1010 Knollcrest DriveWashington$295,800Property Tax: $4,646.98Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.57%Buyer: Shawn and Samantha CartonSeller: Charles and Connie Bradle
401 Elmhurst DriveEast Peoria$149,900Property Tax: $2,871.18Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.92%Buyer: Irina M SherwoodSeller: Scott D. and Tressa G. Vreeland
217 Rustic RoadEast Peoria$475,000Property Tax: $3,302.42Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.7%Buyer: Matthew T. and Jessica PersonsSeller: Charles and Meri Tucker
406 Wagner St.Washington$205,000Property Tax: $3,988.34Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.95%Buyer: Sandy and Bruce McCarsonSeller: William and Ruth Powell