Mayor Rita Ali, City Of Peoria | City Of Peoria website
Mayor Rita Ali, City Of Peoria | City Of Peoria website
The 2024 sealcoating project will commence on Thursday, August 29, affecting various streets throughout the city. Residents directly impacted by the project will receive a door hanger notification 24 hours before work begins.
Upon notification, residents are requested to remove all vehicles parked on the street. No parking and other traffic signs will be placed on selected streets, with no parking areas remaining in effect until the project's completion and removal of the signs.
Sealcoating is a one-day operation. During this process, roads and driveways may have limited access for 30 to 60 minutes. Emergency vehicles will retain access at all times.
Approximately two weeks after road completion, street sweeping will occur to remove loose rocks from the roadway.
The sealcoating project is part of the Public Works Department’s 2024 Pavement Preservation Program. The City appreciates public patience while these treatments are applied to extend pavement life.