Saturday, February 1, 2025
By Local Labs News Service | Mar 28, 2019
Illinois SB1680 passed the state Senate on March 28.
Illinois SB1558 passed the state Senate on March 28.
Illinois HB2124 passed the state House on March 28.
Illinois HB3554 passed the state House on March 28.
Campaign committees in Peoria collectively owe a total of $38,775 in fines, according to records obtained from the Illinois State Board of Elections (ISBE).
Illinois HB1 passed the state House on March 28.
Illinois HB2239 passed the state House on March 28.
Illinois SB1533 passed the state Senate on March 28.
Illinois SB1200 passed the state Senate on March 28.
Illinois SB1460 passed the state Senate on March 28.
Illinois HB831 passed the state House on March 28.
Illinois HB836 passed the state House on March 28.
The following action was taken on March 27 in the House on House bill HR165 ("ame day"): "Resolution Adopted."
Illinois SB1411 passed the state Senate on March 28.
Illinois HB2473 passed the state House on March 28.
Illinois SB205 passed the state Senate on March 28.
Illinois HB1553 passed the state House on March 28.
Illinois SB1581 passed the state Senate on March 28.
Illinois HB2265 passed the state House on March 28.
Illinois HB3320 passed the state House on March 28.