vacant in February, due to the differing length of time to fill the various positions. Mr. Sorrel stated that he, Ms. Loftus, or Mr. Allen would be happy to expand on of the data.

Mr. Allen stated that Peoria County has a mature workforce and thinks that is great, but feels that succession plans need to be looked into as employees start to retire.

• Vacancy Report

Mr. Sorrel advised that the most current snapshot covers offices reporting to the County Administrator, Elected Official’s Offices, the Judicial Branch, and Boards Commissions and Agencies through February 2024.


• National Association of Counties (NACo) Public Promise Savi Tool A motion to approve was made by Ms. Williams and seconded by Dr. Blair. Ms. Musselman advised that the county has the opportunity to work with NACo and the Savi Tool they offer. The Savi Tool streamlines the application and qualification process by asking simple questions and completing the application and tracking process for employees. The tool has a 99% submission acceptance rate vs. the average 50% market acceptance. As the employer, NACo allows the option for the County to pay the fee for each user. This will provide a personalized dashboard and employee website tracking tool. The use of the program will also assist with employee education and a reduction in employee debt concerns, engage the younger workforce, and assist with talent attraction and retention.

Mr. Rieker stated that this program seems like a good offering for County employees.

Committee discussion ensued, with Mr. Sorrel and Ms. Musselman answering questions and concerns related to the program.

The motion to approve carried (8-0)

A motion to go into executive session to discuss Labor Relations and Worker’s Compensation was made by Dr. Blair and seconded by Ms. Groves Allison. The motion carried.


Regular session resumed upon a motion by Ms. Groves Allison and second by Ms. Coates.


• Worker’s Compensation Settlement

A motion to approve was made by Dr. Blair and seconded by Mr. Reneau. Ms. Musselman stated that this resolution is to settle a worker’s compensation case in an amount not to exceed $39,600.

The motion to approve carried (8-0)

Public Comment

Mr. Rieker called for any public comments. There were none.


Mr. Rieker stated that there is a tour of the Public Defender’s Office and IT Department after the meeting.


The meeting was adjourned by Chairperson Rieker at 1:35 p.m.
