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Swansea Government Center | Village of Swansea Community and Economic Development | Facebook
Village of Swansea Board of Trustees met April 29.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
Attendees: Board President Michael Leopold, Treasurer John Walter, Village Clerk Tyler Thompson, Village Administrator Ben Schloesser, Trustee Marilyn Neumeyer, Trustee Jeff Parker, Trustee Matt Lanter, Trustee Richard "Rocky" McDonald, Trustee Brian Thouvenot, Trustee Cary Lewis, Police Department Chief Matt Blomberg, Fire Department Chief Chris Tell, and Director of Public Works Rick Tucker
I) Call To Order
II) Pledge Allegiance To The Flag
III) Roll Call
IV) Approval Of Minutes
V) Acceptance Of Minutes Of Advisory Boards/Place On File
VI) Mayor's Announcements/Correspondence
VII) Village Attorney/Village Administrator-Announcements/Comments
VIII) Public Comment
IX) Report Of Committees
A) Personnel Committee - Comments
1. Closed Session To Discuss: "The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity." 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1). Done during committee.
2. Closed Session To Discuss: Executive Session: Litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular public body has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is probable or imminent, in which case the basis for the finding shall be recorded and entered into the minutes of the closed meeting." 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11).
Done during committee
3. Approval to Hire Finance Manager
Motion to Approve: Made by Trustee Parker, seconded by Trustee Neumeyer
Trustee Votes: All ayes
X) Finance Committee Report - Comments
1. Ord. No. 1959 An Ordinance Enacting The Annual Municipal Budget For The Village Of Swansea, Illinois For Fiscal Year 2025, Beginning May 1, 2024 And Ending April 30, 2025
Motion to Read: Made by Trustee Lanter, seconded by Trustee McDonald
Trustee Votes: All ayes
Motion to Approve: Made by Trustee Neumeyer, seconded by Trustee Lanter
Trustee Votes: All ayes
C) Judiciary Committee - Comments- Nothing Requested
D) Community & Economic Development - Comments- Nothing Requested
E) Public Safety Committee - Comments- Nothing Requested
F) Public Works Committee – Comments
1. Res. No. 1-2618 A Resolution Authorizing The President Of The Board Of Trustees To Execute A Contract With Thouvenot, Wade & Moerchen, Inc. 4940 Old Collinsville Rd, Swansea, Il 62226, For Construction Observation Of Boul Avenue Phase II On An Hourly Basis Plus Reimburseables, Not To Exceed $54,768.00
Motion to Read: Made by Trustee McDonald, seconded by Trustee Lanter
Trustee Votes: All ayes
Motion to Approve: Made by Trustee Neumeyer, seconded by Trustee Lanter
Trustee Votes: All ayes
F) Cultural Committee - Comments- Nothing Requested
G) Swansea Report Committee -Comments- Nothing Requested
XI) Old Business
XII) New Business
Trustee McDonald wanted to look into making sure the mobile home park down the street follows ordinances because they went to court for ordinance violations but nobody from Swansea showed up, so it was thrown out. Chief Tell said the street department is tornado sirens and asked if the Board wanted to consider it surplus. He said they could donate or sell it. Board President Leopold wanted to know what it is worth. Trustee McDonald asked who paid for the Village's upgrades. Chief Tell said the County did. Trustee McDonald said Swansea could give it to a municipality. Board President Leopold said to find out what it's worth.
XIII) Announcements
XIV) Adjournment
Motion to Adjourn: Made by Trustee Thouvenot, seconded by Trustee McDonald
Trustee Votes: All ayes