Leah Leman, Ward 2 Alderwoman | City of Batavia Website
Leah Leman, Ward 2 Alderwoman | City of Batavia Website
City of Batavia Plan Commission & Zoning Board of Appeals met Feb. 19.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
1. Meeting Called to Order for the Plan Commission Meeting
Chair Gosselin called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
2. Roll Call:
Members Present: Chair Gosselin; Vice-Chair Moore; Commissioners Joseph and Swiecicki
Members Absent: Commissioners Kieckhefer and LaLonde
Also Present: Drew Rackow, Planning & Zoning Officer; Zach Ewoldt, Planner and Peter Gerardi, Recording Secretary
3. Items to be Removed, Added or Changed
4. Public Hearing: Public Hearing: Amendment to the Official Zoning Map for Multiple Properties at 505, 615, 621, 705, 723, 741, 749, 757, 801 Pine Street and 937 South Raddant Road, City of Batavia, Applicant
Motion: To open the Public Hearing
Maker: Swiecicki
Second: Moore
Voice Vote: Motion carried.
The Public Hearing was opened at 7:01 p.m. Zach Ewoldt gave the staff report for a zoning map amendment that proposes to reclassify 11 properties previously annexed into the City. He noted that the properties, a map of which was shown on the overhead screen, defaulted into the R0, Single-Family Residential Zoning District with annexation. Ewoldt added this is a routine cleanup that takes place after annexations and would place all 11 of the properties and adjacent Right of Way into the R1-L, Single-Family Low-Density Zoning which is consistent with the surrounding uses and with the Official Land Use Map.
Rick Neidhardt, 721 Young Avenue, inquired if there will be construction with this change. Ewoldt indicated that there’s no development or construction proposed with this change and the lots would have the same development standards on his property.
Motion: To close the Public Hearing
Maker: Swiecicki
Second: Joseph
Voice Vote: Motion carried.
The Public Hearing was closed at 7:07 p.m.
Motion: To approve the findings 1 through 10 as drafted by staff
Maker: Joseph
Second: Swiecicki
Voice Vote: Motion carried.
Motion: To recommend approval of a Zoning Map Amendment to reclassify property 505, 615, 621, 705, 723, 741, 749, 757, 801 Pine Street and 937 South Raddant Road from R0, Single Family District to R1-L, Single-Family Low-Density District.
Maker: Moore
Second: Swiecicki
Voice Vote: Motion carried.
5. Preliminary & Final Plat of Subdivision Approval: Hemming Subdivision - 403 North Avenue & 420 Maple Lane, Travis Hemming, Applicant
Drew Rackow gave the staff report saying the application request is to replat two properties to create two lots that conform to the R1-L zoning requirements. He noted that the proposed subdivision would create a new single family lot and currently there are no plans to build. He mentioned that several notations and minor language changes would be needed and added to the plat. Rackow added that a land cash payment would be deferred until time of permit. Commissioner Moore asked about the City right of way in the area. Rackow noted that it’s part of the Maple lane right of way and includes utilities.
Motion: To recommend approval of the Preliminary/Final Plat of Subdivision subject to conditions a & b in the staff memo and as amended with item c addressing a school or park land cash payment being deferred until time of permit
Maker: Moore
Second: Swiecicki
Voice Vote: Motion carried.
6. Matters From The Public (Not On The agenda):
Gene Schneider, 925 South Harrison Street, asked how the City regulates group homes, and if it is an allowed use in a residential zoning district. There is one located near his property, he noted that things are getting out of hand in the last 6 months with lots of people, traffic at every hour of the night and many cars parking in the driveway. Rackow noted that group home is a permitted use in all residential zoning districts. Rackow also noted that Group Homes are protected under federal law, and there are limits to local municipalities’ ability to regulate. Rackow did inform Mr. Schneider that the City does have a registration process and some minimal operational standards outlined in the Zoning Code. He added that the city will investigate to assure all standards and regulations in the Code are being followed by the group home operator on Harrison Street.
7. Other Business:
Rackow said the proposed duplex at 414 South Batavia Avenue was approved by the City Council. He noted that the Tree Commission is reviewing the updates the commission saw in fall for the Tree Preservation Ordinance and that staff is working on updating the Zoning Code for the downtown area based on the downtown plans recommendations.
8. Adjournment: There being no other business to discuss, Chair Gosselin asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting; there was a first by Moore and a second by Swiecicki. By voice vote the motion was carried and the meeting adjourned at 7:31p.m.