With the amount it's obligated to pay pensioners outpacing the funds it has on hand, 56.5 percent of the Peoria Police Pension Fund fund is funded, according to the latest data reported to the Illinois Department of Insurance Pension Division.
Two offenders released on parole in October live in Illinois zip code 61567, according to Illinois Department of Corrections data obtained by Peoria Standard.
School districts in Wyoming, Peoria and Washington were among those in Illinois that paid the least in penalties since 2005 for spiking employee salaries to boost outgoing teachers' retirement benefits, according to data obtained from the Teachers Retirement System of Illinois.
Rep. Thomas M. Bennett (R-Gibson City) recently introduced a bill in the House that would alter the Public Pension Funds Article of the Illinois Pension Code to require the Public Pension Division of the Department of Insurance to make resources available to assist each municipality.
Seven offenders released on parole in October live in Illinois zip code 62644, according to Illinois Department of Corrections data obtained by Peoria Standard.
With the amount it's obligated to pay pensioners outpacing the funds it has on hand, 40.7 percent of the Peoria Heights Police Pension Fund fund is funded, according to the latest data reported to the Illinois Department of Insurance Pension Division.
School districts in Morton, Pekin and Bartonville were among those in Illinois that paid the most in penalties since 2005 for spiking employee salaries to boost outgoing teachers' retirement benefits, according to data obtained from the Teacher
Devry University in Chicago, American Intercontinental University in Schaumburg, and College of DuPage in Glen Ellyn reported the largest share of borrowers of all higher education institutions who defaulted on school loans they started repaying in 2014, according to the latest disclosure from the U.S. Department of Education.
Eighteen offenders released on parole in October live in Illinois zip code 61602, according to Illinois Department of Corrections data obtained by Peoria Standard.
With the amount it's obligated to pay pensioners outpacing the funds it has on hand, 54.5 percent of the Peoria Firefighters Pension Fund fund is funded, according to the latest data reported to the Illinois Department of Insurance Pension Division.
Seven offenders released on parole in October live in Illinois zip code 61615, according to Illinois Department of Corrections data obtained by Peoria Standard.
With the amount it's obligated to pay pensioners outpacing the funds it has on hand, 61 percent of the Pekin Police Pension Fund fund is funded, according to the latest data reported to the Illinois Department of Insurance Pension Division.
Kerton, Pennsylvania and Bernadotte employ the most government workers per capita in Metro Peoria, according to 2017 Illinois State Comptroller financial reports.
The Illinois House of Representatives voted 91-1 Friday to spend $635,570 to build three "lactation and wellness" rooms at the state capitol in Springfield.
With the amount it's obligated to pay pensioners outpacing the funds it has on hand, 39.1 percent of the Pekin Firefighters Pension Fund fund is funded, according to the latest data reported to the Illinois Department of Insurance Pension Division.